Climate science for a better world: meet Rachael Isphording

By Inna Osmolovsky

Rachael Isphording is a Scientia PhD candidate in the Climate Change Research Center at UNSW (affiliated with the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes). She studies climate science and climate adaptation. These fields focus on understanding how and why Earth’s climate has changed in the past and how it could change in the future. The research involves close work with policymakers, stakeholders and communities, helping better prepare for high-impact, catastrophic weather and climate events. Rachael’s research focuses on understanding how well high-resolution, regional climate models simulate rainfall across Australia, on one hand. On the other, she looks into how this knowledge can be leveraged to improve stakeholder decision-making across sectors. With the official announcement of a third, consecutive, year of La Niña in Australia, her findings are helping local communities to anticipate, prepare and adapt to extreme rain events.

Her passion for climate adaptation research stems largely from her childhood experiences, living through Hurricane Ivan (2004) and Hurricane Katrina (2005). Growing up in Alabama, on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, she witnessed firsthand the detrimental impacts of extreme events and their impact on the communities around her. For her, it’s not just about understanding how weather patterns and extreme events might change in the context of climate change. As a self-described humanitarian, she’s also driven by the “people” side of climate science: what does it mean for us – society – and our overall well-being? What can we do to make things better for future generations?

Her journey into academia started at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. There, she first aspired to become a pilot and research meteorologist, flying into hurricanes to collect data. During the completion of her meteorology degree, she took an Environmental Security course which changed the trajectory of her career.  The course focused on how climate change affects human security, helping her realize where her passion truly lies.

During the completion of her bachelor’s Rachael interned for the NASA DEVELOP Program. She was partnered with decision-makers in ‘Mobile (Alabama) Area Water and Sewer System’ company. Her role involved helping to predict how the future growth of the city could affect the local drinking water reservoir. This directly affected water quality for the local community, including Rachael’s grandparents. Rachael was empowered by the fact that the results of her research—as an undergraduate student—would inform actual decision-making to help her local communities.

Sadly, not all of Rachael’s experiences in academia were positive. After graduating with her bachelor’s and interning with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Rachael pursued a PhD at a U.S. university. The working environment during that time wasn’t very supportive or healthy. Despite her impressive achievements and dedication to pursuing a career in science, she started to lose confidence in her abilities and struggled with her mental health. Rachael realized how toxic the environment was and bravely left the program with a master’s degree.

What helped her through this difficult time was a group of fellow graduate students; they supported each other through the tough times and continue to support each other to this day. They also were the ones to encourage Rachael during her challenging job search following the completion of her master’s degree. After nearly a year of rejections, she was finally offered an internship with a defense contractor at NASA. This internship helped rebuild Rachael’s confidence in herself and her abilities. The program also helped her to remember her lifelong dreams of becoming a scientist and using her knowledge to help people. After completing this program, Rachael returned to the DOE where she worked for over two years. This was when she applied and was accepted into the Scientia PhD program at UNSW, researching climate change and water security – her dream research.

A picture says 1000 words! Rachael studies rainfall across Australia

Nowadays, a typical day in her life—while not traveling abroad for exciting workshops, conferences, and collaborations—includes exploring how well regional climate models simulate rainfall and how rainfall patterns across Australia may change in the future. She works with local stakeholders to understand the challenges they face and determine how climate information can help to inform their decision-making.

While traveling to South Africa for a World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Workshop (September 2022), Rachael worked with fellow climate scientists, Nicholas Herold, and Jorge Vazquez-Aguirre, to help sector leaders from different African countries analyze historical climate data to include in their climate adaptation plans

Understanding rainfall is surprisingly complex – where will it rain? For how long? How much rain will fall, and when? What are the diurnal rainfall cycles? What will rain patterns look like during extreme droughts? Or extreme rainfall? For her research, Rachael is analyzing over 1 terabyte of observational and climate model data. To manage the analyses of such large quantities of data, Rachael works on the Australian supercomputer.

Rachael presents her research at the Swiss Climate Summer School in Grindelwald, Switzerland (August 2022)

Rachael says that she is very grateful to have found such a supportive research department and supervisors at UNSW.  Her all-female supervisory team is a major source of inspiration and encouragement for her as she continues to grow and learn, professionally and personally. She also takes full advantage of being a PhD student – acknowledging that she is still learning and embraces asking others for help to expand her skillset and expertise.

In her role as a Women in Science and Maths champion, Rachael hopes to inspire other women and young girls to pursue careers in STEM. She hopes that by telling the story of her unique career path—the hardships and successes— she would help others to embark and persevere through their own journey of realizing their dreams. Rachael hopes to inspire young girls to believe that their only limitation is their own ambition.

Follow Rachael on Twitter!

Your science in one minute! Can you do it?

By Vina Putra, Wanutcha (Soon) Lorpaiboon and Inna Osmolovsky

On June 24th, our champions had a chance to test their storytelling abilities, by participating in the 1 Minute Thesis Showcase. The challenge is to tell about your research in 1 minute. Vina, Soon and Inna share their experiences from this event.

All the winners of the 1-MT showcase


Every story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. The level of detail given to each of the three parts depends on how much time one has.

The 1 Minute Thesis Showcase (1-MT hereafter) is a stage for postgraduate students to tell the story of their research. In which they engage for four years of their lives. Not only will these stories reach those outside our scientific niche, it is also an opportunity for us to reflect on what the true aim of our research is and what we have achieved in our journey so far.


It takes a skill for a scientist to be able to communicate their research to the public, it takes advanced skills to do that in less than 60 seconds! This is why I appreciated the opportunity to participate in the 1-MT. It challenged my ability to present complex science in a relatable way. Knowing how hard it was to prepare and simplify my research into 1 minute speech, I was amazed by the effort of my PhD fellows, especially our champions! I was also amazed by how much I understood the complex research of other students, ranging from chemistry, marine biology, to psychology.

Here are some points that I learned from the champions’ talks that really adhered in my mind, particularly about using the slides effectively as visual cues:

Highlight the hero of your research:

Caitlin Tedesco, successfully talked about looking at changes in the BRAIN during weight loss surgery and how we may be able to use them in less invasive, alternatives; Divya Shah successfully told us the story about the danger of dinitrophenol despite being popular as a weight loss drug, and how her research is seeking to solve that problem. These champions displayed on their slides simply the heroes – the subject that they are investigating, nothing more.

Caitlin’s slide – how the brain plays a role in gastric bypass surgeries

Unlimited creativity with drawn illustration:

Our champions, Inna Osmolovsky talked precisely about plants ability to move in different directions, with the help of her hand-drawn plants illustration as well as the fun fact that plants do migrate at the rate of 6 km/decade in response to climate change; Daniela Wilner talked about sexual and asexual reproduction in stick insects, and why and how this ability could shape the world, through her simple model organism – the female stick insect.

Inna’s slide – plants are on the move in response to climate change

Create a scene and tell a story:

Sonia Goozee brought us to a battlefield between white fat vs. brown fat. Telling us about their role in obesity. Explaining how the immune cell associated with brown fat cells makes them much better in preventing obesity; Wanutcha (Soon) Lorpaiboon took us on a time travel journey  to the past. She showed how perfluoroalkyl substances have accumulated and are now present everywhere, even our body! Through computational modelling, she attempts to discover better ways to degrade these substances.

Soon’s slide – computer models could help combat the PFA’s from our pizza boxes


The 1-MT was an opportunity to not only tell the story of your research, but to also learn about the research projects of others. Listening to the stories of my fellow scientists inspired me to think about my own research in a new way. I was also fortunate to get a glimpse into how scientists are working tirelessly to improve our lives.

I have learnt from Merryn how breath analysis could help us detect cancerous tumors in our lungs:

Merryn’s slide – breath analysis can captures tumor related molecules, like a net

Karen explained that the success of invasive species lies in their ability to escape natural enemies, which are not present in the new environments:

Karen’s slide – the worst of Australia’s invasive species

Sujlesh told us about the important difference between the mirror opposites of the same molecule. Explaining about the methods she develops to produce only one of them;

Suji’s slide – mirror images sometimes mean vast differences, like the odor molecules of lemons and oranges

And from Sophia’s talk, I discovered how our the prelimbic cortex in our brains helps us learn new movements and transform them into habits:

Sophia’s slide – how the brain helps us learn that this is a push-door

Science is sometimes viewed as grey, emotionless and boring. However, this showcase proved again how creative, diverse and exciting science actually is.


When approaching the 1-MT, it may seem daunting. So many worries will pass through our minds: “I have one chance to deliver the 1-MT this year”; ” Someone will hold a stopwatch to my words”; “There will be hundreds of people in the audience”; “So much to talk about and so little time”; “Will I forget my script?”.

I find comfort knowing that, in any task we do, how we perform in any given instance is not as important as how we will improve for next time.

Congratulations to our champions and all the participants and winners in the 22’ research showcase!

Best overall 1-MT winners. From left to right, Merryn Baker, Katarina Kikas, and Sophia Liang

Come support these three amazing scientists in the 3-minute thesis on August 31st, 2022.