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Entries Tagged as 'Uncategorized'

Multiple games based on different input device

March 23rd, 2010 · Comments Off on Multiple games based on different input device · Uncategorized

In my thesis project, I wish to design, prototype and create multiple games, with each game taking at maximum of 1 month.  This idea is based on the Experimental Gameplay Project carried out by students at CMU, where one person would create a game in under 7 days. I deviate a bit from that in […]



Experience Driven Game Design

March 23rd, 2010 · Comments Off on Experience Driven Game Design · Uncategorized

It’s too often that I see a developer look at a game and say: “I could have made that”. Every time, I make the point of replying: “Why haven’t you?”. Playing a game and acknowledging the development experience is very different to actually building a game from the ground up. It’s a creative process in […]



Real Life Quest: roleplay for good, not evil

March 21st, 2010 · Comments Off on Real Life Quest: roleplay for good, not evil · Uncategorized

Much has been made in the news of the perils of World of Warcraft and other MMORPGs. These devil games are so addictive we can expect otherwise rational beings to play them so hard that they game to death! Slow news days and sketchy journalistic ethics aside, there’s no denying that role-playing games, with their […]



Reasoning About Space

March 21st, 2010 · Comments Off on Reasoning About Space · Uncategorized

“This game cheats!” A cry I’ve heard and said many times before. In many games it appears that the NPCs (non-playing characters) know far too much; in fact, for many artificial intelligent agents this is true. For many games it is enough just to portray an apperance of intelligence, rather than the NPCs being somewhat […]



RPG vs Action study

March 15th, 2010 · Comments Off on RPG vs Action study · Uncategorized

Knowing that Action games and RPG games has lots of element, we decided to focus on the ‘battle’ part of the gameplay. After a bit of research and discussion, we found that each genre has a specific characteristic on the battle side of the gameplay. First, we will elaborate the elements that are commonly found […]



Games for the Blind

March 14th, 2010 · Comments Off on Games for the Blind · Uncategorized

My thesis topic is to create a game for the blind. However, I want this game to appeal to both sighted and non sighted people so that they can play together. I have tried playing some of the games available to the blind and they are far from fantastic…they’re boring. I will be researching what […]



RPG VS Action

March 12th, 2010 · Comments Off on RPG VS Action · Uncategorized

This is my group thesis idea. At the moment, we see that most of the RPG game has several change from traditional characteristics of RPG game, which now have more action element into it. On the other hand, Action games has evolve somehow that adapt some characteristic of RPG game, such as the use of […]



Magic Battle

March 8th, 2010 · Comments Off on Magic Battle · Uncategorized

For my Game Design thesis I’m considering making a game in which players battle one-on-one with magic. I’ll be using the new Microsoft Natal system being developed for the XBOX360. The Natal system uses an infra-red camera to monitor the players’ movements. The idea behind the gameplay is that different arm and hand movements will […]




March 1st, 2010 · Comments Off on Welcome · Uncategorized

Welcome to the new CSE Games Lab blog. The Games Lab is an initiative of the School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of New South Wales. Opened in Feb 2010, the lab will be a location for innovation in game design and interface techniques. A variety of student projects are already in […]



Upcoming – Talking about Teaching: Assessing Less for Better Outcomes

February 11th, 2010 · Comments Off on Upcoming – Talking about Teaching: Assessing Less for Better Outcomes · Uncategorized

9 March: Talking about Teaching Assessing Less for Better Outcomes Discussion facilitated by Helen Dalton & Giedre Kligyte, L&T@UNSW This seminar is aimed at providing an opportunity for conversations and sharing ideas and strategies around teaching.   This seminar will be informal in structure and take the form of talking about teaching as “work in progress”.  […]

