UNSW Sitewide

A collection of posts from across the UNSW Blogosphere!

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PSY-NIN!! Teaser

Posted by on August 25th, 2010 · Uncategorized

Hi Guys,

please have a look and come for our playtesting

We’ll do the playtesting very soon 🙂

Lab 6 – Breakout

Posted by on August 24th, 2010 · Lab

The task in this lab is to automatically generate different levels for the Breakout game written in the lecture. For each of the three layouts below, write a script which creates bricks in this arrangement.

Use two for loops to create the bricks. The outer loop should count the layers. The inner loop should count the number of bricks in each layer. You can base your code on the script I wrote in the lecture.

Assignment 2 – Team Registration

Posted by on August 23rd, 2010 · assignments

Team registration for assignment 2 will start on Wednesday 25 Aug. The maximum number of team members is 2.

You are  supposed to inform your tutor who you decided and arranged to work the ‘assignment 2’ with, during your lab session in week 6 (for Monday lab in week 7).

REMEMBER all team members have to inform the tutor at the same lab session.

REMEMBER that on-line team registration (for example by sending email) is NOT acceptable.

IT Portfolio News

Posted by on August 23rd, 2010 · General

Welcome everyone.

This is the first post of what I hope will become a regular series of posts for IT Portfolio news and related articles. This blog will report on the happenings within the IT portfolios and will provide a less formal area for discussion than official information channels such as the IT at UNSW web site.

I’ll begin by reporting on a range activities and topics within the IT portfolio space and see where it takes us. Obviously, the focus of this blog will be on the status of IT projects and significant changes and improvements in IT, but I would also like to hear from you on topics you would like more information on.

So feel free to get in touch with me if you think there is something that I should post on. After all, there are loads of things happening in the IT department and it is often difficult to get the message out to the wider community.

I will be arranging articles by IT portfolio areas with the addition of a general category for articles that don’t fit any particular portfolio.

Your IT Portfolio Managers and their respective IT portfolios are:

* Learning & Teaching – Greg Fallon
* Operations Services – John Pejkovic
* Finance – Paul Carr
* Research – Hugh Cranswick
* Student & Academic Services – Rodney Griffiths-Green

It is worth noting that a role similar to portfolio management is performed by the Faculty IT Managers in each of their respective faculties. If you are located in a faculty please contact your local IT Manager in the first instance.

A comprehensive (but not complete) description of each portfolio by department and major services can be found here.

AIESEC UNSW Summer 2010-2011

Posted by on August 23rd, 2010 · Internships, Self funded

Global Exchange Projects

Travel Aboard, Make an impact and have the time of your life at the same time with AIESEC this Summer, a global student network of over 100 countries !

AIESEC UNSW will be holding information sessions on the 14th Tuesday and 15th Wednesday September 2010, 1-2 PM, Level 1 Roundhouse – Wurth Room.

Some of the exchange projects AIESEC UNSW are promoting for this Summer include:

  • Young EntrepreneurS Program: Support the next generation of entrepreneurs in Africa through the Young EntrepreneurS (YES) program. Help local students in their task of creating a micro enterprise. Foster their inner entrepreneurial drive by developing their skills in communication, planning and negotiation. Hone your own skills in these areas at the same time.
  • Afritour: Visit Togo/Ghana and contribute to the development of cultural sites and  the local tourism industry. Help promote Togo/Ghana to Africa and the world.  Visit tourist destination of Togo/Ghana and develop a unique connection with  them and the community there. By participating in management and  marketing with the AFRITOUR organisation and the local AIESEC community,  be more than just a tourist!
  • Tourism in Padang, Indonesia: Explore Padang’s tourist attractions and help in local tourism industry. Gain valuable experience in marketing as an intern for the Tourism Department in Padang creating promotions and developing tourism opportunities.
  •  Answers, Solutions, Knowledge in Africa:  Help educate African youth in HIV/AIDS awareness. Give them skills to spread their knowledge themselves. Develop valuable skills in community development and training yourself in a unique environment of diverse backgrounds, education, culture and life experience.  Be part of the solution to one of the biggest problems facing Africa today.
  • The Gk Build Program – Social Entrepreneurship in Phillipines: Build houses and help develop business to directly benefit impoverished communities in Manila. Participate in community building in areas such as health and safety. Be part of a root development project with tangible, rewarding results!

For Further information:

  • Visit their Website: www.aiesecunsw.org or
  • Visit their information table: 11-2PM (Mon to Thurs) Week 6 and 7 OUTSIDE the Main Library

Assignment 2 demo

Posted by on August 23rd, 2010 · assignments

An example app for ass2 can be found at:

Assignment 2: Missile Command

Posted by on August 22nd, 2010 · assignments

You’re task for assignment 2 is to create a game similar to the old Atari game Missile Command. You don’t have to completely reproduce that game, but you should the following elements:

  1. Multiple ‘enemy’ objects falling from the sky
  2. A launcher base at the bottom of the screen.
  3. When the user clicks on an enemy, a missile is launched from the base to hit the enemy.
  4. When the missile hits the enemy, it explodes.


Presentation #2 at SOA Cloud Symposium

Posted by on August 19th, 2010 · Uncategorized

Together with Hiroshi and Kevin, we’ll be presenting more of our evaluation findings at the SOA Cloud Symposium on Oct 6, hope to see you in Berlin!

Title: 10 things you didn’t know about cloud platforms: Azure, GAE and Amazon EC2/SimpleDB

Abstract:  Everyone knows about eventual consistency properties of the cloud, but do you know how long it will take for a piece of data to become consistent/fresh? Despite the aim of providing infinite scalability, is there any hard limits on some of the leading cloud platform services? We know cloud platforms aims to provide auto-scaling, but is it really all magic?

We at the University of NSW and National ICT Australia (NICTA) have been evaluating Cloud platforms over the last 18 months. In this session, we will share with the audience some of these (often surprising) evaluation findings, that should be of interest to application architects and developers looking at designing and building solutions using the cloud.

Engineering Foreign Language Exchange Scholarships

Posted by on August 18th, 2010 · Uncategorized

The Faculty of Engineering Foreign Language Exchange Scholarships (I,L)

  • Up to $4,000
  • Up to 26 weeks

Up to five Scholarships are available annually to encourage undergraduate students in the Faculty of Engineering to participate in the University’s formal international exchange program in a country where the primary language of instruction is neither English nor the language commonly spoken in the student’s home /country. To be eligible, applicants must: be full-time undergraduate students embarking on a period of study overseas which will count towards their UNSW Faculty of Engineering undergraduate program; have gained formal approval for the proposed exchange program; be undertaking the exchange in semester 6, 7 or 8 of their UNSW program; not be returning to their country of birth or long term residence; and, be undertaking exchange at an institution where the medium of instruction is neither English nor a language spoken in the applicant’s home or for international students their country. Applicants will be required to demonstrate that they meet a minimum language level of 5 in the appropriate language before commencing their exchange program. Applicants must be prepared to undertake language studies at The UNSW Institute of Languages and /or in the country of exchange prior to commencing their exchange program.

Selection will be based on academic merit, and the reasons for undertaking the International Exchange. The Scholarship Application must be submitted at the same time as the formal application for the exchange program – due in late May for Session One and late October for Session Two of the following year. Further information is available from the Faculty of Engineering, Tel (02) 9385 6429, E: scholarships@eng.unsw.edu.au.

21st International Youth Leadership Conference – Prague January 2011

Posted by on August 18th, 2010 · conference, Uncategorized

21st International Youth Leadership Conference

Prague, Czech Republic – January 6th – 11th, 2011


Apply now to join a select group of 100 young leaders from as many as 35 different countries for an open-minded exchange of diverse perspectives on contemporary global challenges.

Develop your leadership potential, enhance your networking, interpersonal and public speaking skills, raise your intercultural awareness and benefit from global perspectives.

The IYLC is a week-long forum on world politics, international relations and justice, which will engage you in:

  • A Simulation of a UN Security Council meeting
  • An International Criminal Court mock pre-trial
  • Model European Parliament proceedings
  • Visits to foreign embassies, governmental and other institutions
  • Group debates and panel discussions on subjects of global importance
  • Networking events and dinners with diplomats, politicians and experts

 Apply and secure your place early to take advantage of our 30% Early Bird discounts

For further details go to: www.czechleadership.com
