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21st International Youth Leadership Conference – Prague January 2011

Posted by on July 14th, 2010 · conference

21st International Youth Leadership Conference

Prague, Czech Republic

January 6th – 11th, 2011


Apply now to join a select group of 100 young leaders from as many as 35 different countries for an open-minded exchange of diverse perspectives on contemporary global challenges.

Develop your leadership potential, enhance your networking, interpersonal and public speaking skills, raise your intercultural awareness and benefit from global perspectives.

The IYLC is a week-long forum on world politics, international relations and justice, which will engage you in:

–   A Simulation of a UN Security Council meeting

–   An International Criminal Court mock pre-trial

–   Model European Parliament proceedings

–   Visits to foreign embassies, governmental and other institutions

–   Group debates and panel discussions on subjects of global importance

–   Networking events and dinners with diplomats, politicians and experts

 Apply and secure your place early to take advantage of our 30% Early Bird discounts


Upcoming Seminar – The Flat World has Swung Open: How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education

Posted by on July 13th, 2010 · 392, 393, 643

The Flat World has Swung Open: How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education
Prof Curtis Bonk, University of Indiana
16 July, 10.00am – 11.30am, Learning & Teaching Workshop (Room 416), Level 4 Mathews Building, Kensington Campus

Building on Thomas Friedman’s book, The World is Flat, Curt Bonk’s new book “The World is Open” offers an intriguing look at ten technology trends which he called educational openers. In this presentation he shows how his “WE-ALL-LEARN” model helps make sense of the role of various technologies in open education, including open courseware, open source software, open access journals, open educational resources, and open information communities. As part of this, he will discuss e-books, podcasts, streamed videos, online learning portals, social networking tools like Facebook and Ning, YouTube videos, wikis, and virtual worlds.  Bonk also addresses important questions about the quality of such contents, and how those without Internet access still benefit immensely from these open learning tools and resources. The economic world of Friedman may be flatter, but the educational world is definitely more open than is was a decade or even a few years ago. Open up and enjoy it! See http://worldisopen.com/

You must register to attend at: www.edtec.unsw.edu.au/event_rego/events.cfm

Questions?  Please contact Erin Withers: e.withers@unsw.edu.au, ext 58636

Queensland University of Technology [QUT] – Call to artists, designers, scientists

Posted by on May 7th, 2010 · related topics

Queensland University of Technology [QUT] – Call to artists, designers, scientists
Submissions due 31 May 2010 :: Brisbane, Australia

QUT is seeking expressions of interest for a commissioned art/design work relating to an aspect of science. The work is to be displayed on The Billboard, which measures 45m x 9m, and is used exclusively to exhibit work specifically designed for the space. The Billboard is seen by an estimated 50,000 commuters each day, and is illuminated to form an enchanting image to passers-by and local residents each night.

Visit http://www.ciprecinct.qut.edu.au/

Upcoming: Presentation by Winners of 2009 Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Teaching Practice, 24 May

Posted by on May 6th, 2010 · Showcasing Teaching

Presentation by Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Teaching Excellence Winners
Peter Sheldon and Tracy Wilcox, ASB

May 24, 12.30-2pm, venue tbc (Kensington campus)

Peter Sheldon and Tracy Wilcox, Winners of 2009 VCATE Awards, will come along to share their practice in learning and teaching, followed by questions and a discussion on the issues and strategies raised.

Please note: No lunch will be served at this event.  Please bring along your own lunch if you wish.

Go here to register: http://www.edtec.unsw.edu.au/event_rego/events.cfm
If you have any questions please contact Erin Withers (e.withers@unsw.edu.au; x58636).

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Reasoning About Space (Update)

Posted by on May 5th, 2010 · Uncategorized

Upon doing further research and receiving feedback from my presentation, the direction and focus of my thesis has slightly shifted. I will still be proceeding with the development of an artificial agent that plays the pursuit evasion game, ArtOfStealth, convincingly and realistically, but I will also be looking at creating a modifiable agent framework which can be used to create different functionality and behaviours by using a parameterised and expendable particle filter.

I will also be running a series of experiments using a range of different modifications of this particle filter to see what different kinds of behaviours I can achieve by the modification of 3 main components; the number of particles used to represent the probability density function, the motion model used to predict the movement of player and hence the particles, and also the  observation model used to update the particle distribution.

There are a huge number of different aspects I could look at in this project but I will be trying to narrow the scope such that I don’t get too sidetracked from my initial proposal and also so my project doesn’t blow out of proportion in terms of work and complexity. Because of this I will be looking at only a limited number of algorithms for use in the decision making process and planning process.

Berlin University of the Arts (UdK) Award for Interdisciplinary Art and Science

Posted by on May 4th, 2010 · related topics

Berlin University of the Arts (UdK) Award for Interdisciplinary Art and Science
Entry deadline 31 May 2010

This competition aims to give the impetus and opportunity to artists and scientists to work between the priorities of the arts or between the arts and science. Individuals and groups are eligible to participate. The prize will be awarded on a biennial basis and is endowed with 7,500 Euros.

Artistic Interpretations of Technological Mediation

Posted by on April 29th, 2010 · related topics

SymbioticA Friday Seminar> Speaker: Pernille Leth-Espensen;
Title: ‘Artistic Interpretations of Technological Mediation’;
Time & Location: 3:30-5pm @ SymbioticA;

“In recent years artworks interpreting scientific representations have occurred more frequently. As installation art, they are representing data or processes in nature, in the body, or in society.What might be the motivation for this artistic interest in scientific representations? Pernille will argue that by making unusual, poetic, and unfamiliar scientific representations, artworks are investigating how technologies mediate our actions and our perception of the world. Through this investigation they are also reflecting upon the ethical consequences of these mediations.”

More Info: http://www.symbiotica.uwa.edu.au/activities/friday_afternoons

Artistic Research as Aesthetic Science?

Posted by on April 26th, 2010 · related topics


Call for project presentations
Deadline: May 31, 2010

“Artistic Research as Aesthetic Science?”
Workshop, September 24/25, 2010
In the context of the art, science & business program
of the Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart and in cooperation with the Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen

Art research, artistic research, art-based research or research through, with, about arts are currently popular terms. However, one can speculate about what exactly is meant here, especially when following the international discussion of these terms.

The interdisciplinary workshop “Artistic Research as Aesthetic Science?” is situated within this discussion. Art research as “aesthetic science” is conceived as a process that utilizes artists’ specific knowledge, working methods, and competence and applies them to other contexts outside of the art system. It is neither research about art that then lies in the field of science of art, nor is it research with art that genuinely characterizes artistic production. Central to the discussion are forms of sensual insight that are combined with scientific practices to generate new knowledge.

Experts from the fields of art research, artistic practice, history of science, and philosophy will address these topics in four thematic panels.
Discussed will be questions on:
– Theory (Prof. Dr. Gernot Böhme/Prof. Dr. Florian Dombois),
– Methods and Techniques of Insight (Dr. des. Jutta Voorhoeve/Prof. Dr. Martin Tröndle),
– Organization (Prof. Ursula Bertram/Prof. em. Dr. Wolfgang Krohn), and
– Transfer (Prof. Adelheid Mers/Prof. Henk Borgdorff).

One section is intended for “Project Presentations”: Around ten institutions and projects will have the opportunity to present their work and research with short presentations. This call addresses ongoing or recently initiated programs relevant to the topic “Artistic Research as Aesthetic Science?” to give them the possibility to inform an international audience about their main ideas and experiences. Applications are to be made for 20-minute presentations in German or English; contributions in various formats are possible.

Participants of the section “Project Presentations” are exempted from the conference fee. Catering will be provided by Akademie Schloss Solitude during the course of the workshop.

Please submit your proposal together with a project description by May 31, 2010:

Viola van Beek
Assistant art, science & business
Akademie Schloss Solitude
Solitude 3
70197 Stuttgart

LASER- Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous

Posted by on April 24th, 2010 · related topics

May 10 2010
LASER- Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous

An event about Artists and Scientists who work/think/imagine/engage
at the intersections of the Arts and Science.


Chaired by Piero Scaruffi (p@scaruffi.com) and Tami Spector

Part of a series of cultural events
Sponsored by:
School of the Art Institute of Chicago,
the University of Illinois’ eDREAM Institute,
the University of Calabria’s Evolutionary Systems Group,
Srishti School of Art, Design & Technology,
and USF Dean’s Office of Arts and Science.


Chris Palmer (Artist) on “Tradition Meets Modern Digital Fabrication”
Custom software tools (rhinoscripts | grasshopper definitions)
developed to serve the expression
and fabrication of Middle Eastern styles combining structure and ornament

Therese Lahaie (Artist) on “Longing for the Background”
An unusual combination of glass, steel, motors, lighting and photography is
employed in an investigation of the sciences, the natural world and
contemplative practice. The technical and imaginative possibilities
of LED lighting will also be discussed.

Mona El Khafif (California College of the Arts) on “City Space Share”
Revitalizing and transforming urban activity in a city center through
spatial strategies that recuperate
the street frontage, promote productive inhabitation and initiate
micro-urbanisms that support the local neighborhood.
8:45:  Piero Scaruffi on the next Leonardo Art/Science evening
I will simply preview the line-up of speakers for the next Leonardo evening.

Mona El Khafif is an Associate Professor of Architecture and Urban
Design and Project Coordinator of the
CCA URBANlab, who holds a doctorate in urban design from the TU
Vienna. El Khafif worked in
architectural offices in Germany and Vienna, on projects which
received important urban design
awards including the Otto Wagner Urban Design Award for the
BUSarchitecture Homeworkers project
and the Ortner & Ortner Museumsquartier. El Khafif is a founding
principal of phase 1
Fox_El Khafif_Nuhsbaumer, a co-author of URBANbuild local global, and
has recently
published Staged Urbanism: Urban Spaces for Art, Culture and
Consumption in the Age
of Leisure Society in Germany. Zer01 Artist in Residence.
Therese Lahaie studied Fine Art at Emmanuel College and Glass
Technology at Massachusetts
College of Art, Boston, MA. She is a kinetic sculptor using glass,
low rpm motors and LED lighting
and also has a background in architectural lighting design. At a 2010
Djerassi Artist Residency she
collaborated with NY choreographer Leigh Evans. Their performance
installation called “Quite Two
Departure,” will be premiered at PS. 122 in NYC in July 2010.
Chris Palmer is a Fine Artist who has specialized in traditional and
modern geometric art, textile design,
traditional ornament and folding. After four years teaching Digital
Fabrication in schools of architecture
in Chicago (IIT) and the University of Colorado at Boulder he now
works with Rob Bell in a design build
studio in San Francisco CA. He is a member of an international design
team doing architectural ornament
in middle eastern styles for the American Institute of Mathematics
Research Conference Center in San Jose.
Piero Scaruffi is a cognitive scientist who has lectured in three
continents and published several books on
Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, the latest one being
“The Nature of Consciousness” (2006).
He pioneered Internet applications in the early 1980s and the use of
the World-Wide Web for cultural purposes
in the mid 1990s. His poetry has been awarded several national prizes
in Italy and the USA. As a music historian,
he has published ten books, the latest ones being “A History of Rock
Music” (2003) and “A History of Jazz Music”
(2007). He has also written extensively about cinema, literature and
the visual arts. An avid traveler,
he has visited 121 countries of the world.


Game Prototypes

Posted by on April 23rd, 2010 · Uncategorized

Hey I can’t put my flash files (.swf) on here, but if someone can help me please tell me 🙂

Otherwise you can access two version of my game on http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~nsch392.

The only difference between the two versions are the visual representation of the sunburn gauge.

I know it is incomplete but have a play around, any feedback would be great