City Futures Blog

News and research in housing and urban policy, from Australia’s leading urban policy research centre.

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Entries Tagged as 'Government'

Housing in the coming federal election

March 10th, 2022 · No Comments · Government, Housing

By Prof Hal Pawson, City Futures Research Centre. Originally published at John Menadue’s Pearls and Irritations. Very largely thanks to economic stimulus pumped into the economy to ward off COVID recession, Australia’s housing is now 30% more expensive than in 2019. Add to that, the recent spike in rent inflation greater than at any time since 2008, and […]



Introductory Remarks to Parliamentary Inquiry hearing: Housing affordability and Supply in Australia, 17 November 2021

November 17th, 2021 · No Comments · Affordability, Government, Housing, Housing supply

By Prof Bill Randolph and Prof Hal Pawson. We’d like to thank the Committee for inviting us to address you this morning. The issue of housing supply and its relationship to housing affordability is central to the pursuit of essential reforms to national housing policy. The City Futures Research Centre is one of the leading […]



Challenging the notion of housing reform as ‘political suicide’: household financial stress analysis of Australian political constituencies

October 28th, 2021 · No Comments · Affordability, Government, Housing

By William Thackway & Bill Randolph, City Futures Research Centre. Originally published by the Fifth Estate. In Australia, where more than 60% of voters own their own home, the notion of housing reform policies that may negatively impact housing prices is widely viewed as “political suicide” (Raabus, 2021). The term has been used to describe […]



Does the 5km radius make sense? Analysing the NSW government COVID-19 response

August 18th, 2021 · No Comments · Data, Government, Pandemic, Sydney, Transport

By Nemanja Nikolic, Research Assistant and MPhil Candidate, City Futures Research Centre. In an attempt to control the spread of the virus, state governments have gradually introduced various spatial measures and limitations in local hot-spot areas across the country. The goal of such restrictions is targeted at reducing people’s mobility and avoiding potential spill-overs to […]



Boasting about budget expenditure numbers does not make for a housing policy

August 16th, 2021 · No Comments · Government, Housing

By Vivienne Milligan, Honorary Professor, City Futures Research Centre. Originally published at Pearls and Irritations, John Menadue’s Public Policy Journal. The Federal Minister for Housing and Homelessness, Michael Sukkar, is fond of quoting large numbers when quizzed on what his government is doing to address Australia’s enduring housing crisis.  So, we hear for instance that […]



$1 billion per year (or less) could halve rental housing stress

November 2nd, 2020 · No Comments · Affordability, Government, Guest appearance, Housing, Private rental

By Rachel Ong ViforJ, Curtin University; Chris Martin, UNSW; Hal Pawson, UNSW, and Ranjodh B. Singh, Curtin University. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article. COVID has shown us what’s possible when it comes to alleviating poverty. For six months JobSeeker payments were doubled and then […]



Inquiry into integrated housing support for vulnerable families

October 13th, 2020 · No Comments · Government, Guest appearance, Housing, Indigenous

By kylie valentine, Kyllie Cripps, Kathleen Flanagan, Daphne Habibis, Chris Martin and Hazel Blunden. This is an edited extract from the executive summary of the AHURI Inquiry Report. Read the executive summary, the full report and the policy evidence summary here. Domestic and family violence (DFV), mental illness and problematic alcohol and other drug use […]



Social housing was one hell of a missed budget opportunity, but there’s time

October 8th, 2020 · No Comments · Economy, Government, Housing, Uncategorized

By Hal Pawson. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article. Tonight Labor will deliver its alternative budget and promise that if it was in government it would be investing A$500 million in fast-tracking repairs to social housing, and urging state governments to match it dollar for […]



After COVID, we’ll need a rethink to repair Australia’s housing system and the economy

September 11th, 2020 · No Comments · Affordability, Cities, Economy, Government, Guest appearance, Housing, Productivity

By Hal Pawson, UNSW; Bill Randolph, UNSW; Chris Leishman, University of Adelaide; and Duncan Maclennan, University of Glasgow. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article. A new report from the New South Wales Productivity Commission (NSWPC) announces that “[higher] housing costs […] impose broader economic costs”. […]



A critical academic response to the evidence-free debate on planning reform

August 20th, 2020 · No Comments · Affordability, Government, Guest appearance, Housing, Housing supply

By Malcolm Tait and Andy Inch, University of Sheffield. Originally published on CaCHE Blog. Republished with an introduction by Bill Randolph, City Futures Research Centre. This blog summarises ‘The Wrong Answers to the Wrong Questions‘, a major new report from the UK that brings together a veritable “who’s who” of UK academic planners and those […]

