The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

University of Bonn – 65th International Summer Course for German Language, Literature and Culture

Posted by on October 31st, 2011 · Uncategorized

The University of Bonn is holding it’s annual Summer Course in August 2012. For one month students have the opportunity to study in an International atmosphere in one of Germany’s largest and oldest universities.  

The Summer course not only offers language instruction but also offers insights into German culture and lifestyle. Through excursions and discussions it gives participants a vivid picture of Germany. For more information on the course as well as application procedures please go to . A brochure can also be viewed at the following hyperlink University of Bonn Summer Course 2012 .

If you are interested in applying for this program please contact Catherine Schedlich from the Global Education and Student Exchange Office at .

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