The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

U.S. Consulate General Sydney 2015-2016 Foreign National Student Internship Program

Posted by on July 1st, 2015 · 2015, Art and Design, Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, Business, Engineering, Internships, Law, Medicine, Science, Self funded, Uncategorized, UNSW Summer Break

The U.S. Consulate General Sydney is looking for non-American undergraduate university students to experience working alongside the Consulate’s American and Australian employees as they work on the day-to-day business, political, media, and organizational issues of the United States and Australia, over the 2015-16 Australian summer holidays.

This program aims to establish, promote and maintain relationships between young Australians and Americans as they become leaders in their respective countries. The internship will provide students with valuable educational and practical experience by assisting the U.S. Consulate General in accomplishing its mission goals.

 NOTE: Students who apply for the program must be able to demonstrate they have their University’s permission to participate in the internship and will be receiving University units of credit for the internship. If you would like to apply, please email for further information.

APPLICATIONS OPEN on Friday June 19, 2015 & CLOSE on Friday, July 31, 2015. 

Further information is available at

Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions flyer and the U.S. Embassy website  for more information.


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