The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

Koç University: Summer Course 2012

Posted by on March 11th, 2012 · Uncategorized

Koç University offers comprehensive summer programs addressing international students from various subject areas and interest. Each summer course embodies a distinctive content and opportunities within its unique context.

Please find the basic information about their summer programs below:

“Doing Business in the Middle East & Turkey” 

3-week (17 June – 06 July) intensive summer program focusing on a blend of law-based and business-based discussions on entrepreneurial activity in this region. The program takes place in Istanbul through the collaboration of Koc University and Santa Clara University. It is open to both undergraduate and grad students.


–      5 scholarships are available, equaling a 50% reduction in program fee (details in the application form on the website of the program).

 More information at

 “Cappadocia in Context”

A 3-week program (17 June – 05 July, 2012) designed specifically for graduate students in Cappadocia, led by esteemed Byzantine expert University of Pennsylvania Professor Robert Ousterhout and Dr.Tolga Uyar (University of Paris I) with the contribution of the esteemed faculty members from Koc University. The program comprises a combination of lectures, seminar discussions, site visits and field trip.


–      We will offer up to five $500 grants to help cover travel costs and some portion of the program fee.  The $500 grants will be assessed based on merit and need.

–      Based on a combination of merit and financial need, Koç University will be offering 2 full scholarships for the program, covering the entire program cost.

More info at

“Istanbul through the Ages”  

A 4-week program (02 – 26 July, 2012) taught in modules by leading Koc professors world renowned as Ottoman and Byzantine academicians at our facility in downtown Istanbul. The program is designed for graduate students who are interested in deepening their understanding of Istanbul and adding this value to their academic focus while having a taste of the city with over 12 million inhabitants representing a true melting pot of cultures and faiths.


–      We will offer up to three $500 grants to help cover travel costs and some portion of the program fee.  The $500 grants will be assessed based on merit and need.

–      Based on a combination of merit and financial need, Koç University will be offering 2 full scholarships for the program, covering the entire program cost.

More info at

“Introduction to Ottoman Epigraphy”  

A 2-week program (09 – 20 July, 2012) on Ottoman Epigraphy led by University of Chicago Professors. The program focuses on surveying the development of the Ottoman inscriptions from a chronological standpoint starting with the earliest examples in Anatolia. There will be field trip to Bursa to study inscriptions of critical historical importance in situ. The program is designed for grad students.


–      We will offer up to two $500 grants to help cover travel costs and some portion of the program fee.  The $500 grants will be assessed based on merit and need.

–      Based on a combination of merit and financial need, Koç University will be offering 1 full scholarship for the program, covering the entire program cost.

More info at

The Application Deadline for all programs is 30 April 2012.

Students will receive credits in the program they will attend.

Please note this program is offered by a non-partner organisation and is not a UNSW affiliated course. UNSW students participating in this program are expected to register with the UNSW Global Education and Student Exchange Office. Please email

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