The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

Australia-Korea Foundation: Grants & Scholarships

Posted by on March 22nd, 2012 · 2012, Scholarship Opportunities

Grants & Scholarships Round Now Open  

The Australia-Korea Foundation (AKF) celebrates its 20th Anniversary in 2012 and continues to support projects which advance Australia’s engagement with the Republic of Korea across a broad range of endeavours in the cultural, academic, business and community spheres.


Applications are invited for grant funding in the 2012-13 financial year, for projects commencing between July 2012 and June 2013.


Available for recent Australian graduates or later year undergraduates, the program objective is to develop a group of Australian graduates with a very good understanding of Korean society, politics, economy and culture as well as increase Australia’s capacity to engage with Korea.

How to apply

The online application form can be found through the Department of Foreign Affairs website:

Further information, including funding guidelines and eligibility, can be obtained from the website.

Closing Dates

Grant applications must be submitted by Monday 2 April, 2012 at midnight (EST-Sydney time).

Scholarship applications must be submitted by Thursday 12 April, 2012 at midnight.


AKF Secretariat

Phone: +61 2 6261 9542


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