The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

French Language Programs in Montpellier, France: Institut Méditerranéen de Langues & Services

Posted by on March 27th, 2012 · Uncategorized

Montpellier is a historical city, famous for its university, one of the oldest in Europe, its ideal location on the shores of the Mediterranean, a stone’s throw away from Provence and Spain and its cultural life (international dance and music festival).

The Institut Méditerranéen de Langues & Services (IMLS) aims at combining education with culture and Community Service. Through the partnership with the Montpellier Académie, the IMLS has an agreement for « associations éducatives complémentaires de l’enseignement public ». It forms the relation between universities in France and abroad and offers specific services for students wishing to immerse themselves in the French culture and experience the distinctness of Europe (administrative procedures, registration, academic courses, housing and excursions).

Students maximize their stay by combining theory and practice: academic study at the university, a cultural experience shared with host family as well as a deep immersion into the community through volunteer services in hospitals, NGOs and schools, depending on their skills and interests. International students respond enthusiastically to this alternative form of education which allows them to get a holistic view of the country while developing specific skills and growing from a linguistic, cultural and personal point of view.
Programs include:

1. French language at the University of Montpellier

2. Short intensive, semi intensive Language & Cultural programs at IMLS (available all year round)

3. Service-Learning programs including a course on French institutions and community service (available all year round)

Further information can be found at :

Please note this program is offered by a non-partner organisation and is not a UNSW affiliated course. UNSW students participating in this program are expected to register with the UNSW Global Education and Student Exchange Office. Please email

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