The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

India Study Abroad Centre: Clinical Rotation

Posted by on April 3rd, 2012 · Uncategorized

ISAC offers an exciting clinical rotation in Mumbai. During the program students get to work with local doctors and specialists in surgery, gynecology, pediatrics, oncology, internal medicine and HIV/AIDS. 

The program gives students a chance to learn about healthcare delivery and health problems faced by communities in an urban setup. Students can participate in outpatient clinics, ward rounds and observe surgeries and other medical procedures. This program offers great learning opportunities for pre-meds, medical students, public health students and nursing students who are interested in International health.

Over the 4 weeks the students can experience:  

Hospitals and nursing homes: Work with doctors in a general and surgical hospital. Apart from shadowing doctor during OPD consultations, students get an opportunity to observe general and oncology related surgeries.

HIV / AIDS: Hospitals and nursing homes: Be part of the medical as well as the outreach program of organization working for people affected and infected by HIV / AIDS.

Leprosy: A day trip to Leprosy hospital for students interested in this India-specific illness.  


To know more about ISAC’s experiential learning programs including program costs, dates, application procedures visit or email

Please note this program is offered by a non-partner organisation and is not a UNSW affiliated course. UNSW students participating in this program are expected to register with the UNSW Global Education and Student Exchange Office. Please email

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