The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

Engineering Foreign Language Exchange Scholarships

Posted by on August 18th, 2010 · Uncategorized

The Faculty of Engineering Foreign Language Exchange Scholarships (I,L)

  • Up to $4,000
  • Up to 26 weeks

Up to five Scholarships are available annually to encourage undergraduate students in the Faculty of Engineering to participate in the University’s formal international exchange program in a country where the primary language of instruction is neither English nor the language commonly spoken in the student’s home /country. To be eligible, applicants must: be full-time undergraduate students embarking on a period of study overseas which will count towards their UNSW Faculty of Engineering undergraduate program; have gained formal approval for the proposed exchange program; be undertaking the exchange in semester 6, 7 or 8 of their UNSW program; not be returning to their country of birth or long term residence; and, be undertaking exchange at an institution where the medium of instruction is neither English nor a language spoken in the applicant’s home or for international students their country. Applicants will be required to demonstrate that they meet a minimum language level of 5 in the appropriate language before commencing their exchange program. Applicants must be prepared to undertake language studies at The UNSW Institute of Languages and /or in the country of exchange prior to commencing their exchange program.

Selection will be based on academic merit, and the reasons for undertaking the International Exchange. The Scholarship Application must be submitted at the same time as the formal application for the exchange program – due in late May for Session One and late October for Session Two of the following year. Further information is available from the Faculty of Engineering, Tel (02) 9385 6429, E:

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