The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

Intensive Short Course Drilling Engineering Design

Posted by on October 23rd, 2012 · 2013, Engineering, Sponsored (Partial), UNSW Partner Institution

Intensive Short Course Drilling Engineering Design at the University of Leoben, Austria

June 24 – July 12, 2013


The student will first be introduced to drilling engineering and drilling rigs to understand the engineering requirements for a particular drilling problem. In a second step the basic mechanical components of a drilling rig and their working principles will be explained. The student will develop an understanding of hoisting, rotating and pumping equipment. An introduction to electric machines and automation will be given to complete the general overview of all mechatronic components required to design and build a drilling rig. This information will allow the participant to select components, which are able to fulfill the previously defined requirement specifications and lead into a design competition to develop a drilling machine by individual engineering teams. The final design will outline a drilling machine, based on the specifications developed, its mechanical and electric components, as well as sensors and automation components. The work is completed with an implementation plan, as well as lab experiments with selected components.

Previous knowledge expected:

The course is designed for engineering undergraduates (e.g. mechanical or drilling engineering or similar) who have an understanding of engineering fundamentals, ideally entry level lectures in mechanical and electrical engineering, and automation, basic understanding of drilling engineering. The course also targets graduate students, who are interested in applied engineering problems.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences):

Develop an integrated view of developing design criteria, specifications for a mechatronic system and to have the opportunity to implement elements of the designed system using the example of a drilling rig.


Successful participants will have an understanding of the basic mechanical and electric components of a drilling rig. They will develop the skills to define engineering requirements and develop these requirements into a technical specification. Furthermore the student will be able to define an implementation plan and work on the implementation of different aspects of the designed drilling machine.

This course will be split into lecturing and exercise, respectively lab elements.

To view the full presentation: Intensive Short Course Drilling Engineering Design presentation

NB: The University of Leoben is an exchange partner which entitles students to a major discount.


UNSW students who would like to apply should email for the application no later than February 1st 2013.

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