The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

Keio University: Short-Term Japanese Studies Program in early 2013!

Posted by on November 8th, 2012 · 2013, Language, Sponsored (Partial), Student Exchange, UNSW Partner Institution

Keio University is pleased to announce their new program, the Keio Short-Term Japanese Studies Program (KJSP). The program runs from January 29 to February 14, 2013, and welcomes students from partner universities.

The Keio Short-Term Japanese Studies Program (KJSP) is a two-week intensive program and offers a variety of courses and on-site activities related to Japan. For more information, please view the brochure and website below (available in mid-November).

Please note that participants are exempt from tuition and accommodation fees. Students can apply directly to Keio, and the application deadline is December 5, 2012. UNSW students applying for this program MUST complete the Registration Form and return to

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