The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

Learn French or Arabic at Sciences Po in 2013!

Posted by on December 6th, 2012 · 2013, Language, UNSW Partner Institution

Sciences Po will be organising two programmes next summer, one hosted on their Paris campus and the other one on their Menton campus in the south of France:

French applied to Social Sciences Programme, Paris, July 1– 26 2013

A 74 hour programme of French, at beginners’ level with small-sized classes and individual tutorials,


A 84 hour programme of French intermediate and advanced levels, with rigorous language practice through theatre, workshops and classes about French history and institutional frameworks.

To view the brochure please click here.

Application deadline: Applications will be open from January 15th until April 15th, 2013. Admission will be on a first come first served basis. Places are limited (up to 50 students).

Language Summer Programme, Menton, June 7 – 27 2013

Learn French or Arabic in a 3 weeks programme at beginner, intermediate or advanced levels, with 48 hours of classes.

To view the brochure please click here.

Application deadline: March 22nd, 2013.

Please go to for more information.

UNSW students who apply to either of these courses should complete the registration form and email it to

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