The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

Exeter International Summer School Saturday 20 July – Saturday 10 August 2013

Posted by on February 3rd, 2013 · 2013, Arts and Social Science, Business, Law, Medicine, Scholarship Opportunities, Science, Self funded, UNSW Partner Institution

The University of Exeter has a wonderful Summer Program that gives students the opportunity to enrich their education at the same time as exploring a section of the UK’s top tourist attractions. In 2013 they offer eight academic pathways:

  • Global and Imperial History
  • Global Climate Change
  • International Management
  • International Relations
  • Law
  • Physical Activity and the Environment: 21st Century Medicine
  • The Psychology of Crime
  • Shakespeare and his world

Full details on fees and how to apply are available at

UNSW students who apply for this program must also complete the UNSW Registration Form and return it to

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