The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

DAAD-Deutschlandkundlicher Winterkurs Jan 2012

Posted by on July 20th, 2011 · Uncategorized

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) – Deutschlandkundlicher Winterkurs for advanced students. For 6 weeks in January and February 2012

 A small scholarship with a big impact

This year’s winner of the Eurovision Song Contest, singer Eldar Gasimov (Duo Ell / Nikki) from Azerbaijan, participated in a Sommerkurs (the equivalent for the winter courses for students from the northern hemisphere) at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt in 2008. He studied piano, practicing singing and acting on the side, and speaks fluent German as he demonstrated in Düsseldorf.

In co-operation with the Universities of Duisburg-Essen, Freiburg, Leipzig and the IIK Duesseldorf, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is once again offering scholarships for a six-week Deutschlandkundlicher Winterkurs from January to February 2012. This is an exciting opportunity for students and junior faculty members with a sound knowledge of German (min. B1, preferably B2) wanting to improve their language skills and their understanding of contemporary affairs.

The course is open to all Australian and New Zealand undergraduates, graduates and junior faculty members, except graduates involved in German and German faculty courses. All lectures of the Deutschlandkundlicher Winterkurs will be held in German. Please address any questions regarding credit transfer to your home university.

Duration and locations

  • Courses will last six weeks from January to February 2012 (exact dates depend on selected course)
  • Applicants will be able to nominate a preferred course location on the application form
  • Accommodation is booked via the course organiser

Scholarships include

  • A flat rate course allowance of EUR 750 (ca. AUD 1000)
  • A travel allowance of EUR 550 (ca. AUD 730)
  • A part-cost grant of EUR 975 (ca. AUD 1300) for living expenses
  • Participants should allow EUR 250 to EUR 300 (ca. AUD 400, depending on the current exchange rate) of their own funds for additional expenses.

 Elegibility Requirements

  • Applications from advanced students of all subjects will be accepted, provided they have completed at least two years of university education at the beginning of the Winterkurs.
  • Graduates and PhD students may also apply, except graduates involved in German and German faculty courses.
  • Applicants must have an Australian or New Zealand passport and must be enrolled at an Australian or New Zealand university.
  • Applicants must prove a sound knowledge of German in order to be able to follow lectures and work in study groups. By January 2012, they must have completed at least 2 years of German (not necessarily at university) and gained language skills at the European level B1, preferably B2 to C1.
  • Applicants studying for a Bachelor degree may apply provided they are planning to study for a Master’s in Germany after finishing their Bachelor degree or where equivalent reasons for receiving a scholarship are given. Such a reason could be e.g. the preparation of a thesis during the applicant’s Honours year.
  • Applicants must be at least 18 years of age at the beginning of the course.
  • Applicants may only receive one Deutschlandkundlicher Winterkurs scholarship within three consecutive years.


Application forms are available from

  • DAAD Information Centre Sydney, Dr Andreas Jäger; Email:
  • German Departments at universities in Australia and New Zealand
  • Please make sure all details have been filled in correctly – especially exam results.
  • Please remember to indicate a preferred course location.
  • Please hand in one original application and one copy by August 15, 2011 to

 DAAD Information Centre

c/o Goethe-Institut Sydney

90 Ocean Street

Woollahra NSW 2025

Please note that incomplete applications as well as applications to DAAD headquarters in Bonn will not be considered.

Please contact with any questions or consult

 Applicants will be informed about decisions by the end of October 2011.

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