The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

Aussie Mate Program

Posted by on March 27th, 2011 · Uncategorized

The Aussie Mate Program is a great way to meet new people and get involved in the UNSW Exchange Program. The program aims to assist in welcoming our new incoming exchange students to UNSW and life in Australia. You don’t have to be an exchange student to take part – we are looking for friendly students from all faculties and backgrounds who are interested in getting to know new people (both exchange and other local students), helping them out as they settle into life in Sydney and having fun. We also hope that the program will give future outbound exchange students or returned exchange students a chance to make some connections before going overseas and to maintain them when they return.

If you would like to participate, please contact the Global Education and Student Exchange Office –

For more information: Aussie Mate Guidelines UNSW students S1-11

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