The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

Hanyang International Summer School (HISS) program

Posted by on March 7th, 2011 · Short courses, Uncategorized

HISS operates between late June to late July, and we offer more than 40 courses in diverse areas, all taught in English. The total number of participants in 2010 was 432 (approx. 200 from the U.S., 50 of whom were students at our partner universities) and we are expecting around 600 participants in 2011.

 For students from our partner universities, we offer various incentives including:  

 – Free Enrollment

Students who come as exchange students from our partner universities can take advantage of a full tuition waiver and free accommodations (totaling approx. US$3,000).  These students must be recommended by their home university international offices. The number of exchange students and related matters can be open to further discussion. 

– Faculty-led Program (For more information, please refer to the attached leaflet)

We also invite instructors from our partner universities.  Faculty members who join the program with +5 students can deliver a course(s) of their interest to both their home university students and other international students participating in HISS. The benefits for faculty members are remuneration, airfare, accommodations, and student mentoring incentives.

Further information:

How to apply:

UNSW students who wish to attend these courses should complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW application form and return to at least two weeks prioir to the deadline.

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