The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

Summer courses at University of Amsterdam

Posted by on March 7th, 2011 · Uncategorized

University of Amsterdam would like to offer partial scholarships to students from U21 partners to attend one of three summer courses: 

1) Social Policies & Pragmatic Tolerance – A three week programme for undergraduate students on subjects such as immigration, drugs and sex work. There are 10 scholarships of 400 Euro available for students of U21 partners. The tuition fee will be 1400 Euro. For more information, see:

2) Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction as a Global Problem – A two week programme for graduate students which provides a multi disciplinary approach to the study of addiction. There will be 5 scholarships available of 300 Euro for students of U21 partners. The tuition fee will be 1300 Euro.  For more information, see:

3) Sexuality, Culture and Society – An intensive four week programme for graduate (including PhD) students which focuses on the study of sexuality across cultures. There will be 3 scholarships available of 400 Euro for students of U21 partners. The tuition fee will be 2300 Euro. For more information, see:

Scholarships are available for U21 members. Tuition includes excursions, lecture fees, lunches on class days, access to the university’s libraries and computer facilities and a city transport pass. The tuition does not include travel to and from Amsterdam or housing.

For more information about all UvA summer programmes, please visit:

How to apply:

UNSW students who wish to attend these courses should complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW application form and return to at least two weeks prioir to the deadline.

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