The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

Humboldt Winter and Summer Universty (HUWISU) 2012

Posted by on January 11th, 2012 · 2012, Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, Science, Self funded, Short courses, Uncategorized, UNSW Partner Institution

Humboldt Winter and Summer University (HUWISU) offers a great variety of interdisciplinary content courses taught in English for international Bachelor and Master students. Internationally experienced lectures from a wide range of disciplines at Humboldt University focus on a well balanced course structure of theory and practice.

The 16 programs on offer relate to the following fields:

1) History, Cultural History, Politics & Social Sciences

2) Sports, Music, Virtual Reality & Gaming

3) Metropolitan Studies, Social Studies & Ecology

4) German Language Courses

Field trips, guided tours and an included social programme will add to the excellent academic array.

HUWISU courses take place in three different sessions during summer from early June until the end of August and offer ample opportunities for each student’s summer course planning.

For full details on the programs, dates, duration & fees please click  here and go to .

UNSW students who wish to attend these courses should complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to or two weeks prior to the application deadline.

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