The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

Universität Bonn: Germany Hands On Internship Program 2012

Posted by on January 24th, 2012 · 2012, Arts and Social Science, Business, Internships, Law, UNSW Partner Institution

Since 2003 the University of Bonn has been offering students the unique opportunity to participate in the Germany Hands-On Internship Program. This program has been designed for international students who would like to experience German society and culture while working in a German company or organization such as the Deutsche Welle, United Nations or various schools and companies. The program has been created for international students from partner universities with a very good understanding of the German language. Strong individual motivation is essential for this program and students need to play an active part during the process. Students work three days a week at their internship placement in the Cologne/Bonn area. One or two days are reserved for academic work. During that time, students are enrolled in two or more courses related to their field of study at the University of Bonn to collect credits for their studies. For more details please check the website at

There have been a few changes for this year with the most significant being the replacement of the weekly journals by a weekly course of three hours. This course will be instructed by one of our German teachers during the summer and winter term. Key aspects of the course will be to improve the students German language and vocabulary skills by talking about topics such as “applying for a job in Germany”, “working in a German-speaking environment”, “hierarchies within my organization”, “intercultural issues“, or “aspects of the German economy”. Furthermore, students will have to give presentations on certain topics in German and learn how to write academic papers according to German university standards. Guest speakers will also be invited from some of the institutions with whom students will be doing their internships.   

 The next application deadline for our Germany Hands-On program is February 7th 2012.

UNSW students who are successful in securing a position are expected to register with the UNSW Global Education and Student Exchange Office. Please email  

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