The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

2012 U21 Summer School: Tecnólogico de Monterrey’s Queretaro campus (July 7- July 18 2012)

Posted by on February 9th, 2012 · Scholarship Opportunities, Sponsored (Partial), Uncategorized

**Deadline Extended**

The world’s economy is changing. We need global thinkers to shape the economy for greater development and fairer distribution of wealth, so shaping the global future entrepreneur, this year’s Summer School theme, is crucial for universities and society.

The 2012 U21 Summer School (July 7- July 18 2012) will be a dynamic encounter of students engaged in entrepreneurial activities to foster economic growth and social development in their communities.

Participants will learn about the importance of small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) that form the base of economic development and the global forces these companies must face today. Universities have a great responsibility in shaping the global future entrepreneurs who will be key actors in the economic development of their countries and which will have global impact.

Students will discuss and analyse case studies which are of particular relevance to the Mexican experience and will have the chance to interact with entrepreneurs that have been key role players in de development of Queretaro State economic growth.

The programme will take place at Tecnólogico de Monterrey’s Queretaro campus.

In addition to the academic activities planned in Queretaro, there will be a weekend trip to Teotihuacan, an amazing pre-colombian archeological site, and other surrounding areas.


Students from all areas interested in developing their global entrepreneurial skills are welcome to join!

Staff members from across the U21 network who are active in teaching or research relating to any facet of Entrepreneurship for SME’s are invited to contribute to the academic programme. Academic staff members who wish to discuss their potential involvement in the Summer School should contact Patricia Montaño ( as soon as possible.


Participation fees will be €650 per student, to include accommodation, breakfast and lunch each day, Welcome and Farewell dinners and all activities on the weekend to Teotihuacan and surrounding areas.

**The registration fee will be covered by UNSW and selected students will be granted a $500AUD travel scholarship**

Students will need their own spending money for dinners on free nights, transfers to and from the airport, and personal costs during short trips and the weekend.

How to Apply

UNSW students who wish to apply for this program must complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to by March 5th 2012. Successful applications will be notified by mid March and will be required to submit a secondary application.

For more information about Universitas 21 please go to:

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