The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

University of Maryland – ENES 472 in Beijing & Shanghai

Posted by on February 9th, 2012 · Uncategorized

International Business Cultures in Engineering & Technology

Sunday, May 20th – Saturday, June 9th 2012

The University of Maryland are excited to offer a short-term study abroad course to Beijing & Shanghai open to engineering students at Global E3 institutions. 


“As we visit both Beijing and Shanghai, course offers exposure to the influences of engineering industry in China. We will travel to the Great Wall of China to learn about its construction and take field trips to the Shanghai operations of several international companies. Guest lecturers will provide us with important views on Chinese history and culture, and we will enjoy a farewell dinner on our last night in Shanghai. Throughout our time in China we will stay in western style accommodations. Half way through the course we will travel from Beijing to Shanghai and have the opportunity to ride upon the high-speed Maglev Train. Within the cities of Beijing and Shanghai, the group will travel for class activities by a chartered bus or by public transportation with the assistance of an English-speaking guide”


Ramsey Jabaji is the Coordinator for International & Leadership Programs in the A. James Clark School of Engineering at the University of Maryland. Ramsey has been at the University of Maryland for the past 7 years and has extensive experience teaching international and leadership programs particularly for engineering students.


Students will enroll in ENES472: International Business Cultures in Engineering and Technology (3 credits) from the University of Maryland. This class includes required readings, guest lectures, industry visits, group discussions, and cultural activities. The final grade for this course consists of two exams, journal entries, a final group project, and class participation. Exams are based on the course text book, “The Cultural Dimension of International Business” by Ferraro, Gary (6th Ed.); journal entries and classroom discussions will center on daily experiences. For the final project, students will work in small groups to market a fictitious technology-related product or service to a specific country abroad taking cultural considerations into account; this final project will be due a week after the course ends.


The program fee of $3,550 includes tuition for three credits as well as lodging, ground transportation to scheduled program activities, entry fees, some meals, a welcome orientation, an overnight stay next to the Great Wall of China, and the $250 UMD Education Abroad fee. Students will be responsible for entry fees to museums and exhibits not required of the course, most meals, personal expenses, as well as their own airfare. Education Abroad will suggest a group itinerary that each student is responsible for purchasing directly from a travel agent. The airfare from Beijing to Shanghai is estimated at around $190. You should expect to purchase the flights shortly after being accepted to the program.


This program is open to students of any major with a GPA of at least 2.75, and priority will be given to students pursuing a Minor in International Engineering or a Minor in Engineering Leadership from the University of Maryland.


Applications for UMD programs are submitted electronically via MyEA:  There is a $50, non-refundable application fee to apply, payable directly via MyEA.

NOTE: If accepted, you must pay a nonrefundable $250 deposit within 10 business days to confirm your space. The deposit is payable by credit card in MyEA and will be refunded only in the event of program cancelation. Failure to pay the deposit in a timely manner may result in your withdrawal from the program.

Last day to Apply: March 15, 2012

UNSW students who wish to attend should also complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to two weeks prior to the application deadline.

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