The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

2012 Huayu Enrichment Scholarship

Posted by on March 11th, 2012 · 2012, Scholarship Opportunities

Application for 2012 Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES) is now OPEN.


The HES is funded by the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Taiwan. It is for encouraging and providing Australians with opportunities to increase the understanding of local culture and society as well as to promote mutual understanding and interaction between Australia and Taiwan.

For details of the Scholarship Guidelines and Recipients’ rights and obligations, please visit the 2012 Huayu Enrichment Scholarship website.

Award Value:

A monthly stipend of NTD25, 000.

Eligible Program(s) Duration:

Mandarin learning courses will include 2 months of summer classes (from June to August in 2012 only), 3 months, 6 months, 9 months or a year respectively.

With the exception of summer classes in 2012, in principle, the duration of the HES is from 1st September, 2012 to 31st August, 2013.


To be eligible to apply for the 2012 HES, applicants must:

* Be an Australian citizen above the age of 18

*  Posse a high school diploma (year 12) or above with excellent academic performance.

*  Be of good moral character.

* Apply directly for admission to “a registered Mandarin Language Centre approved by the MOE” listed on our website.

Applicants for ineligibility to apply include the following:

*  Are R.O.C nationals or overseas Chinese students.

* Currently are registered students at a Mandarin Language Centre or have been degree seeking students at any universities or colleges in Taiwan.

*  Were previously recipients of HES or Taiwan Scholarship.

* Are currently recipients of HES or Taiwan Scholarship

*  Are exchange students to Taiwan during the scholarship period.

*  Are currently receiving any financial benefits from Taiwan or other educational institutions in Taiwan.

Closing Date:

Friday, 13 April 2012

Date for release of Selection Result:

Monday, 23 April 2012

Date for Submission of Approved Admission Letter to our Office:

Saturday, 30 June 2012

*Note: Apply for admission according to the regulations of the centre. Once admitted, the recipients should send a copy of Admission Letter to our Office for confirmation. Recipients who do not send their Letters before 30 June, 2012 will be disqualified from the scholarship selection process.

Application Form:

Application Forms can be collected from the UNSW Global Education Office.

Applications should include:

*   An original Application Form.

*   A copy of the Australian Passport.

*   A copy of the highest degree and academic transcripts (all certificates must be in English).

*   Evidence of lodged admission to Mandarin Language Centre(s) in Taiwan.

*   Two referral letters signed and sealed in envelopes such as from principals, professors or supervisors.

*   The Terms of Agreement Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Program (HES) Form

UNSW students who are eligible for the schoalrship should contact the GEO by email: before March 26th 2012.

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