The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

University of Technology of Troyes: French Language Courses

Posted by on March 27th, 2012 · 2012, Sponsored (Partial), Student Exchange, UNSW Partner Institution

If you want to have an introduction to French language and French culture or want to improve your level in a multicultural atmosphere, this intensive program is made for you! 4-5 different levels from complete beginners to very good level!

Before the start of every semester a 4-week intensive course for international students is run with the aim of improving the student’s level of French and giving an introduction to French culture and life. Outside the hours in the classroom, there will be excursions organized to allow the students to get to know Troyes and the region.

There is no set level of French that a student must achieve to take part in the courses. Upon arrival in Troyes every student’s level will be evaluated and the program will be individually adapted to meet his or her needs. These courses also count for credits so that they can make up a part of the student’s normal workload.

4 weeks in August and in January-February

  • Intensive French language course (80 hours + computer-based learning) (4 ECTS credits)
  • Industrial visits and cultural tours, leisure activities
  • Course taught in English: “Project management” (6 ECTS credits)

Course tuition fee are waived for exchange students coming from partner universities.
Accommodation, transportation food, activities and personal expenses are to be paid by the student.

More information:

Summer/Winter course brochure

FAQ about the intensive course

How to Apply:

UNSW students participating in this program may also be covered by UNSW insurance. UNSW students who wish to be nominated as an exchange student must complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to at least one month prior to the application deadline. Please apply early as there are a limited number of places.

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