The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

Dragon 100 Young Chinese Leaders Forum 2012

Posted by on April 22nd, 2012 · Uncategorized

Background and Rationale

The 12th 5-year plan (2011-2015) for the Development of National Economy and Society in the People’s Republic of China, signifies China’s new phase in growth. It is a time for deepening the reform and opening-up process while accelerating the transformation of the nation’s economic development pattern. The Chinese government will focus more resources on rural areas and bridge the income disparity between the urban and rural areas. The major foci of this 5-year plan include innovation, infrastructure development, economic restructuring, urbanization and enhancing environmental protection.

The theme of Dragon 100 Young Chinese Leaders Forum 2012 would focus on China’s strategies in innovation and development. We have chosen Tianjin as the destination for this Forum, as Tianjin could be illustrative and insightful for our youth delegates to understand the rapid development in China over the past few years. Since 1978, with the adoption of the policy to reform and open up to the outside world, Tianjin has become one of the first coastal cities in China to open up. In the Outline of the 11th 5-year Plan, which was approved of in 2006, it pointed out that the development and opening of Tianjin Binhai New Area is part of the overall national development strategy of China. In the future, efforts will be made to build Tianjin into an international harbor city, economic center in the north of China, and an ecological city. This positioning of the city provides Tianjin with a broad stage for seeking further development.


Innovation and Development in Tianjin : Manifestation of China’s 12th Five-Year Plan


Date and Venue

5 – 12 August 2012

(5- 7 August in Hong Kong; 8 – 12 August in Tianjin)

Target Group

Worldwide Young Chinese leaders aging from 18-35

Selection Criteria

  • Ethnic Chinese
  • Aged 18-35
  • Outstanding academic and non academic achievements
  • Excellent leadership in extra-curricular activities and/or community service

A panel of distinguished academics and professionals, plus Directors of The Dragon Foundation, will select the 100 successful candidates. The panel will look for candidates who are representatives of the countries where their nominations were made, are outstanding academically or professionally, are award recipients or are exceptionally talented in a non-academic area, e.g. sports, arts, music or other forms of creativity. They will also have a consistent record of involvement in community service or an outstanding record in extra-curricular activities.

Participation Fee

  • Hong Kong Participants will be responsible for a HK$3,000 registration fee
  • Non-Hong Kong Participants can join the program for FREE. However, they will be responsible for their round trip airfare between country/place of nomination and Hong Kong

 The Foundation is pleased to offer sponsorship to the following:

  • Round trip airfare from Hong Kong to Tianjin
  • Ground transport
  • Meals and accommodation * (as stated in the final itinerary)


  • Accommodation in Hong Kong will only be provided to non-Hong Kong delegates.
  • All Participants will be responsible for visa fees, out of pocket expenses and travelling/medical insurance.

UNSW students who wish to apply must complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to by Thursday May 3rd 2012. Nominated students will then be required to complete the Dragon100 application Form by Friday May 11th 2012. 

Further information on the Forum can be found at 

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