The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

Postgraduate Scholarships: Sponsored by the Australian-American Fulbright Commission

Posted by on June 25th, 2012 · Scholarship Opportunities

SYNOPSIS:  Fulbright Postgraduate Scholarships are available to Australian citizens to engage in 8 to 12 months of research relevant to an Australian PhD; or undertake an approved course of study in an American higher degree or its equivalent.  Awards are open to all fields of study or research for one academic year. Up to twelve (12) Fulbright Postgraduate Scholarships are available in 2012.                  

DEADLINE: Applications open on June 1, 2011 and close on August 20, 2012.

Citizenship/Country of Applying Institution: Australia Citizenship

Locations Tenable:    U.S.A. Institution (including U.S. Territories)

Applicant type:     Graduate Student


 Fulbright Postgraduate Awards are available for Australian citizens wishing to: engage in 8 to 12 months research relevant to an Australian higher degree; or undertake an approved course of study for an American higher degree or its equivalent.  The general Postgraduate Student Awards are open to all fields for study or research, including the visual and performing arts.  The Fulbright Commission will provide specific sponsored Fulbright Postgraduate Awards in 2011.  The following scholarships are either sponsored by industry or government OR endowed through donations from business, individuals, governments and/or universities and are offered in specific fields of study:  Indigenous Scholarship supported by the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education.  The following are Fulbright State and Territory Scholarships support study or research related to a topic or issue of importance to that state or territory:  New South Wales Scholarship is supported by the NSW Government and NSW universities; Northern Territory Scholarship is supported by the NT Government, Charles Darwin University and corporate sponsor, Blackboard; Queensland Scholarship established by the QLD government and all QLD based universities; South Australia Scholarship is supported by the South Australian Government and South Australian based universities; Tasmania Scholarship sponsored by the Tasmanian Government and the University of Tasmania; Victoria Scholarship established by the Victorian government and Victorian based universities; and Western Australia Scholarship established by the WA government, WA based universities, companies and individual donors.


 Eligible applicants are those who have completed a four year degree.  In the Australian context, this usually means an honours degree or its equivalent. Applicants must be Australian citizens by birth or naturalisation. Permanent resident status does not satisfy this requirement and nationals of other countries (e.g.. United Kingdom or New Zealand) cannot be treated as Australian citizens even though they have resided in Australia for a considerable time.

Naturalised citizens must provide a Certificate of Australian Citizenship with their application; native-born Australians must provide a copy of their birth certificate.  Applicants holding dual US/Australian citizenship, or Green Card holders, are not eligible and will not be considered for a Fulbright award.   Applicants must be resident in Australia on the date applications close and successful applicants will be required to agree to return to Australia at the completion of the program for which they received their awards.

Medical graduates who at any time during the award period wish to engage in clinical practice are not eligible to apply for a Fulbright award.  Applicants who have previously received an award under the program are not eligible to apply for a second award within four years of the completion of the first award.  Previous US experience will not exclude candidates but all else being equal, preference will be given to those without previous US academic or professional experience. 


 Fulbright Postgraduate Scholars must spend a minimum of one academic year (8-12 months) in the U.S., the majority of time should be at their host institution.  Scholarship valued at up to US$40,000 and includes: a generous travel entitlement, a monthly stipend for a maximum of 12 months, establishment and baggage allowances, transport and accommodation to attend an Orientation Program and the Fulbright Presentation Dinner in Australia (March), transportation and accommodation to an Enrichment Seminar with international Fulbright Scholars in the U.S., and access to a professional network of U.S., Australian and international Fulbright Scholars and distinguished alumni. Postgraduates can remain in the U.S. for up to one year following their Fulbright program, under academic training to undertake work in their field in the U.S. The cost of obtaining a degree from a U.S. university can be as much as US$40,000 per year. For this reason, applicants should investigate additional funding sources from their universities along with private and government sources.



Web Site:                                                                                    

Program URL:                          

Tel:              02 6260 4460                 

Fax:              02 6260 4461       

Successful students should register with the UNSW International Office. Please email to register.

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