The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

Student Leadership in International Cooperation (SLIC) Project 2013

Posted by on July 11th, 2012 · 2013, Scholarship Opportunities, Short courses, UNSW Partner Institution


The Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education have provided the Go8 with funding for the establishment and implementation of a new ‘Student Leadership in International Cooperation’ (SLIC) Project between the Go8 and C9.


To develop proposals and ideas for cooperation between Australian and Chinese universities with the aim of promoting opportunities for outbound student mobility from Australia.

Program outline

The SLIC Project will support two separate groups of Go8 higher degree research students to undertake a two-week visit to a number of C9 universities in China during early-mid 2013.

The program will support each student participant up to $5,000 for the cost of visiting the C9 universities, which may include airfares, accommodation or other costs associated with the visit.

To view the program outline click here.

In order to apply students must be:

  • Australian citizens or permanent residents who have not previously lived or studied for more than one year in China.
  • Must have completed at least one semester at UNSW and be enrolled in a research degree at UNSW in 2013.
  • Able to demonstrate strong communication and interpersonal/social skills, especially in an international setting.
  • Able to work in a team.

 Note: Chinese language proficiency is not required

Requirements and responsibilities

Students will be required to:

(Before the trip)

  • commit to the agreed travel timeframe and visit activities;
  • organise relevant travel documents including visa applications (receipts and bank details to provide to the Go8 office for reimbursement);
    • provide scanned copies of their passports to the Go8 office for group flight booking purposes (passports should be valid for at least another six months after departure);

(During the trip in China)

  • travel within the student group;
  • participate in all group activities that are listed in the visit program;
  • abide by the regulations and rules of the hosting institutions;

(After the trip)

  • present their proposals and ideas at the debriefing event upon their return to Australia (some domestic travel may be involved), and provide a copy of their presentations to the Go8 office; 
  • complete a short project report form (Go8 to provide later) and submit it to the Go8 at the debriefing event.


Higher degree research students who wish to apply must complete the SLIC Project application and return to along with their resume, transcripts and/or academic reference.

The application form can be found here and the deadline to apply is Friday August 31st 2012.

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