The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students


Posted by on September 5th, 2012 · 2013, UNSW Partner Institution

Humboldt’s summer and winter school program at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

1. Early Bird Registration for the HUWISU Winter Session only until September 15th

Register now for the upcoming HUWISU Winter Session from January 7-25, 2013 at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and benefit from the early bird discount!
HUWISU offer interdisciplinary subject courses (taught in English) as well as semi-intensive German language courses for undergraduate and graduate students. Students may combine these courses in different tracks. Each course comprises 30 to 45 contact hours during the three week winter school program and will be awarded with a grade and credit points after successful course completion.

2. ‘Law and Ethics’ – New topics in the HUWISU Winter Session

HUWISU offers new topics during the winter session form January 7-25, 2013 and extends its portfolio of themes introducing new co-operations with the Faculty of Law and the Department of Social Sciences.

The course “Medical Ethics and the Law” deals with a complex topic in an interdisciplinary approach and mainly addresses undergraduate students. Lecturers of two different disciplines (law and ethics) will bring together their experience and expertise and thus provide a comprehensive picture of currently often discussed topics (e.g. assisted suicide, abortion, ethical approaches, stem cell research, etc.).

The course “Crystal Clear Structures for Business Success: German Corporate Law” is designed for Master students. Participants will be introduced to the full scope of such companies and partnerships under German corporate law, which qualify in principle as private or public business entities. As one of the highlights of the lecture, the acquisition of a privately owned commercial enterprise will be simulated by the participants on the basis of actual documentary.

3. HUWISU Summer Sessions 2013

The subject courses and languages courses of the HUWISU Summer Sessions 2013 are all related to Germany or the city of Berlin and will provide various opportunities for interesting lectures, seminars, excursions and discussions.

Internationally experienced and excellent lecturers offer ample space for outstanding classes and discussions intertwined with hands-on experience through field trips and guided tours. In addition, HUWISU offer a broad range of cultural and social activities in your leisure time.

Join their excellent summer courses and register now! Please click here for the HUWISU 2013 folder.

For detailed information please also consult their website at and visit their facebook page:

UNSW students who apply should also complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to two weeks prior to the application deadline.

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