The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

U21 Undergraduate Research Conference at the University of Amsterdam

Posted by on December 9th, 2012 · 2013, UNSW Partner Institution
The U21 Undergraduate Research Conference is the annual gathering of students from the 24 partner universities of Universitas 21, the leading global network of research universities for the 21st century (

The conference, now in its ninth year, aims to provide an environment in which excellent students can focus on themes crucial to their education and cultural development. The students are stimulated to develop strong networks among themselves, and the conference offers them a platform where they can discuss challenging topics that are shaping our present and future.


More than half of the world’s population now lives in large urban areas and this number will increase in the years to come. The growth of the urban population and the dynamic nature of cities around the world give rise to an abundance of interesting research questions and challenges that are of particular interest for the future generation of researchers. Key issues for modern cities range from public health, logistics, safety, governance, migration, diversity and cultural dynamics to design and creativity.

The Amsterdam metropolitan region offers an inspiring environment for bringing together a select group of bright young students to share their ideas, knowledge and perspectives on this wide range of challenging issues. Moreover, 2013 will be a special year for Amsterdam as several extraordinary celebrations are foreseen, including the opening of the renovated Rijksmuseum and the 400th anniversary of the Canal Ring. The UvA will look for ways of combining the URC 2013 with one or more festive occasions taking place in Amsterdam at the same time.


Further details on how to apply will be announced shortly.  

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