The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

Nanyang Technological GEM Trailblazer Summer Programmes 2014!

Posted by on February 10th, 2014 · 2014, Arts and Social Science, Business, Language, Self funded, Short courses, UNSW Partner Institution, UNSW Winter Break

Singapore is one of the most dynamic hubs in Asia for international business, networking and thought leadership. NTU’s unique summer programmes shall open up fascinating Asian cultural experiences and opportunities for students to use Singapore as a springboard to Asia, where 4.3 billion population lives, accounting for close to 60% of the global population.


Students can look forward to a rigorous programme of academic study combined with an enriching social programme to help them explore the great diversity of Singapore’s culture and heritage. There shall be opportunities to meet both NTU students and industries for the entrepreneurship track too.


GEM Trailblazer Summer Programmes are open to all students currently studying in NTU’s partner institutions. Courses take place from 12 May to 1 August 2014 during the NTU summer period.


Four tracks consisting of accredited courses for credit transfer are opened for student applications:


  • Chinese Language & Cultural Studies as offered by NTU Confucius Institute

– This course aims to equip students with basic Chinese language skills and introduce you to China’s 5,000-year-old history and culture through lectures, hands-on experiences and cultural visits. Besides learning 260 Chinese characters and 300 common-used sentences, experiential cultural visits through to have a hand in Chinese Calligraphy and Chinese pun rebuses are some of the activities not to be missed.


  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation Asia by Nanyang Technopreneurship Centre

– This track focuses on building entrepreneurship competencies and the challenges of setting up new ventures. Through the comprehensive series of four courses, students will learn about entrepreneurship, creativity, writing business plans, business accounting, intellectual property, marketing strategy, risk evaluation, financial projection, securing finances and managing team members. The final business simulation course is most crucial to a budding entrepreneur’s success. It allows students to apply all that they learn to launch a business of their choice within a safe e-business simulation environment – A great test-pad to potential creative ideas and businesses.


  • Writing the New Silk Road by the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

– Students can select any two courses in these series of four creative writing courses. These courses taught in a small class format shall cover the various genres of poetry, prose and film. Want to be the next William Wordsworth; Paul Yates; Shakespeare or Quentin Tarantino? Please encourage your students to join us. They shall learn how to recreate and tell their own journeys through writing, editing and new media production tasks.


  • Success in the Globalised Marketplace jointly offered by the College of Business (Nanyang Business School) and the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (3AUs each)

– In the context of a knowledge economy and the dynamism of the global business environment, it is important for students to develop a critical understanding of the skillsets required for the corporate world. The comprehensive offering of 9 interesting courses includes animation, design, leadership, cultural intelligence, marketing, business finance, accounting; negotiation to working in the 21st century. The uniqueness of these courses lies in their Asian relevance and practicality in application. Students may choose to take 2-3 courses depending on their preferred time schedule.


To view the Summer Syllabus please click here.


Please visit the website for more details on the GEM Trailblazer summer programmes.


Students can also download the brochure here.


UNSW students who would like to express their interest in the program should email before Monday February 23rd 2014.

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