The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

Entries Tagged as 'Uncategorized'

Two Expos: One Day!! Wed 31st July

July 15th, 2013 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Find an Internship, Volunteer, Win Prizes!!! UNSW Internship Careers Expo: 11am-2pm UNSW Volunteer Work Expo: 3-5pm Free BBQ at 12:30pm at the Scientia Building Register at



UNSW Careers and Employment

October 15th, 2012 · No Comments · Uncategorized

For other global opportunities don’t forget to check out the UNSW Careers and Employment website. Some of their current listings include: ·         Australian Youth Ambassadors for Development (AYAD) Program Information Session: The AYAD Program provides overseas volunteer opportunities to young skilled Australians looking to volunteer in Africa, Asia or The Pacific. Each year the AYAD […]



Interested in studying in China? Launch of AddChina Toolkit

August 14th, 2012 · No Comments · Uncategorized

The AddChina Toolkit is an initiative to encourage Australian students to undertake study in China. The AddChina Toolkits will be made available as two electronic brochures: one aimed at senior secondary and university students (available now at and the other at those considering postgraduate studies (available very shortly at The toolkits provide useful […]



World to NYC

June 3rd, 2012 · No Comments · 2012, Business, Conference, Uncategorized

It is with great pleasure to announce the next tech-focused World to NYC program running from August 6-8 2012! New York City offers tremendous benefits to international businesses through its vast resources in venture capital, advertising, media, and professional services. The City is particularly attractive to global entrepreneurial ventures because ­­of its access to a talented workforce, […]



Education Without Borders 2013 conference

June 3rd, 2012 · No Comments · 2012, Conference, Scholarship Opportunities, Uncategorized

Call for full time undergraduate and graduate students to apply for selection to the world renowned Education Without Borders 2013 conference This event is for students by students. A full explanation is provided in the 2013 Background on Education Without Borders. Essentially, 1000 international students from around the world are selected to participate in three […]



Prime Ministers Australia Awards 2013

June 3rd, 2012 · No Comments · 2012, Scholarship Opportunities, Uncategorized

DEEWR is seeking applications from UNSW of 5 undergraduate and 5 postgraduate students for these prestigious awards. (There are 20 scholarships available for each of the undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships). The Australia Awards are designed to encourage high achieving undergraduate and postgraduate students to study and undertake internships/research in Asia with a view to building […]



Summer Institute on Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction

June 3rd, 2012 · No Comments · 2012, Medicine, Science, Short courses, Uncategorized, Universitas 21 (U21)

Last chance to join the world-renowned Summer Institute on Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction at the University of Amsterdam!!  There are still a few spots left so send in your application.  The Institute’s classes are intensive seminars with discussions, excursions, faculty lectures and guest lectures by prominent people in the field, such as Dr. Wim van […]



Université de technologie de Troyes, France: Research Projects in English

May 13th, 2012 · No Comments · Uncategorized

The University of Technology, Troyes had a number of research projects available in English that UNSW students can apply to particpate in. They generally run for one semester and students would apply through the UNSW Practicum Program. The programs are as follows: Single photon source made of single nanodiamonds Life-time studies of ZnO and hybrid ZnO-based nanostructures. […]



Study Spanish in Mexico!

May 10th, 2012 · No Comments · 2012, Self funded, Short courses, Uncategorized, UNSW organised

UNSW Study Abroad, in collaboration with the UNSW Department of Hispanic Studies, offers students the opportunity to study Spanish intensively in México for four weeks (30 December 2012 – 26 January 2013). Academic credit Students successfully completing the course will receive 6UOC in transfer credits. Eligibility Students may study beginner level Spanish language courses and […]



UNSW Global Students Expo – 9 May 2012

May 3rd, 2012 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Come to the Global Students Expo and start planning your Global Education experience. Talk to representatives from partner universities, chat to returned exchange students and meet exchange students at UNSW. UNSW offers exciting exchange and global education opportunities in over 35 countries. Participation in these programs enables you to enhance your career opportunities in Australia […]

