The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

U.S. Consulate General Sydney Foreign National Student Internship Program

Posted by on July 2nd, 2014 · 2014, 2015, Art and Design, Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, Business, Engineering, Internships, Law, Medicine, UNSW Summer Break

The U.S. Consulate General Sydney is looking for non-American undergraduate university students to experience working alongside the Consulate’s American and Australian employees as they work on the day-to-day business, political, media, and organizational issues of the United States and Australia, over the 2014-15 Australian summer holidays.

This program aims to establish, promote and maintain relationships between young Australians and Americans as each become leaders in their respective countries. The internship will provide students with valuable educational and practical experience by assisting the U.S. Consulate General in accomplishing its mission goals.

APPLICATIONS OPEN on July 10, 2014 & CLOSE on Friday, August 15, 2014.

Further information will be available at

Multidisciplinary Australian Danish Exchange (MADE) by the Opera House

Posted by on June 29th, 2014 · 2015, Built Environment, Engineering, Scholarship Opportunities, UNSW Summer Break

In honour of Sydney Opera House’s 40th Anniversary celebrations in October 2013, the Opera House and the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation, with the support of Australian and Danish sponsors and contributors, established the Multidisciplinary Australian Danish Exchange, or MADE by the Opera House.

About MADE

MADE by the Opera House will promote international and cross-disciplinary interaction between students of engineering, architecture and design (in the built environment). As well as providing multidisciplinary experience for Australian and Danish students, the program will foster cultural links between the two countries. This is particularly fitting as it complements the role that Danish architect Jørn Utzon played in the innovative design and construction of the Opera House.

Sponsors and contributors

The support of industry organisations and foundations will encourage closer collaboration between professionals and students in the area of the built environment. MADE by the Opera House is currently supported by:

• Arup and Steensen Varming in Australia, both of which have strong relationships with the design, construction and ongoing development of the Opera House, and which support international and multidisciplinary collaboration in the built environment.

• The NSW Architects Registration Board, which supports the future of the architectural profession, and encourages collaboration across design and construction professionals for the benefit of the community.

• The Bikuben Foundation, which supports and develops high-quality social and cultural projects throughout Denmark and Greenland.

• The Dreyer Foundation, which supports projects and initiatives to promote legal and architectural development and interaction within society.

• The Obel Family Foundation, which supports development-oriented, sustainable organisations and initiatives within research, education, arts and culture.

• The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation, which educates architects, designers and conservators.

The MADE program

Each year, ten students in the fields of architecture, engineering and design (in the built environment) will participate in the MADE by the Opera House program. Five students from an Australian university based in NSW and five students from a Danish university will be selected for a six-week exchange program to Denmark and Australia respectively.

Australian students will travel to Denmark in January-February, and Danish students will travel to Australia in July-August. In 2015, the program for the Australian students will run from Monday 12 January to Friday 20 February.

Broadly, the curriculum will include:

• Placement at a host architecture firm to work in a collaborative team on a multidisciplinary project, with technical support from various engineering firms;

• A visit to a performing arts or cultural centre;

• A visit to other significant works of architecture, including works by Jørn Utzon

• Completion of a collaborative multidisciplinary project with consideration of the Utzon Design Principles;

• Collaboration with Arup and Steensen Varming, who will provide professional advice and mentorship to the assigned project;

• An opportunity to stay at Jørn Utzon’s residence ‘Can Lis’ in Majorca, Spain the week prior to program commencement.

All instruction will be conducted in English. A Danish MADE representative will provide ground support to the students.


Each student will be provided with the equivalent of AU$6,000 to cover international airfares, accommodation and living expenses during their visit. Students will be responsible for organising their own accommodation. However, a Danish MADE representative will provide assistance and advice.


Applications are open to students who are enrolled in an Australian university and who will have completed their third year of an engineering, architecture or design (in the built environment) degree by 31 December 2014. Refer to the MADE Application and Program Terms and Conditions for Student Eligibility.

Applications open on Tuesday 24 June 2014 and close at 23:59 (AEST) on Tuesday 22 July 2014. Eligible students may apply by visiting the MADE by the Opera House website. The five successful Australian students will be notified in mid-August and invited to attend the farewell event for the inaugural Danish program at Sydney Opera House on 22 August 2014.

For further details including how to apply, refer to For any questions, email

UNSW Students selected for this program should notify

2014 Survey of Australian university students undertaking study overseas

Posted by on June 25th, 2014 · Uncategorized

This is an invitation to participate in a short survey on the expectations and experiences of Australian university students who study overseas.

Participation in this survey is entirely voluntary and the identity of those who participate and those that decline will not be recorded.

Participation is sought from Australian university students who are currently studying, soon to study or previously studied overseas, as well as alumni (graduates) who have previously studied overseas. International students who are enrolled in an Australian degree program and undertake overseas study as part of that degree program are also welcome to participate. Your participation is welcome even if you only studied overseas for a short period.

This survey is part of an Australian PhD research project to investigate what value Australian university students’ gain from studying overseas during their degree or higher degree studies.

The survey has 23 questions and an additional 5 questions for people who have since graduated and are now working. Most of the questions are multiple choice and the whole survey should take you only 10-15 minutes.

A link to the online survey is here: The survey will close in November 2014.

ACICIS Study Indonesia’s six-week Development Studies and Journalism Professional Practicums

Posted by on June 23rd, 2014 · 2015, Arts and Social Science, Self funded, UNSW Partner Institution, UNSW Summer Break

The First Round application deadline for ACICIS Study Indonesia’s six-week Development Studies and Journalism Professional Practicums commencing in January 2015 is just one week away.

If you are currently busy filling out an online or paper application form for either of these Jakarta-based study options, remember that applications must be submitted to the ACICIS Secretariat on or before Tuesday 1 July. Any applications received after this date will be considered in the second application round (subject to available places), which closes on 1 October 2014.

The ACICIS Secretariat is always happy to assist with any last minute questions you may have. You can send an email at or phone (08) 9360 6254 for assistance.

SKKU Winter International Student Experience (WISE) 2015

Posted by on June 16th, 2014 · 2015, Arts and Social Science, Business, Engineering, Science, Short courses, Student Exchange, UNSW Partner Institution, UNSW Summer Break

Building on the success of the International Summer Semester (ISS), Sungkyunkwan University is introducing the SKKU Winter International Student Experience (WISE), a new winter break program that will run January 6-January 28, 2015.

The program was created by asking “What is something that people can’t experience anywhere else in the world?” The program consists of a three-week session conducted in English, mixing together Korean students with international students. We offer courses specific to Korea in business, culture, and technology, presented by industry experts. Many of our lectures are delivered by special guest speakers representing Korea’s top corporations including Samsung, best preparing students for life after graduation.



To view the brochure please click here.


Register your Interest

Sungkyunkwan University’s Vice President of International Affairs Suke-kyu Lee is kindly offering UNSW 3 exchange places for this program. To register your interest for this program, please email no later than Sunday September 21st 2014. After this date we will invite students to apply through our office. Please note, this program will be administered as a mini-exchange and priority is given to students receiving credit at UNSW for the program.

Universitas 21 Photography Competition: “Working Worldwide”!

Posted by on June 16th, 2014 · 2014, Competition, Universitas 21 (U21)

Universitas 21 has just launched a photography competition called “Working Worldwide”. It’s aimed at U21 students, staff and faculty and yes, UNSW is a U21 member so this means YOU!

There are three prizes – first prize of US$400 and two runners up prizes of US$200 each (paid in the winner’s local currency) and the deadline for submissions (to is Friday 31 October.

Full details of how to enter are available on the U21 website –

Spanish Program at University of Guadalajara

Posted by on June 10th, 2014 · 2014, Arts and Social Science, Language, Self funded, Short courses, UNSW Winter Break

The University of Guadalajara (UDG), Mexico, is pleased to announce the 5-week Spanish Summer Courses Program, running from 23rd June – 31st July, 2014


Course academic programs

UDG is offering the following two options for intensive summer course programs:

1. Spanish Language Learning Course

This 50-hour course option will consist of Spanish language classes with 12 levels available from basic to advanced.


2. Spanish Language Learning and Subject Content courses (low-intermediate level of Spanish proficiency required for content courses).

For this second option, students will be offered the Spanish language classes mentioned above and they will also be given the opportunity to take a 40-50 hour subject content class at one of the UDG University Centres located in the metropolitan area.


Course fee

The cost of the course is US$1000 and includes:

– Welcome meeting

– Spanish Language Learning Course

– Homestay accommodation with a Mexican family

– Cultural activities


Application deadline: 16th June, 2014

For further information on the course and how to apply, please visit the UDG Spanish Summer Program website or email:

UNSW students who apply should also complete the Global Education Registration Form and return it to


“The Finance Boot Camp” at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Posted by on May 30th, 2014 · 2014, Business, UNSW Partner Institution, UNSW Winter Break

The Frankfurt School of Finance & Management in Germany  is offering a summer boot camp from 13-26 July 2014. The program is open to Bachelor and first year Master students studying non-finance programmes with an interest in learning about financial products, the stock market etc. in an intensive two week format. 5 ECTS are awarded for successfully passing the final exam. The programme combines classroom sessions, bank visits, cultural activities and – as the name betrays – some optional sport activities.


Date: 13-26 July 2014

Duration: 2 weeks

Language: English

Credits: 5 ECTS


  • 10-day intensive programme at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
  • Lectures and tutorials led by experts
  • Small discussion groups
  • Visits to financial institutions
  • Interaction between students from all over the world
  • Team-building and – for those who are interested – sporting activities (like running and swimming)
  • Cultural excursions to Heidelberg and the Rheingau region

The cost of the program is EUR 3,400 (price includes all corporate and cultural excursions, local accommodation, transport and food. Flights are excluded). However, 3 places will be offered to UNSW as exchange places – meaning the program will be administered as a mini-exchange and student will not pay Frankfurt fees.

Please email by Friday June 6th to express your interest. 

2014 University Video Competition on “Made in France : let’s ditch the stereotype!”

Posted by on May 27th, 2014 · 2014, Competition

The Embassy of France and the Government of New Caledonia, in partnership with Campus France Australia, have the pleasure to present the 2014 University video competition on “Made in France : let’s ditch the stereotype!”.

The video competition encourages students to submit short clips on what “Made in France” represents to them in a globalised world, based on the example of “Made in Australia”. More broadly, students are invited to reflect on France’s areas of excellence in 2014.

Many people around the world have an idea about France in their minds but what are the best kept secrets or examples that show a modern, evolving France in a globalised world?

This competition is open to all student enrolled in an Australian university. They will have the opportunity to win a return airfare to France or New Caledonia.

Click here for conditions of entry.


Detailed information on how to apply is available at:


CAUSINDY 2014: Conference of Australian and Indonesian Youth

Posted by on May 26th, 2014 · 2014, Conference, Sponsored (Partial)

It’s been a long wait, but applications for this year’s Conference of Australian and Indonesian Youth are open! Taking place in Jakarta for the first time, CAUSINDY 2014 will be held from the 14th to the 17th of September.

CAUSINDY 2014 is your opportunity to connect with leaders from business, government and academia and join a network of young people with a passion for the Australia-Indonesia relationship.

Delegates take part in an exciting four-day program, including panel discussions, social and networking events. Successful delegates will have their travel and accommodation expenses subsidised.

Applications close on the 1st of July. Interested in finding out more? Follow CAUSINDY on social media, or join their mailing list.

To find out more and submit an application please go to

UNSW students successful in securing a place must notify