The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

PKU Engineering: 2013 Globex Summer Program

Posted by on March 4th, 2013 · 2013, Engineering, Short courses, Sponsored (Partial), Student Exchange, UNSW organised, UNSW Partner Institution

The Globex Program is part of a special agreement between the Engineering faculties at UNSW and PKU. UNSW Engineering students who would like to apply for this program should first contact Opportunities for credit transfer exist and courses are taught in English!


Seminar at UNSW – TIC TWO Internship Program

Posted by on March 4th, 2013 · 2013, Art and Design, Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, Business, Conference, Engineering, Internships, Law, Medicine, Self funded

TIC TWO will be presenting a seminar on their programs at UNSW on Thursday 21st March 2013. TIC TWO is a private company who offers work experience for young professionals, providing a platform to acquire, learn and develop the vital skills that are needed in the world of international business. They provide the opportunity to gain first-hand experience of how successful businesses operate on a global scale. Their summer internship in China can give you not only the best of professional job training, but also exposure to the best international companies.

Date: Thursday 21st March 2012

Time: 11am-12pm

Where: room LG19 John Goodsell Building. Seating is limited so first in best dressed!

To view the flyer click here.

Kick start your career today with “This Is China. The Internship Company.” (TIC TWO)

Korea University: International Summer Campus 2013

Posted by on February 27th, 2013 · 2013, Art and Design, Arts and Social Science, Business, Engineering, Language, Law, Science, Self funded, Universitas 21 (U21), UNSW Partner Institution

Last year more than 1400 students and 61 professors from all over the world participated in KU ISC! A variety of courses are available to students as well as various field trips and internship opportunities.

Brochures are available to view in the UNSW Global Education Resource Room on Level 2, East Wing, Red Centre Building.

For more information on the program, how to apply and fees please go to

UNSW students who apply for this program must also complete the UNSW Registration Form and return it to


Confucius Institute Scholarship 2013

Posted by on February 26th, 2013 · 2013, Language, Scholarship Opportunities, UNSW organised

The Hanban offers scholarships to students interested in travelling to China to further their Chinese language learning. There are several acclaimed universities that students can study at, including UNSW partner Shanghai Jiao Tong University, for 6-months or full year terms. The application deadline is 25 April, 2013. Please go to for more information and application forms, or visit the Confucius Institute at UNSW (93858996 / to discuss.

The University of Nottingham Ningbo Campus: International Summer School 2013

Posted by on February 24th, 2013 · 2013, Art and Design, Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, Business, Engineering, Sponsored (Partial), Universitas 21 (U21), UNSW Partner Institution

Sunday June 23rd – Saturday July 6th

There are two programmes to choose from, each lasting two weeks, starting on Sunday 23 June and finishing on Saturday 6 July 2013. Each programme is made up of taught lessons and cultural visits.

1) Innovative Design and Culture

This programme will involve participation in an innovative design project that will extend over the two weeks. The aim is to provide an understanding of a wide range of technologies and innovative skills, and to help participants to develop an insight into Chinese traditional and contemporary cultures

2) China: The Rising Superpower

 In the context of a globalized world, this course is designed to provide students with an overview of the rapid transformation taking place in contemporary China.


The Cultural and Social Program

The opportunity to travel and experience China is a remarkable one. No other country has as much variety, depth and history. As part of our Summer Schools we include a number of trips that will provide you with a fantastic chance to explore this amazing country at a time of rapid change. 

Explore Ningbo

On the doorstep of the campus is the city of Ningbo, which has been described as “the engine of the economy on the east coast of China”. This trip will be an opportunity to familiarise yourself with the local environment and visit the local scenic spot, the Tianyi Library on Moon Lake.

The Beauty of Hangzhou

As one of the most renowned and prosperous cities in China for the last 1,000 years, Hangzhou is set in beautiful scenery and is full of historical relics. Visit some of the city’s most popular sites including the lovely West Lake.

The Financial Heart of China: Shanghai

There will be an optional trip to Shanghai on the middle weekend leaving on Friday lunchtime, giving you the whole weekend to experience the delights of this modern, frenetic and amazing city. Whether you want to shop or just people-watch on the Bund or in People‘s Square, this is trip everyone will want to join.

Suzhou-an earthly paradise

Another optional trip during the middle weekend is to visit Oriental Venice of 2500-year-history Suzhou city. Suzhou is the city with best collection of elegant and tranquil gardens. You will enjoy the charm lingering around this ancient city to call back the time when Marco Polo was here being obsessed in this paradise!

Please note: All excursions are optional but included in the cost. Alternatively you may use the free time allocated to visit areas independently, at your own expense.

For more information please go to:

There will be 2 x tuition fee free summer school places for UNSW students. This covers:

•all tuition and classroom support costs 

•accommodation on campus for the duration of the programme

•all cultural and social programmes

•food: breakfast and lunch (Chinese style)

UNSW students who would like to join this program must apply to the UNSW Global Education and Student Exchange Office. Please complete the GEP Outgoing Application 2013 and return to Friday March 22nd 2013. Please make sure to include all supporting documentation.

Applications for the University of Mannheim Summer School 2013 are now open!

Posted by on February 24th, 2013 · 2013, Business, Self funded, Short courses, UNSW Partner Institution

The program which combines “Campus, Companies, and Culture” in a unique way will take place from 23 June until 16 July, 2013, and is divided into three independent modules. The annual Summer School is an outstanding opportunity for graduate and advanced undergraduate students to gain an international learning experience at the Business School of the University of Mannheim – Germany’s best-ranked business school.

The program consists of three independent modules which take place one after another. Participating students are free to attend any combination of modules. Each module deals with one specific business topic. Lectures are combined with company visits and discussions with experienced practitioners. Companies and institutions such as the German Federal Bank and John Deere’s European Office have confirmed their support. Cultural activities and the interaction with participants from diverse backgrounds complete the learning experience and contribute to the participants’ personal development. In 2013, the following topics are covered: “Understanding the German Economy”, “Leadership and Sustainability in a Globalized World”, and “Perspectives on Entrepreneurship”.

For more information on fees and how to apply please go to

UNSW students who apply for this program must also complete the UNSW Registration Form and return it to

National University of Singapore (NUS) Entrepreneurship Centre: 2 week summer program

Posted by on February 21st, 2013 · 2013, Art and Design, Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, Business, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Self funded, Universitas 21 (U21), UNSW Partner Institution


Discover what it takes Singapore to become a thriving economic and enterprising city!  This annual summer programme, in its seventh year, is organized by the National University of Singapore (NUS) Entrepreneurship Centre, a unit of the NUS Enterprise.  Conducted over a two-week period, this programme offers a unique opportunity for participants to learn about Singapore: how one of the smaller nations in the world has progressed from a trading port into a destination for international commerce and investment. Singapore is now a dynamic and globally connected city-state and ranked as one of the most competitive economies in the world. Participants in this program will also get to experience its multi-cultural and cosmopolitan environment, interact with local students, understand how public policies are formulated, and gain insights on business practices and entrepreneurship development in Singapore.

In this program, a combination of lectures, guest speakers, small group discussions, team projects and company visits will be used to provide participants with a comprehensive educational experience.

For more information on fees and how to apply please  go to

UNSW students who apply for this program must also complete the UNSW Registration Form and return it to

Chinese Language and Culture Education 2013

Posted by on February 20th, 2013 · 2013, Art and Design, Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, Business, Engineering, Language, Law, Medicine, Science, Self funded, Short courses

The Chinese Language and Culture Education, affiliated with National Taiwan University, are holding two summer programs in 2013:

Chinese Language and Culture Program session 1 (June 30 – July 29, 2013)

Chinese Language and Culture Program session 2 (August 4 – September 2, 2013)

Enjoy a 30-day journey in Taiwan and China this summer, full of wonder, achievement and joy. Students from all over the world gather together learning, exploring and interacting to create a memory you will never forget.

 During the first 24 days, participants live and take Chinese language and culture courses at National Taiwan University in Taipei, explore Taiwan in extracurricular time, and then have a 5-day trip to Beijing to conquer Great Wall, Imperial Palace, Temple of Heaven, Tiananmen Square etc. (for CLC1 participants), or have a 5-day trip to Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou to meet Shanghai Bund, West Lake, Hanshan Temple, and Classical Gardens of Suzhou etc. (for CLC2 participants).

For more information on the program including fees and accommodation please go to

UNSW students who apply for this program must also complete the UNSW Registration Form and return it to

Stockholm University’s School of Business is pleased to announce its summer program in 2013!

Posted by on February 19th, 2013 · 2013, Art and Design, Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, Business, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Sponsored (Partial), Student Exchange, UNSW Partner Institution

The program will take place over the course of four weeks, from July 15 – August 16, 2013.  

The following courses will be offered this summer: Public Sector Accounting, Marketing in Tourism and Hospitality, International Strategic Management and Responsible Investment, each of which will be worth 6 ECTS credits. Students are welcome to choose from one, two or all of the courses. Housing will be provided in Stockholm University’s student housing. In addition to coursework, an extracurricular program will be arranged with social and cultural events.

The courses are on the undergraduate level and are suitable for students with a wide range of backgrounds, including students with other majors than business.

Session 1 (July 16-31): Public Sector Accounting

Session 1 (July 17-29): Marketing in Tourism and Hospitality

Session 2 (August 1-12): International Strategic Management

Session 2 (August 1-15): Responsible Investment

There are no tuition fees for this program. The costs listed below are for housing, transportation in Stockholm, class materials and certain social events/excursions:

One session = 500€

Two sessions = 750€

Three session = 1150€

Four sessions = 1300€

UNSW students who would like to join this program must apply to the UNSW Global Education and Student Exchange Office. Please complete the GEP Outgoing Application 2013 and return to no later than April 15th. Please make sure to include all supporting documentation.


COOL JAPAN! A 2 week program from Meiji University, Japan

Posted by on February 19th, 2013 · 2013, Art and Design, Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, Business, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Science, Self funded, Short courses, UNSW Partner Institution

This is a 2-week program, composed with series of lectures and field trips on a wide variety of subjects relating to Japan’s contemporary image such like manga, anime, music and fashion, to high-technology, and cuisine.

It will be held from July 22(Mon)- Aug 2(Fri), 2013.

English will be used throughout the course, so Japanese Language capability is not required.

Applications will be accepted on first-come-first-served basis!

To apply go to

UNSW students who apply for this program must also complete the UNSW Registration Form and return it to