The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

2013 U21 Summer School at the University of Connecticut, USA

Posted by on December 18th, 2012 · 2013, Art and Design, Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, Business, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Science, Sponsored (Partial), UNSW Partner Institution

The University of Connecticut will host the 2013 U21 Summer School, with a topic of Human Rights. The Summer School will run from the 7th to 19th July 2013 and selected students will be partially sponsored by UNSW.

UNSW students who would like to apply must complete the UNSW GEP Outgoing Application 2013 and email it to The deadline to apply is March 17th 2013.

U21 Undergraduate Research Conference, 8 – 12 July 2013 at UvA

Posted by on December 13th, 2012 · 2013, Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, Business, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Science, Sponsored (Partial), UNSW organised, UNSW Partner Institution
The University of Amsterdam (UvA) is delighted to host the 9th U21 Undergraduate Research Conference from 8 to 12 July 2013 with the theme “Urban Challenges: builing healthy, smart and & creative cities for the future”. More than half of the world’s population now lives in large urban areas and this number will increase in the years to come. The growth of the urban population and the dynamic nature of cities around the world give rise to an abundance of interesting research questions and challenges that are of particular interest for the future generation of researchers. Key issues for modern cities range from public health, logistics, safety, governance, migration, diversity and cultural dynamics to design and creativity.

The conference will provide the opportunity for three outstanding undergraduate or honours students from UNSW to showcase their research to an international audience of fellow students and staff.

UNSW students who wish to apply must complete the Global Education Application Form and return it to no later than Sunday March 10th 2013. Selected students will receive partial scholarships to support their stay in Amsterdam.

U21 Social Entrepreneur Corps, Guatemala, 2013

Posted by on December 12th, 2012 · 2013, Arts and Social Science, Self funded, Universitas 21 (U21), UNSW Partner Institution, Volunteer

The Program

The U21 Social Entrepreneur Corps in Guatemala program builds on our U21 institutions’ expertise in social entrepreneurship, online and blended learning, international collaboration and service learning, as well as on our common commitment to global citizenship. Social entrepreneurship as a topic and Guatemala as a location are already part of individual U21 members’ study abroad program offerings. The proposed U21 Social Entrepreneur Corps program is a tailored approach to study abroad that combines global collaboration, new technologies and impact oriented learning activities.

Social entrepreneurship is an approach that the Social Entrepreneur Corps successfully utilizes in Latin America. For the proposed U21 program, students interested in international development will work directly with Social Entrepreneur Corps field professionals and social entrepreneurs in Guatemala to help establish new and grow existing micro-consignment supported businesses.

The benefits include exposure to economic theories of social entrepreneurship and active engagement with case study analyses, Spanish language, and Guatemalan, including Mayan culture. The students will experience living with the local families and working intensively with community service organizations, and local social entrepreneurs. Our students will make a tangible difference in people’s lives, while also acquiring the knowledge, skills, and habits necessary to become socially aware, active global citizens.

The program is designed as a short-term summer (June/July) opportunity for U21 students. U21 students are encouraged, but not required to take this program for academic credit. This program aims to complement the already existing U21 Summer School and Global Issues Program.

To view the full brochure please click here.

To view the participant profile please click here.

Please note this is a fee paying program.

UNSW students who would like to apply should complete the the Global Education Application. It should be returned to by January 31st 2013.  A second application will need to be submitted after this date.

U21 Undergraduate Research Conference at the University of Amsterdam

Posted by on December 9th, 2012 · 2013, UNSW Partner Institution
The U21 Undergraduate Research Conference is the annual gathering of students from the 24 partner universities of Universitas 21, the leading global network of research universities for the 21st century (

The conference, now in its ninth year, aims to provide an environment in which excellent students can focus on themes crucial to their education and cultural development. The students are stimulated to develop strong networks among themselves, and the conference offers them a platform where they can discuss challenging topics that are shaping our present and future.


More than half of the world’s population now lives in large urban areas and this number will increase in the years to come. The growth of the urban population and the dynamic nature of cities around the world give rise to an abundance of interesting research questions and challenges that are of particular interest for the future generation of researchers. Key issues for modern cities range from public health, logistics, safety, governance, migration, diversity and cultural dynamics to design and creativity.

The Amsterdam metropolitan region offers an inspiring environment for bringing together a select group of bright young students to share their ideas, knowledge and perspectives on this wide range of challenging issues. Moreover, 2013 will be a special year for Amsterdam as several extraordinary celebrations are foreseen, including the opening of the renovated Rijksmuseum and the 400th anniversary of the Canal Ring. The UvA will look for ways of combining the URC 2013 with one or more festive occasions taking place in Amsterdam at the same time.


Further details on how to apply will be announced shortly.  

HEC Montreal Summer School Programs July 8-19, 2013

Posted by on December 9th, 2012 · 2013, Business, UNSW Partner Institution
HEC Montreal is very pleased to announce the Summer School Programs (SSP)―Innovation, Sustainability and Culture in a Creative Economy―with both an undergraduate and a graduate level for students from Business Schools worldwide.

The two-week programs will take place in Montreal, Canada, from July 8-19, 2013.

The programs include 36 teaching hours and are designed to provide participants with a privileged opportunity to reflect on the essential concepts and the fundamental tools of knowledge creation and sharing, sustainable development values and drivers, and cultural and social innovation. Although the undergraduate and graduate programs cover the same themes, the pedagogical approach and content are adapted to suit the needs of students at both study levels.

Two industrial visits to leading companies in the field of creativity based in Montreal establish the link between theory and practice and allow the participants to meet and interact with high level managers and executives.

For further information, please view the SSP brochure  and or visit the website:

The deadline to submit applications is March 15, 2013. UNSW students who wish to apply should also complete the UNSW Registration Form and return it to

Peking University, Guanghua School of Management: Doing Business in China Summer Program

Posted by on December 6th, 2012 · 2013, Business, Sponsored (Partial), UNSW Partner Institution

Applications for Peking University, Guanghua School of Management’s Doing Business in China summer programs are open.

To view the brochure please click here or check out the promotional video on Youku

Dates for UG:

May 19 to June 1, 2013

Dates for Graduate and MBAs:

Class 1: May 19 to June 1, 2013

Class 2: June 9-22, 2013

Class 3: June 16-29, 2013

UNSW students who wish to apply can do so directly at: However, UNSW students who wish to apply for tuition fee reduction must notify the UNSW Global Education and Student Exchange Office as soon as possible:

Learn French or Arabic at Sciences Po in 2013!

Posted by on December 6th, 2012 · 2013, Language, UNSW Partner Institution

Sciences Po will be organising two programmes next summer, one hosted on their Paris campus and the other one on their Menton campus in the south of France:

French applied to Social Sciences Programme, Paris, July 1– 26 2013

A 74 hour programme of French, at beginners’ level with small-sized classes and individual tutorials,


A 84 hour programme of French intermediate and advanced levels, with rigorous language practice through theatre, workshops and classes about French history and institutional frameworks.

To view the brochure please click here.

Application deadline: Applications will be open from January 15th until April 15th, 2013. Admission will be on a first come first served basis. Places are limited (up to 50 students).

Language Summer Programme, Menton, June 7 – 27 2013

Learn French or Arabic in a 3 weeks programme at beginner, intermediate or advanced levels, with 48 hours of classes.

To view the brochure please click here.

Application deadline: March 22nd, 2013.

Please go to for more information.

UNSW students who apply to either of these courses should complete the registration form and email it to

Antai Global Scholar Summer School 2013

Posted by on December 6th, 2012 · 2013, Business, Short courses, Sponsored (Partial), Universitas 21 (U21), UNSW Partner Institution

The Antai Global Scholar Summer School 2013 gives students the chance to take high-quality academic sessions, enhancing their skills, knowledge and experience and also offering the opportunity to become better acquainted with Chinese culture, history and language.

The programme has two separate tracks, for undergraduate or master students. Successful completion of each programme can worth 3 SJTU credits (9 ECTS credits). In addition to the challenging academic programme, students can participate in a large variety of extra-curricular activities including visits in and around Shanghai and social/cultural activities with local students. SJTU students and staff help to organize events that make this a fun as well as a valuable experience.

The Antai Global Summer School 2013 starts from July 1st to 19th , and the program fee is US$ 3,950. Fees include tuition, course materials, Chinese language course, accommodation in students’ residences and company visits. In addition, students from our students-exchange partner institution, may be waived the tuition fee under some conditions of our exchange situation.

For more detailed information, please go to To view the brochure please click here.

UNSW students who would like to be considered under the exchange program must apply through the UNSW Global Education and Student Exchange Office. Please email if you wish to apply. We would recommend that students contact our office as early as possible as there are limited spaces available.

U21 announces the hosts of next year’s Summer School and UG Research Conference!

Posted by on November 25th, 2012 · 2013, Art and Design, Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, Business, Conference, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Scholarship Opportunities, Science, Short courses, Sponsored (Partial), Universitas 21 (U21), UNSW organised, UNSW Partner Institution

U21 announces the hosts of next year’s Summer School and Undergraduate Research Conference! The University of Connecticut, USA will be hosting the Summer School from 7-19 July 2013 and the UG Research Conference will be hosted by the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands from 8 – 12 July 2013. Any UG students interested in learning more about this opportunity can email to go on a mailing list when further information is available.

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) Summer Exchange

Posted by on November 20th, 2012 · 2013, Sponsored (Partial), UNSW Partner Institution, UNSW Winter Break

HKUST is hosting a 6-week Summer Exchange Program from Jun 24 to Aug 2, 2013.  This will be the second year of running the program.  The program is open to exchange partners only, and operates in a similar way as regular term exchange.  Students will be able to take up to 3 HKUST credit-bearing courses (9 credits total), without the need to pay HKUST tuition fees, while student housing will be provided at a nominal charge.

The summer exchange admission criteria are more flexible than the regular semester; the only criteria is English language proficiency sufficient for English-taught university-level courses.

More information is also available on the HKUST website at

Students who would like to take part in this program must first apply to the UNSW Global Education and Student Exchange Office. The application form can be downloaded here and submitted to our office via email at  It must be submitted no later than January 2nd 2013. Please note that transfer of credit for this program will be at the discretion of your school. Please contact our office for further information.