The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

New York City’s annual global business plan competition: NYC Next Idea

Posted by on September 5th, 2012 · 2012, 2013, Competition, Sponsored (Partial)

Click here for the flyer. 

The NYC Next Idea competition provides students and recent alumni of U.S. and foreign schools the unique opportunity to access substantial funding and support to implement their business ideas in New York City. The early deadline for business summaries is October 28th.  The final deadline is November 9th.

Teams of 2-5 participants are invited to submit business plans for ideas that may be commercially viable in New York City. Additionally, NYC Next Idea competition is expanding this year to allow US-based foreign students to join with their American colleagues.                            

Six teams of finalists will win a five-day, all-expenses-paid trip to New York City during the week of March 11th 2013 to participate in the final round of the Competition, which will be hosted at Columbia University.

More information about the Competition can be found on the NYCEDC website. UNSW Students must read the Eligibility criteria on the website as there are very specific requirements.

UNSW students applying for this program should email their teams to



Posted by on September 5th, 2012 · 2013, UNSW Partner Institution

Humboldt’s summer and winter school program at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

1. Early Bird Registration for the HUWISU Winter Session only until September 15th

Register now for the upcoming HUWISU Winter Session from January 7-25, 2013 at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and benefit from the early bird discount!
HUWISU offer interdisciplinary subject courses (taught in English) as well as semi-intensive German language courses for undergraduate and graduate students. Students may combine these courses in different tracks. Each course comprises 30 to 45 contact hours during the three week winter school program and will be awarded with a grade and credit points after successful course completion.

2. ‘Law and Ethics’ – New topics in the HUWISU Winter Session

HUWISU offers new topics during the winter session form January 7-25, 2013 and extends its portfolio of themes introducing new co-operations with the Faculty of Law and the Department of Social Sciences.

The course “Medical Ethics and the Law” deals with a complex topic in an interdisciplinary approach and mainly addresses undergraduate students. Lecturers of two different disciplines (law and ethics) will bring together their experience and expertise and thus provide a comprehensive picture of currently often discussed topics (e.g. assisted suicide, abortion, ethical approaches, stem cell research, etc.).

The course “Crystal Clear Structures for Business Success: German Corporate Law” is designed for Master students. Participants will be introduced to the full scope of such companies and partnerships under German corporate law, which qualify in principle as private or public business entities. As one of the highlights of the lecture, the acquisition of a privately owned commercial enterprise will be simulated by the participants on the basis of actual documentary.

3. HUWISU Summer Sessions 2013

The subject courses and languages courses of the HUWISU Summer Sessions 2013 are all related to Germany or the city of Berlin and will provide various opportunities for interesting lectures, seminars, excursions and discussions.

Internationally experienced and excellent lecturers offer ample space for outstanding classes and discussions intertwined with hands-on experience through field trips and guided tours. In addition, HUWISU offer a broad range of cultural and social activities in your leisure time.

Join their excellent summer courses and register now! Please click here for the HUWISU 2013 folder.

For detailed information please also consult their website at and visit their facebook page:

UNSW students who apply should also complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to two weeks prior to the application deadline.

Ritsumeikan Winter Japanese Program (RWJP)

Posted by on August 21st, 2012 · 2012, 2013, Language, Self funded, UNSW Partner Institution

The Ritsumeikan Summer Japanese Program (RSJP) and Ritsumeikan Winter Japanese Program (RWJP) are designed for undergraduate or graduate students with minimal knowledge of the Japanese language, and aim at providing a comprehensive introduction to Japanese language and culture.

These programs are held in the ancient city of Kyoto, known for its traditional festivals such as “Gion Matsuri,” one of the largest and most famous in Japan. It is home to many UNESCO World Heritage Sites, of which the famous Ryoanji Temple and Golden Pavilion are located within walking distance of Ritsumeikan. At the same time as being an ancient city with a rich cultural heritage, the city of Kyoto is also progressive and modern. The old and the new aspects of Kyoto co-exist in perfect harmony which provides program participants a unique learning environment for short-term intensive language study and the opportunity to experience cultural exchange and exploration.

For more information go to

UNSW students applying for this program should notify the UNSW Global Education Office at as they will be asked to register their travel.

Meiji University: Japanese Language Program 2013

Posted by on August 14th, 2012 · 2013, Language, UNSW Partner Institution

Meiji University will implement a Japanese Language Program for international students in February 2013.

They will offer a financial support of JPY80,000  as a scholarship to participants who meet the following conditions:

1. Does not hold Japanese nationality and must be a full time Student of undergraduate or graduate school at foreign country as at Japanese Language program period.

2. Enter Japan after February 7, 2013 and leave Japan by March 5, 2013.

3. Attend all the lectures, activities and submit the report on the learning outcome of the Program on the last day.

Information on the program can be found at: (ENG) (JPN)

UNSW students applying for this program should notify the UNSW Global Education Office at and register their travel at

Interested in studying in China? Launch of AddChina Toolkit

Posted by on August 14th, 2012 · Uncategorized

The AddChina Toolkit is an initiative to encourage Australian students to undertake study in China. The AddChina Toolkits will be made available as two electronic brochures: one aimed at senior secondary and university students (available now at and the other at those considering postgraduate studies (available very shortly at The toolkits provide useful information on courses delivered in English available in China, funding resources, application procedures, and where best in China to study for relevant areas and opportunities for post-graduation employment.

This toolkit will complement existing Australian Government initiatives to promote outbound mobility, such as the Australia Awards for medium to long term study, short term mobility programs, student exchange programs or the Discover China Scholarship Project.

Call for delegate applications to the 2012 Australia-China Youth Dialogue

Posted by on August 13th, 2012 · 2012, Conference

The Australia-China Youth Dialogue (ACYD) is currently accepting applicants for the 2012 ACYD, to be held in Beijing and Chengdu, China from 19 to 24 October. Delegate applications are open to Chinese applicants until 15 September 2012, and to Australian applicants until 31 August 2012.

Australia-China Youth Dialogue

The ACYD aims to promote frequent and meaningful engagement between young adults in China and Australia who are interested in furthering Australia-China relations. The ACYD was founded to promote sophisticated cross-cultural understanding among Australians and Chinese and to enhance Sino-Australian relations by bringing together key people from both sides to forge deeper connections for the future. 

2012 ACYD

This year, the Australia-China Youth Association, in partnership with the China University Media Union and the All-China Youth Federation’s “Dialogue with the World” series will present the 2012 ACYD from Beijing and Chengdu, China. From 19 to 24 October, the 2012 ACYD will bring together 30 future leaders from Australia and China to discuss, debate and analyse key issues that will shape Sino-Australian relations in the coming decades. Issues on the agenda include:

  • Economic reform and rebalancing
  • Government reform and innovation
  • Geopolitics in the Asian Century
  • New development challenges as China modernizes
  • Environment, energy and climate change
  • The Rule of Law

The ACYD has a record of attracting top calibre speakers including The Hon Bob Hawke (former Prime Minister), Craig Emerson (Australian Trade Minister), The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG (Former Australian High Court Justice), and Professor Ma Jun (Respected Chinese environmentalist and investigative journalist). The 2012 ACYD is set to continue in this vein with confirmed speakers including Gillian Mellsop (UNICEF Representative to China), Michael Lynch (CEO of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority and Board Director of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation), and Ma Guonan (Senior Economist at the Representative Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bank of International Settlements).

Applicant requirements

To be eligible to apply as a delegate to the 2012 ACYD you must be:

  • • Between the ages of 18-35
  • • Australian (Citizen or Permanent Resident) or Chinese (including Hong Kong and Taiwan)
  • • Have a demonstrated interest in the Sino-Australian dialogue
  • • A willingness to engage with other delegates and meaningfully participate in the programs provided throughout the 2012 ACYD.

For further information please click here.

UNSW students who are selected should register their travel with the UNSW Global Education and Student Exchange Office at

French Embassy Internship

Posted by on August 9th, 2012 · 2012, 2013, Internships, UNSW Partner Institution


AIM Overseas has opened applications for January 2013 programs.

Posted by on July 30th, 2012 · 2013, Self funded, Short courses

More information on each course can be found via the links below – all are designed with credit and OS-HELP in mind. Students can apply directly via AIM Overseas.

Visit the AIM Overseas website

UNSW Students who apply for these programs should register their travel at or email

UNSW Global Education Office: Spanish language short course programs

Posted by on July 30th, 2012 · 2012, 2013, Arts and Social Science, Language, Self funded, Short courses, UNSW organised

The Global Education Office is offering two fantastic Spanish language short course programs during the Summer holidays in Spain and Mexico.

  • SPAN6206 – Spanish Language in Oaxaca, Mexico (30 December 2012 – 26 January 2013)
  • SPAN6206 – Spanish Language in Seville, Spain (6 January 2013 – 2 February 2013)

UNSW Study Abroad, in collaboration with the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences has arranged these four-week intensive language programs overseas to provide an excellent opportunity to refine your Spanish language skills or to entice you to learn a new language. 

This full-fee paying program costs $2300 and includes tuition, credit transfer, accommodation, half-board and travel insurance. Please note this course is not covered under HECS/HELP. For more information about the different locations and their program structure please see the hyperlinks below.

Study in Seville!

Study in Oaxaca!

Upon successful completion students will receive 6 UOC as transfer credit. This credit can be counted towards your Spanish Major/Minor or as a General Education course, depending on your degree requirements. Please discuss this with your program authority and obtain confirmation in writing before enrolling. 

If you have any questions at all please contact

U.S. Consulate’s Local Internship Program

Posted by on July 26th, 2012 · 2012, 2013, Internships

The U.S. Consulate is looking for non-American undergraduate students attending local universities to experience working alongside the Consulate’s American and Australian employees.

For more information about the internship and application please go to:

UNSW students who are selected for an internship should notiffy the UNSW Global Education and Student Exchange Office on