The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

UNSW Practicum Exchange Program

Posted by on July 2nd, 2012 · 2012, 2013, Art and Design, Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, Business, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Practicum, Scholarship Opportunities, Science, UNSW organised, UNSW Partner Institution

Students wishing to go on a research exchange can do so through the UNSW Practicum Exchange Program. This program gives UNSW students the opportunity for a short term (usually 2-6 months) research internships at many of our international partner institutions. As a student at UNSW you can:

  • undertake research projects at some of the top universities around the world
  • be supervised by some of the best researchers in your area of study
  • travel to exotic locations and meet other students to create your own professional network for the future.
  • Apply for a Practicum Exchange Scholarship. 

Six information sessions are being held in S2 12 (for dates and times please click here). To register for an information session please go to

A list of our current exchange partners can be found at:

For further information about the Practicum Exchange Program please go to:

DAAD Australia announces: Encounter Europe

Posted by on July 2nd, 2012 · 2012, Scholarship Opportunities, Short courses

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) announces the availability of scholarships for the following course:

Encounter Europe – Visit Germany

A DAAD Seminar for Students from Australia and New Zealand at the European Academy Otzenhausen

An introduction to the political, economic and environmental issues of European integration from 2 – 15 December 2012. In co-operation with the ASKO Europa Stiftung (AES) and other renowned partners in Germanyand Australia, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is once again offering scholarships for a two-week course dealing with a variety of issues regarding the European Union. Two weeks full of exciting opportunities for students – from the fields of law, politics, international relations, European studies or similar subjects – wanting to improve their understanding of contemporary European affairs and legislative regulations, organised by the European Academy Otzenhausen, the University of New England and the DAAD.

The course is open to advanced undergraduates and graduates enrolled at an Australian or New Zealand university. They must either be Australian or New Zealand nationals or have been living / studying in Australia / New Zealand for the last 6 years.

The course will be held in English. The programme consists of a course on European affairs as well as study trips to Trier (Roman city, university), Luxembourg (European Court of Justice, city), Strasbourg (European Parliament, European Court of Human Rights, city with Christmas market), and Germany’s former capital, Bonn (visiting the DAAD).

Students will be expected to:

– pay a course fee contribution of EUR 100, to be paid on arrival by each participant

– organise and pay for their own transport to Germany and back. Successful applicants are strongly encouraged to apply for university (or other) funding to cover these costs. In case no other funding (or only less) is available, the DAAD will pay a travel allowance of (up to) EUR 370 per person (to be paid out on arrival).

– organise and pay for their own medical insurance

– bring along whatever pocket money they might need.

The remaining costs of the programme, accommodation at the European Academy Otzenhausen (, all meals and all excursions are paid for by the ASKO Europe Foundation, the Centre International de Formation Européenne (CIFE) and the DAAD.


Including arrival and departure days, the course will last two weeks, from 2 – 15 December 2012.

Please note: Students are expected to stay for the duration of the seminar. This is a scholarship requirement.


Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen gGmbH (EAO)

Europahausstraße, 66620 Nonnweiler/Saarland, Germany

Ph: +49 (0) 6873/662-0 Fax: +49 (0) 0873/662-350


Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bröhmer, Curtin University, Australia

Hans Beitz, M.A., Dr. Elisabeth Schmitt, EAO, Germany


Dr. Elisabeth Schmitt, EAO,

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applications from advanced students of all subjects will be accepted, provided they have completed at least two years of university education at the beginning of the Course and have a demonstrated academic interest in German and European affairs. Graduates and Ph.D. students may also apply.
  • Applicants must be enrolled at an Australian or New Zealand university. They must either be Australian or New Zealand nationals or have been living / studying in Australia or New Zealand for the last 6 years.
  • Applicants must not be younger than 19 years at the beginning of the course.
  • Please note that the funding rules do not allow any exceptions to these requirements.

Application Deadline

Applications are due by August 31st 2012 and should be submitted to the DAAD Information Centre.

Please email for the application pack.

Hong Kong Polytechnic University: Global Student Challenge 2013

Posted by on July 2nd, 2012 · 2013, Competition, Sponsored (Partial), UNSW Partner Institution

Students from the University of New South Wales who are full time undergraduate as of 22-28 June 2013 have the opportunity to take part in this once-in-a-lifetime challenge!

Organised by Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the Global Student Challenge is a global business plan competition for secondary and university students.  Over 370 teams from 29 countries have taken part in this Challenge since its inception in 2010, with the Gold Award of the University Division went to Johns Hopkins University, USA and to Purdue University, USA in 2011 respectively.

A total of 30 teams per division will be shortlisted and sponsored for their flights to/from Hong Kong in June 2013, with free accommodation at PolyU Student Halls of Residence.  Apart from representing UNSW, the best teams from around the world will enjoy an array tailored activities and cultural immersion programmes will be arranged during their stay in Hong Kong.

Please click here  for the brochure.  Further details and the online registration form are available at

The closing date for online registration is October 31st 2012 and teams should notify the UNSW Global Education and Student Exchange Office at

Entries are now open for the 2012 Malaysia Australia Business Council (MABC) Internship Competition

Posted by on June 25th, 2012 · Internships, Sponsored (Partial)

The competition is open to Australian and Malaysian students currently enrolled in an institute of Higher Education or VET. The prize consists of an internship in a member company for approximately one (1) month, in addition to a return airfare from Australia.

The prize is awarded to the student who submits the most convincing and engaging presentation on the topic via essay or storyboard mode.


The Australian Prime Minister, The Honourable Julia Gillard has commissioned a white paper to guide government policy through the so-called “Asian Century”, stating that “Rapid growth in much of Asia will change the social and economic, strategic and environmental order of our world…”

In considering this statement, please respond to the following questions:

  • In what way/s might you expect your internship in Malaysia to prepare you for the Asian Century?
  • What might be some of the “social and economic, strategic and environmental” issues that we need to be prepared for?
  • In your opinion, what are the skill sets required to meet the challenges of the Asian Century?

Applications close July 30, 2012 and no late entries will be considered.

Full details can be found at

Read about the experiences of 2011 competition winner Simon Liu!

**Successful UNSW students must notify the UNSW Global Education Office. Please email**

Postgraduate Scholarships: Sponsored by the Australian-American Fulbright Commission

Posted by on June 25th, 2012 · Scholarship Opportunities

SYNOPSIS:  Fulbright Postgraduate Scholarships are available to Australian citizens to engage in 8 to 12 months of research relevant to an Australian PhD; or undertake an approved course of study in an American higher degree or its equivalent.  Awards are open to all fields of study or research for one academic year. Up to twelve (12) Fulbright Postgraduate Scholarships are available in 2012.                  

DEADLINE: Applications open on June 1, 2011 and close on August 20, 2012.

Citizenship/Country of Applying Institution: Australia Citizenship

Locations Tenable:    U.S.A. Institution (including U.S. Territories)

Applicant type:     Graduate Student


 Fulbright Postgraduate Awards are available for Australian citizens wishing to: engage in 8 to 12 months research relevant to an Australian higher degree; or undertake an approved course of study for an American higher degree or its equivalent.  The general Postgraduate Student Awards are open to all fields for study or research, including the visual and performing arts.  The Fulbright Commission will provide specific sponsored Fulbright Postgraduate Awards in 2011.  The following scholarships are either sponsored by industry or government OR endowed through donations from business, individuals, governments and/or universities and are offered in specific fields of study:  Indigenous Scholarship supported by the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education.  The following are Fulbright State and Territory Scholarships support study or research related to a topic or issue of importance to that state or territory:  New South Wales Scholarship is supported by the NSW Government and NSW universities; Northern Territory Scholarship is supported by the NT Government, Charles Darwin University and corporate sponsor, Blackboard; Queensland Scholarship established by the QLD government and all QLD based universities; South Australia Scholarship is supported by the South Australian Government and South Australian based universities; Tasmania Scholarship sponsored by the Tasmanian Government and the University of Tasmania; Victoria Scholarship established by the Victorian government and Victorian based universities; and Western Australia Scholarship established by the WA government, WA based universities, companies and individual donors.


 Eligible applicants are those who have completed a four year degree.  In the Australian context, this usually means an honours degree or its equivalent. Applicants must be Australian citizens by birth or naturalisation. Permanent resident status does not satisfy this requirement and nationals of other countries (e.g.. United Kingdom or New Zealand) cannot be treated as Australian citizens even though they have resided in Australia for a considerable time.

Naturalised citizens must provide a Certificate of Australian Citizenship with their application; native-born Australians must provide a copy of their birth certificate.  Applicants holding dual US/Australian citizenship, or Green Card holders, are not eligible and will not be considered for a Fulbright award.   Applicants must be resident in Australia on the date applications close and successful applicants will be required to agree to return to Australia at the completion of the program for which they received their awards.

Medical graduates who at any time during the award period wish to engage in clinical practice are not eligible to apply for a Fulbright award.  Applicants who have previously received an award under the program are not eligible to apply for a second award within four years of the completion of the first award.  Previous US experience will not exclude candidates but all else being equal, preference will be given to those without previous US academic or professional experience. 


 Fulbright Postgraduate Scholars must spend a minimum of one academic year (8-12 months) in the U.S., the majority of time should be at their host institution.  Scholarship valued at up to US$40,000 and includes: a generous travel entitlement, a monthly stipend for a maximum of 12 months, establishment and baggage allowances, transport and accommodation to attend an Orientation Program and the Fulbright Presentation Dinner in Australia (March), transportation and accommodation to an Enrichment Seminar with international Fulbright Scholars in the U.S., and access to a professional network of U.S., Australian and international Fulbright Scholars and distinguished alumni. Postgraduates can remain in the U.S. for up to one year following their Fulbright program, under academic training to undertake work in their field in the U.S. The cost of obtaining a degree from a U.S. university can be as much as US$40,000 per year. For this reason, applicants should investigate additional funding sources from their universities along with private and government sources.



Web Site:                                                                                    

Program URL:                          

Tel:              02 6260 4460                 

Fax:              02 6260 4461       

Successful students should register with the UNSW International Office. Please email to register.

World to NYC

Posted by on June 3rd, 2012 · 2012, Business, Conference, Uncategorized

It is with great pleasure to announce the next tech-focused World to NYC program running from August 6-8 2012!

New York City offers tremendous benefits to international businesses through its vast resources in venture capital, advertising, media, and professional services. The City is particularly attractive to global entrepreneurial ventures because ­­of its access to a talented workforce, a large and diverse market, and robust business networks.

World to NYC is designed to help global entrepreneurs and businesses leverage New York City’s resources and economic opportunities. The program seeks to promote trade and investment between New York City and the global economy, focusing on the growing international entrepreneurial sector exploring expansion opportunities in North America. The program will host business delegations from cities and regions around the world and helps visiting companies grow and expand in the City.

How it works

New York City periodically hosts visiting delegations of entrepreneurs and business executives from select international cities or regions to participate in a 3 day program comprised of networking opportunities, introductions to potential business partners, information useful to companies expaning into the area and other events. The program runs Monday-Wednesday, allowing sufficient time Thursday and Friday for participating companies to schedule their own business meetings in the City.

The next program is scheduled for August 6-8, 2012

Please download our World to NYC flyer and check out our program page which includes the online application (see “Join the Delegation”).

If you have any questions inquire at

Education Without Borders 2013 conference

Posted by on June 3rd, 2012 · 2012, Conference, Scholarship Opportunities, Uncategorized

Call for full time undergraduate and graduate students to apply for selection to the world renowned Education Without Borders 2013 conference

This event is for students by students. A full explanation is provided in the 2013 Background on Education Without Borders. Essentially, 1000 international students from around the world are selected to participate in three days of student presentations based on a final selection of 36 papers written around the themes of the conference. The students have a once in a lifetime and memorable opportunity to interact with Nobel Laureates (5 have already accepted invitations), CEO’s from the top world-wide corporate organizations, senior world Government Ministers and dignitaries. We provide accommodation, all hospitality and visa expenses. The only cost to the student is the airfare. However, if they are one of the fortunate 36 students to be selected to have their paper presented at the event, then we also provide the airfare. As 2013 is the 25th Anniversary Year for HCT, the paper presenters will also have the additional opportunity of staying two more days in the UAE and attend Festival of Thinkers 2013, another memorable event.

Education Without Borders is open to all students of the world. If they are interested, they simply visit the website and complete the application process. This involves explaining why they think they could contribute to the event, providing a reference from one of their college/university tutors to provide evidence of full time attendance and some essential details about their course of study. Students who would like to obtain full sponsorship are invited to write an abstract and subsequent paper, no more than 3000 words.

For further information:

UNSW students who wish to attend should also complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to two weeks prior to the application deadline.

Prime Ministers Australia Awards 2013

Posted by on June 3rd, 2012 · 2012, Scholarship Opportunities, Uncategorized

DEEWR is seeking applications from UNSW of 5 undergraduate and 5 postgraduate students for these prestigious awards. (There are 20 scholarships available for each of the undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships).

The Australia Awards are designed to encourage high achieving undergraduate and postgraduate students to study and undertake internships/research in Asia with a view to building educational and professional linkages.

Students need to apply online by going to the following website:  The closing date for the applications is 30 June 2012. 

Any questions about the Awards if the information is not contained in the Final 2013 Round Applicant Guidelines provided, please contact Janina Jancu  Manager- UNSW Scholarships UNSW

Summer Institute on Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction

Posted by on June 3rd, 2012 · 2012, Medicine, Science, Short courses, Uncategorized, Universitas 21 (U21)

Last chance to join the world-renowned Summer Institute on Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction at the University of Amsterdam!!  There are still a few spots left so send in your application. 

  • The Institute’s classes are intensive seminars with discussions, excursions, faculty lectures and guest lectures by prominent people in the field, such as Dr. Wim van den Brink and Dr. Reinout Wiers (both from UvA), and many others.
  • Dr Harry Sumnall, Alice Rap project
  • Anja Busse, UNODC
  • Dr. Dennis McCarty will continue as the Academic Director.

Students have come from all over the world to attend the Summer Institute.  The Institute welcomes individuals with a focused interest in addiction research and treatment, Master’s and PhD students, NGO staff working on addiction-related issues, professionals in human services, practitioners and advocates.

 The 2012 application can be found at the website (

UNSW students who wish to attend should also complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to

Scholarships for “Hochschulwinterkurs” a six-week course on German language, Culture and Society

Posted by on May 27th, 2012 · 2012, Scholarship Opportunities, Short courses, UNSW Partner Institution

Once again the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service, a German government organisation) is offering scholarships for a “Hochschulwinterkurs”, a six-week course on German language, culture and society open to all Australian and New Zealand undergraduates, graduates and junior faculty members, except graduates involved in German and German faculty courses.

The courses will be held from January to February 2013 in co-operation with the Universities of Duisburg-Essen (Faculty of Arts), Freiburg (SLI-Sprachlehrinstitut), Leipzig (interDaF e.V., Herder-Institut) and the IIK Duesseldorf (in co-operation with Heinrich-Heine-Universität Duesseldorf).

The course is open to *all* students with sufficient knowledge of German, regardless of their field of study. This is an exciting opportunity for students and junior faculty members wanting to improve their language skills and their understanding of contemporary affairs.

The 2012-2013 final program is not yet available but a copy of last years program can be found here.

Scholarships include

  • A flat rate course allowance of EUR 750 (ca. AUD 960)
  • A travel allowance of EUR 550 (ca. AUD 700)
  • A part-cost grant of EUR 975 (ca. AUD 1250) for living expenses

Participants should allow EUR 250 to EUR 300 (ca. AUD 400, depending on the current exchange rate) of their own funds for additional expenses.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applications from advanced students of all subjects will be accepted, provided they have completed at least two years of university education at the beginning of the Winterkurs. Graduates and PhD students may also apply, except graduates involved in German and German faculty courses.
  • Applicants must have an Australian or New Zealand passport and must be enrolled at an Australian or New Zealand university.
  • Applicants must prove a sound knowledge of German in order to be able to follow lectures and work in study groups. By January 2013, they must have completed at least 2 years of German (not necessarily at university) and gained language skills at the European level B1, preferably B2.
  • Applicants studying for a Bachelor degree may apply provided they are planning to study for a Master’s in Germany after finishing their Bachelor degree or where equivalent reasons for receiving a scholarship are given. Such a reason could be e.g. the preparation of a thesis during the applicant’s Honours year.
  • Applicants must be at least 18 years of age at the beginning of the course.
  • Applicants may only receive one Deutschlandkundlicher Winterkurs scholarship within three consecutive years.

For the application pack please email The deadline to apply is August 15th 2012.