The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

2012 U21 Summer School (July 7- July 18 2012) – Tecnólogico de Monterrey: Queretaro

Posted by on March 27th, 2012 · 2012, Scholarship Opportunities, Short courses, Sponsored (Partial), UNSW organised

**Deadline Extended**

The world’s economy is changing. We need global thinkers to shape the economy for greater development and fairer distribution of wealth, so shaping the global future entrepreneur, this year’s Summer School theme, is crucial for universities and society.

The 2012 U21 Summer School (July 7- July 18 2012) will be a dynamic encounter of students engaged in entrepreneurial activities to foster economic growth and social development in their communities.

Participants will learn about the importance of small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) that form the base of economic development and the global forces these companies must face today. Universities have a great responsibility in shaping the global future entrepreneurs who will be key actors in the economic development of their countries and which will have global impact.

Students will discuss and analyse case studies which are of particular relevance to the Mexican experience and will have the chance to interact with entrepreneurs that have been key role players in de development of Queretaro State economic growth.

The programme will take place at Tecnólogico de Monterrey’s Queretaro campus.

In addition to the academic activities planned in Queretaro, there will be a weekend trip to Teotihuacan, an amazing pre-colombian archeological site, and other surrounding areas.


Students from all areas interested in developing their global entrepreneurial skills are welcome to join!

Staff members from across the U21 network who are active in teaching or research relating to any facet of Entrepreneurship for SME’s are invited to contribute to the academic programme. Academic staff members who wish to discuss their potential involvement in the Summer School should contact Patricia Montaño ( as soon as possible.


Participation fees will be €650 per student, to include accommodation, breakfast and lunch each day, Welcome and Farewell dinners and all activities on the weekend to Teotihuacan and surrounding areas.

**The registration fee will be covered by UNSW and selected students will be granted a $500AUD travel scholarship**

Students will need their own spending money for dinners on free nights, transfers to and from the airport, and personal costs during short trips and the weekend.

How to Apply

UNSW students who wish to apply for this program must complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to by April 30th 2012. Successful applications will be notified within a week and will be required to register with U21 by the middle of May 2012. For more information about Universitas 21 please go to:

University of the Azores (UAc): Summer courses 2012

Posted by on March 26th, 2012 · Uncategorized

Each year the University of the Azores (UAc) offers Summer Courses, with a focus on promoting the university and its region, as well as the Portuguese language and Azorean culture.

The courses are organised by the International Relations Office (IRO) within the frame of the Vice-Chancellorship for International Relations and Institutional Cooperation. It has the cooperation of several units of the university, namely the Departments of Modern Languages and Literature, of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences, of Geological Sciences, of Biology, of Oceanography and Fisheries and of Agricultural Sciences.

The Portuguese language has three levels of proficiency, whether as foreign language or second one. The main goal is to develop the communication skills of all participants, focusing as much as possible on their individual needs.

This year, for the first time, there will a module dedicated to the Portuguese Literature. Please click here for more information on this course.

The applications for the 2012 edition are open until the 30th of March. Further information can be obtained from

Please note this program is offered by a non-partner organisation and is not a UNSW affiliated course. UNSW students participating in this program are expected to register with the UNSW Global Education and Student Exchange Office. Please email

AIM Overseas 2012

Posted by on March 26th, 2012 · Uncategorized

AIM Overseas has opened applications for all July 2012 short term programs. The list of programs can be downloaded from

Some of the new options for July include Social Media in the USA and the Comparative Study of Peace, Conflict and Religion in Italy. 

Applications close on March 31st 2012.

UNSW students who secure a place  are expected to register with the UNSW Global Education and Student Exchange Office. Please email

Australia-Korea Foundation: Grants & Scholarships

Posted by on March 22nd, 2012 · 2012, Scholarship Opportunities

Grants & Scholarships Round Now Open  

The Australia-Korea Foundation (AKF) celebrates its 20th Anniversary in 2012 and continues to support projects which advance Australia’s engagement with the Republic of Korea across a broad range of endeavours in the cultural, academic, business and community spheres.


Applications are invited for grant funding in the 2012-13 financial year, for projects commencing between July 2012 and June 2013.


Available for recent Australian graduates or later year undergraduates, the program objective is to develop a group of Australian graduates with a very good understanding of Korean society, politics, economy and culture as well as increase Australia’s capacity to engage with Korea.

How to apply

The online application form can be found through the Department of Foreign Affairs website:

Further information, including funding guidelines and eligibility, can be obtained from the website.

Closing Dates

Grant applications must be submitted by Monday 2 April, 2012 at midnight (EST-Sydney time).

Scholarship applications must be submitted by Thursday 12 April, 2012 at midnight.


AKF Secretariat

Phone: +61 2 6261 9542


Research Summer School, Angers, France – 2nd to 13th July 2012

Posted by on March 20th, 2012 · Uncategorized

Intensive training for earlier exposure to research

Seize the opportunity to come to France and to benefit from a unique mix of workshops conducted entirely in English!


Angers Medical School is launching this summer the 3rd edition of an exciting Research Summer School for undergraduate students from 2nd year to 4th year of medicine/biological sciences/pharmacy.

This 2-week program will introduce the students to major medical research issues and raise their interest to get involved in research activities. International researchers from different European countries will be teaching on different topics: cell and molecular biology, genetics, pharmacology, medical imaging, space medicine research, animal experimentation and physiology.

Visits of international research institutes will be organised during the stay such as Neurospin in Paris and Iris in Angers.
An attractive social program is also included (sport sessions, seacoast day, theatre event, etc.) to help the students to get to know each other! 

The cost of 650 Euros includes tuition, accommodation, lunches, scheduled excursions and extracurricular activities.

For more information, please visit:

Deadline: 30th April 2012. Enrolment is limited.

UNSW students who wish to attend should also complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to two weeks prior to the application deadline.

International Graduate Summer School in Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2012

Posted by on March 20th, 2012 · 2012, Scholarship Opportunities

International Graduate Summer School in Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2012, will be held in Beihang University, formerly known as Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, from July 10th to July 17th. The theme of the summer school is Advances in Aeronautics and Astronautics.

In order to stimulate creative thinking and promote academic exchange between Chinese and foreign graduate students, this summer school will introduce participants to the science and technology frontiers of aeronautics and astronautics. During this one week program students will be able to attend lectures presented by specially invited distinguished experts and scholars. Two experimental courses, including micro aircraft design, will also be offered. As well as this, a number of relevant laboratories at Beihang University will be open to students for visiting. A good number of both formal and informal academic discussions and seminars are also planned as part of the program. In addition, local tours and entertainment activities in Beijing will be organized for everyone taking part.

Beihang University will cover the international travel expenses of successful applicants up to a maximum of 10,000 yuan RMB per overseas student. Tuition costs, accommodation, meals and arranged local tours during the period of the summer school will also be covered by the university.

For more detailed information please click here.

Beihang University sincerely invites graduate students of UNSW to enroll in this summer school.  For more details, please log on the official website of the summer school (

Language of instruction: English

UNSW students who wish to apply must also complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to  by Monday April 2nd 2012.

India Study Abroad Center

Posted by on March 20th, 2012 · Uncategorized

On International Women’s Day, ISAC applaud all the women they have had the opportunity to work with in the villages of India. Their programs in rural India have allowed students from all over the world to witness the gradual empowerment of women in economically backward areas. Today they celebrate every woman farmer, artisan, small business owner and home maker in India. 

ISAC’s Grassroots Community Development program is an opportunity to work with organizations that are at the forefront of social change in India. Through this program one can gain an understanding of the growing social sector in India while being immersed in the social and cultural ethos of India. This program provides the opportunity to understand various developmental models and strategies devised by pioneering social workers and to engage with diverse communities. Observe, learn and participate in the areas of poverty alleviation, health, women’s empowerment, micro-credit, community development, child sponsorship, HIV / AIDS interventions and awareness programs, education and teaching programs. 

This program gives participants an in-depth knowledge and understanding about challenges, interventions and realities of grassroots development in India. 

What you can learn during the program:

  • Observe, learn and participate in social change. Engage with the social sector and the diverse communities served by it.
  • Learn about developmental strategies, initiatives and models that are impacting issues faced by the world today including education, healthcare, child protection, women’s empowerment, HIV/AIDS.
  • Contribute your skills, effort, time and expertise to underserved communities. Engage with them to gain an understanding and appreciation of their social/cultural/economic situation.
  • Live in the heart of the real India and gain a truly immersive experience. Interact with visionaries that are driving social change in India.

For more information please click here.

UNSW students who are successful in securing a position are expected to register with the UNSW Global Education and Student Exchange Office. Please email

Hong Kong Polytechnic University: Global Student Challenge 2013

Posted by on March 19th, 2012 · Business, Competition, Scholarship Opportunities

Students from the University of New South Wales who are full time undergraduate as of 22-28 June 2013 have the opportunity to take part in this once-in-a-lifetime challenge!

Organised by Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the Global Student Challenge is a global business plan competition for secondary and university students.  Over 370 teams from 29 countries have taken part in this Challenge since its inception in 2010, with the Gold Award of the University Division went to Johns Hopkins University, USA and to Purdue University, USA in 2011 respectively.

A total of 30 teams per division will be shortlisted and sponsored for their flights to/from Hong Kong in June 2013, with free accommodation at PolyU Student Halls of Residence.  Apart from representing UNSW, the best teams from around the world will enjoy an array tailored activities and cultural immersion programmes will be arranged during their stay in Hong Kong.

Please click here  for the brochure.  Further details and the online registration form are available at

The closing date for online registration is October 31st 2012 and teams must notify the UNSW Global Education and Student Exchange Office at

Niarchos (Stavros) Foundation: Internships

Posted by on March 19th, 2012 · 2012, Internships, Self funded

SYNOPSIS:  The Niarchos (Stavros) Foundation offers a limited number of internships to qualified candidates interested in exploring the world of philanthropy and not-for-profit organizations. Positions are available in all three offices of the Foundation, located in New York, Athens, and Monte Carlo.                                                

Contact Address: 

   SNF USA, Inc.

   645 Madison Avenue

   Suite 2200

   New York, NY 10022     



Web Site:                                                                                                       

Program URL:                                                                          

Award Type:    Internships

                  Training/Professional Development

Citizenship/Country of Applying Institution:

                  Any/No Restrictions

Locations Tenable: European Institution

                  U.S.A. Institution (including U.S. Territories)

Appl Type(s):     Individual, Non-Specific

                  Graduate Student

                  Undergraduate Student 


The internships provide the opportunity to gain insight into the operations of a philanthropic organization and to experience and understand the philosophy and work of different grantees/organizations that offer a variety of services and programs in the areas of arts and culture, social welfare, education, and health and medicine. The SNF Internship Program involves interns in many different aspects of the Foundation’s activities and treats them as an integral part of the organization, allowing them to learn and acquire various skills as they participate in the Foundation’s work.


Intern candidates must possess strong written and oral communication skills in English, as well as computer skills, and the ability to work in a flexible and fast-paced environment. For the Monte Carlo office; the internship must be requested by an educational institution and a convention has to be signed between the educational institution, the Foundation, and the student. 


SNF internships typically take place during the summer months and are between four to eight weeks long. All travel and accommodation expenses are the responsibility of the intern. 

Please note this is not affiliated with UNSW though students who are successful in securing a position are expected to register with the UNSW Global Education and Student Exchange Office. Please email

Caroline-von-Humboldt Prize: Outstanding Female Junior Researchers

Posted by on March 19th, 2012 · Uncategorized

 Each year, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin awards the Caroline-von-Humboldt prize to outstanding female junior researchers. It includes a scholarship to visit HU as a scientist in residence for a two month period.


Eligible are female scientists who graduated within the last seven years and who do not yet hold tenured professorships.

UNSW students participating in this program may also be covered by UNSW insurance. UNSW students who wish to apply should complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to by May 15th 2012. Students should include the following in their application:

• Justification of nomination

• Scientific vita

• Professional qualifications

• Publications

• Teaching achievements

• Brief project description

Please click here for further details. If there is UNSW staff interested in this prize please contact the UNSW Global Education Office also: