The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

Doing Business in China Program- Guanghua School of Management

Posted by on November 17th, 2011 · 2012, Short courses
This program gives an overview of doing business in China, including an introduction to the Chinese economy, history and culture. Modules and seminars on a wide range of topics allow the students to:
Understand the driving force of China’s economic growth phenomenon over the last 30 years and the future
Appreciate the uniqueness of the Chinese market, organizations, and social structure
Learn how firms conduct marketing, branding, human resource and strategic management in China
There are many advantages to be gained by studying in the DBIC program.
Well-designed course structure and high quality faculty will ensure a successful program.
Case discussion and debates to engage student participation
Interaction with local students gives a chance to get a broad picture of China
Basic Mandarin course helps students to navigate during their stay in Beijing
Beijing, as the host city of the summer Olympics in 2008, is an extremely exciting and vibrant city to be in.
The program includes lectures, case studies, company visits, city tours and cultural events etc. The general program description will give you the overview about the program.
Application Deadline: March 1, 2012

Further information can be found in the following hyperlink:

Application forms can be obtained from Michelle Kofod

Summer at Postech!

Posted by on November 17th, 2011 · 2012, Short courses, Uncategorized

The Postech Summer Program offers a great opportunity for students who seek firsthand research experience. Individual Research and Korean Language courses allow students to explore their field of interest as well as Korean culture and language.

Students participating in research will receive a monthly stipend

Undergraduate students: KRW 250,000

Graduate students: KRW 300,000

Further information can be found in the following pdf: Summer at Postech

Application forms can be obtained from Michelle Kofod

Latin America in an International Context

Posted by on November 17th, 2011 · 2012, Short courses

Since its foundation, Iberoamericana University has always been considered one of the most prestigious and renowned universities Mexico. With 68 years of tradition within higher education, 35 undergraduate and 31 postgraduate programs, more than 250 certificates and courses, and hundreds of artistic and sporting events each year, the university offers an unequalled academic and human environment to over 11 000 students who study at our institution each year.

This short term program’s primary goal is to provide undergraduate as well as graduate students tools and possibilities to improve their Spanish language skills and their knowledge about Latin America in only six weeks (Jan/Feb or Aug/Sept) . To acheive this objetive the program offers an intensive educational program – 56 hours of Spanish language instruction and 48 hours of thematic lectures on Latin America – and different activities as business lunches, company visits, excursions and cultural get-together.

Further information can be found at the following hyperlink:

Application forms can be obtained from Michelle Kofod

World Youth Leaders Forum 2012

Posted by on November 17th, 2011 · 2012, Conference

In 2012, Chinese University of Hong Kong shall hold the World Yoth Leaders Forum the second year with the following objectives:
(i) To provide a platform to university students worldwide to exchange views on topics with regional or global interest;
(ii) To promote cross-cultural exposure and friendship;
(iii) To foster social responsibility and concerns on regional or global issues; and
(iv) To nurture a sense of global inter-dependence.

The theme in 2012 is ‘Towards a World without Poverty and Inequality’. The pervading problems of poverty and inequality afflict many parts and countries of the world. Such problems might have economic, social and cultural ramifications which students will be challenged to understand and analyze. We are eager to listen to original and creative ideas from young leaders across the continents on the theme and its related issues.

Suggested criteria for nomination are as follows:
(i) Outstanding academic performance with vision and leadership potential;
(ii) Interested in global and local issues, and eager to consider solutions;
(iii) Respectful and appreciative of others’ values and beliefs.

UNSW will nominate 2 students to go to this event, thus students should register their interest by 28th November 2011

If you would like to apply for this prestigious programme please forward enquires to Michelle Kofod

Fudan Summer Session 2012

Posted by on November 17th, 2011 · 2012, Arts and Social Science, Short courses, Uncategorized

Fudan University International Summer Session will provide a 5-week course study and cultural experience to international students from all around the world. Students will have the opportunity to get to know China, experience Shanghai and be part of Fudan University. Fudan University students will also have the chance to study and communicate with international students. This program will help you to better understand multiculturalism, form an international vision, and improve your international communication skills.
Fudan University International Summer Session is from June 2 to July 7, 2012.

Further information can be found at the following hyperlink:
2012 Fudan Summer Session Brochure

Application forms can be obtained from

Deadline is April 15th 2012.  

Global Student Leaders Travel

Posted by on November 17th, 2011 · 2012, Conference

GSLTLC 2012The Global Student Leaders Travel and Learning Camp is being organised for the inaugural time in Singapore, by National University of Singapore. The camp (held from 15-20, Feb 2012) is aimed at bringing students from different countries together to learn more about Singapore society through fun-filled travel activities. It is often thought that academics and leisure are mutually exclusive but this camp attempts to bridge both through collaborative projects and guided tours to visit various educational and popular landmarks in Singapore. In addition, participants will be exposed to issues which are not unique to Singapore, the lessons they learn will also be applicable in their home countries as well in this increasingly interconnected and interdependent world.

There will be approximately 300 participants from universities and high schools worldwide

Application forms can be obtained from Michelle Kofod

Queen’s Global Law Programs at Herstmonceux Castle, 2012

Posted by on November 17th, 2011 · 2012, Law, Short courses, Uncategorized

Queen’s Global Law Programs at Herstmonceux Castle, 2012The Global Law Programs offered by the Faculty of Law at Queen’s University will offer this year at the Bader International Study Centre at Herstmonceux Castle in Sussex, England, in 2012.  The program offers 8-week programs in International Business Law and Public International Law in May and June, with superb instructors and unique field studies opportunities. 

 This year they are also offering an exciting new 2-week course in The Philosophy of International Law in early July, taught by leading legal theorist Professor Leslie Green of Oxford University and Queen’s Law, and limited to 20 students.  A number of experts from the UK and the EU will visit the castle to give guest lectures, providing students with an unparalleled opportunity to engage with internationally recognized leaders in this field.

Drilling Engineering Design: June 25 – July 13, 2012

Posted by on November 16th, 2011 · 2012, Engineering, Short courses, Sponsored (Partial), Uncategorized, UNSW Partner Institution

The University of Leoben is offering a summer program Drilling Engineering Design from June 25 – July 13, 2012. The course is designed for engineering undergraduates (e.g. mechanical or drilling engineering or similar) who have an understanding of engineering fundamentals, ideally entry level lectures in mechanical and electrical engineering, and automation, and basic understanding of drilling engineering. The course also targets graduate students, who are interested in applied engineering problems.

If you would like to apply you will need to complete the “UNSW Short course application” and we will collate the applications before forwarding them to Leoben.

Further information can be found at the following hyperlink: Intensive Short Course Drilling Engineering Design presentation

Application forms can be obtained from Michelle Kofod or Catherine Schedlich .

World Youth Leaders Forum 2012 – Towards a World without Poverty and Inequality’

Posted by on November 15th, 2011 · 2012, Conference

Invitation of nominations for “World Youth Leaders Forum 2012”

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the captioned Forum, we cordially invite your esteemed university to nominate two undergraduate students in the second year or above of their study from any discipline to take part in the Forum in 2012, which will be held from 11 to 13 July 2012 in Shaw College for nearly 80 participants.

 In 2012, we shall hold the Forum for the second year with the following objectives:

(i)              To provide a platform to university students worldwide to exchange views on topics with regional or global interest;

(ii)            To promote cross-cultural exposure and friendship;

(iii)          To foster social responsibility and concerns on regional or global issues; and

(iv)          To nurture a sense of global inter-dependence.

The theme in 2012 is Towards a World without Poverty and Inequality’. The pervading problems of poverty and inequality afflict many parts and countries of the world. Such problems might have economic, social and cultural ramifications which students will be challenged to understand and analyze. We are eager to listen to original and creative ideas from young leaders across the continents on the theme and its related issues.

 Suggested criteria for nomination are as follows:

(i)                        Outstanding academic performance with vision and leadership potential;

(ii)                      Interested in global and local issues, and eager to consider solutions;

(iii)                    Respectful and appreciative of others’ values and beliefs.

As a token of encouragement, students who are accepted for participation will be provided with free meals and on-campus standard accommodation during the Forum period. Out-of-Hong Kong participants will be entitled for a subsidy of airfare/ transportation [Please refer to the Forum website].

Kindly note the following important dates and procedures for nomination:

Dates Actions to be taken by your esteemed university for nomination
By 3 December 2011 Select 2 undergraduate students from any discipline AND return the completed list of nomination, in order of priority, to Shaw College
3 – 31 December 2011
  1. Issue proof of nomination (pdf) to each nominee; and
  2. Inform and remind nominee(s) to submit their abstract and the proof of nomination (pdf) via the “How to Submit Abstract” under “Guidelines for Participants” in Forum website no later than 31 December 2011.

* From December 2011 to July 2012, Shaw College will contact the accepted / rejected nominees directly.

 Please refer to the website of the Forum  for further information.

The Forum 2011 was a success and served as a precious opportunity for almost 70 young leaders around the world to have fruitful academic and cultural exchange. Your support is crucial for us to further benefit more participants. We sincerely look forward to welcoming world youth leaders from your esteemed university to Shaw College in 2012!

India Study Abroad

Posted by on November 15th, 2011 · Internships, Short courses, Volunteer

If you are planning to volunteer, intern, study or simply visit India this website is one more reason to do it with the India specialists – ISAC.

 Visit our new website today. More pictures, more information on programs, information on our expanded team, locations and regular updates on ISAC initiatives.