The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

AEI Malaysia Summer Internship program

Posted by on November 15th, 2011 · Internships

Opportunities are still available for students seeking an overseas experience over the summer break!!

Students will receive support in locating housing and will be matched with a suitable host organisation, with all costs borne by the student.

For further information and the list of companies can be located at The Global Student Website at

13th Undergraduate Business Student leadership Conference (UBSLC)

Posted by on November 15th, 2011 · Uncategorized

Emory University’s Goizueta Business School is proud to invite the top student leaders of your university to attend the 13th Undergraduate Business Student leadership Conference (UBSLC), which will take place in February at our school.

Each year, UBSLC brings together students from the top-ranked business schools in the United States as well as leading international institutions such as your own. Participants enhance their leadership skills and build invaluable social and professional networks through developmental workshops, the case competition, and access to network with some of the world’s most noted business leaders.

In the attachments, RegistrationGuideContents2012tentativedates docx, you will find everything you need to register your students including:

Registration Guide 2012:

– General timeline (tentative) and due dates

– Instructions for:

  • Registering students
  • Booking a hotel room
  • Booking air travel

Please read through the registration timeline, and note that we need all participant resumes no later than November 28th, 2011.

If you have student leaders who are currently exchange students in the United States, we recommend you inform them of this great opportunity to heighten their leadership potential. If you prefer sending participants outside of U.S., we will waive the registration fee and hotel fee for them. Students will be considered fully registered once we receive flight confirmations.

Yonsei International Leadership Forum NEAN 2012

Posted by on November 10th, 2011 · 2012, Arts and Social Science, Business, Conference, Law, Science, Uncategorized, UNSW Partner Institution

Northeast Asian Network 2012 Delegate Recruitment

The Northeast Asian Network (NEAN) is an international student forum hosted annually by students of Yonsei University since 2001. It is one of the largest purely student organized conferences in the world, dealing with issues on Asia and facilitating future global leaders. Yonsei International Leadership Forum NEAN proudly announces the 2012 conference…

Northeast Asian Network Conference 2012

Conference Theme: Shifting World Order: Northeast Asia’s New Direction

Date: 6th to 11th of February, 2012

Venue: Yonsei Sinchon Main Campus, Seoul, Korea


Session 1: Politics

– Interpreting Democracy in the Context of Asian Particularities

Session 2: Business

– Ethical and Social Responsibilities of Northeast Asian Business

Session 3: Law

– Hand in Hand with Minorities: Enhancing Human Rights in Northeast Asia

Session 4: Environment

-Reformation of Northeast Asia’s Environmental Coalitions

Session 5: Education

– Education for Hope: the Road to Cooperation in Northeast Asia

The upcoming conference intends to offer all participants the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and understanding of various Asian and environmental issues, cultivate international leadership and forge friendships between delegates from all over the world.

NEAN is looking forward to accepting outstanding students from UNSW as delegates of the NEAN 2012 conference. Any undergraduate student interested in sharing their views and ideas, and from various cultural backgrounds is welcome to apply.

Recruitment: 13th of November ~ 23rd of December, 2011

Official Website with details on NEAN and how to apply:

UNSW students who wish to attend this conferenc should complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to two weeks prior to the application deadline.


Posted by on November 8th, 2011 · 2012, Short courses, Uncategorized, UNSW Partner Institution

HUMBOLDT WINTER AND SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2012 at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

HUMBOLDT Winter University invites participants from all over the world to study for three weeks at Humboldt’s tradition-rich institution and discover one of the most vibrant cities in Europe.

The courses at the Winter University in 2012 are all related to the city of Berlin and will provide various opportunities for interesting lectures, seminars, excursions and discussions. The content courses (taught in English) can be combined with a German language course. Join the excellent winter courses and register now!

Please find the latest information about the Winter University at the following hyperlink: Humboldt Winter and Summer University 2012 and for more detailed information please visit the website at . Early bird registration  has already started. 

You may also contact the HUWISU-Team directly:

Mr. Pierre Steuer
Program Coordinator HUWISU
phone: +49-30-2093-2705

Mrs. Christine Scholz-Doerre
Program Coordinator HUWISU
phone: +49-30-2093-46708

The deadline for registration is November 18th 2011.

For UNSW students interested in applying to this program please contact Catherine Schedlich at .

University of Bonn – 65th International Summer Course for German Language, Literature and Culture

Posted by on October 31st, 2011 · Uncategorized

The University of Bonn is holding it’s annual Summer Course in August 2012. For one month students have the opportunity to study in an International atmosphere in one of Germany’s largest and oldest universities.  

The Summer course not only offers language instruction but also offers insights into German culture and lifestyle. Through excursions and discussions it gives participants a vivid picture of Germany. For more information on the course as well as application procedures please go to . A brochure can also be viewed at the following hyperlink University of Bonn Summer Course 2012 .

If you are interested in applying for this program please contact Catherine Schedlich from the Global Education and Student Exchange Office at .

Information session about studies in France – Thursday Nov. 3rd 2011

Posted by on October 31st, 2011 · Uncategorized

The French Embassy and the Alliance Française of Sydney are organizing an information session about work and studies in France this Thursday, November 3rd 2011. It is designed for students from universities in Sydney who are interested in study or work opportunities in France. For more information please see the flyer below:


Queen’s University 2-week course in The Philosophy of International Law

Posted by on October 23rd, 2011 · 2012

New 2-week course in The Philosophy of International Law

Queen’s will offer a new 2-week course in the Philosophy of International Law, taught by leading legal theorist Professor Leslie Green of Queen’s Law and Oxford University. 

The program will be limited to 20 law students.  Professor Green will take advantage of the small class size to engage students in intensive analysis and discussion.  There will be 36 hours of classes over the two-week program, leaving time for interaction outside the classroom.

A number of leading experts from the UK and the EU will also visit the castle to give guest lectures in the course, providing students with an unparalleled opportunity to engage with other internationally recognized leaders in this field.

Admission to this course will be competitive, based on academic results, a statement of interest and a reference letter.  Applications are due November 21, 2011.

Further information about the course is available at

Queen’s Law Global Law Programs 2012 – Herstmonceux Castle

Posted by on October 23rd, 2011 · 2012, Law, Short courses

The Global Law Programs at the Bader International Study Centre (“BISC”) are intensive and integrated academic programs at Queen’s University’s Herstmonceux Castle in England. 

Students at our exchange partner law schools can apply to enroll in 8-week programs in International Business Law or Public International Law in May and June, 2012 In addition, a new 2-week course in The Philosophy of International Law is being offered for the first time in July 2012.

 The BISC, owned and operated by Queen’s University, Canada, is on the historic 500-acre Herstmonceux Castle estate in East Sussex (100 km south-east of London).  It is a remarkable place to study, with easy access to the rest of Britain and to Europe.

 International Business Law and Public International Law Programs

 Students spend six weeks in the classroom at the BISC, and there is a week-long field trip to international legal organizations on the continent.  The field trip includes briefings with senior legal advisors and, where possible, senior Canadian representatives to the organizations.

Students can apply for a Letter of Permission to their home university to earn nine credits for successfully completing one of the programs.  

 International Business Law Program


  • Public International Law (taken in the first two weeks of the program with students in the Public International Law program)
  • International Economic Law (formerly called International Trade and Investment)
  • International Commercial Arbitration

 Typical Field Study Destinations:

  • Canadian Mission to the European Union (Brussels)
  • Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and Canadian Mission (Paris)
  • International Chamber of Commerce, International Court of Arbitration (Paris)
  • World Trade Organization and Canadian Mission (Geneva)

 Public International Law Program


  • Public International Law (taken in the first two weeks of the program with students in the International Business Law program)
  • International Criminal Law
  • International Human Rights Law

 Typical Field Study Destinations:

  • International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (The Hague)
  • International Criminal Court (The Hague)
  • International Court of Justice (The Hague)
  • Canadian Mission to the United Nations (Geneva)
  • International Committee of the Red Cross (Geneva)
  • Offices of the United Nations High Commissioners for Human Rights and Refugees (Geneva)


A wide range of distinguished instructors teach the programs.  Instructors in previous years have included a judge and senior prosecutor from the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, senior Foreign Affairs Canada legal officials from Ottawa and posted in Europe, legal counsel to the ICC International Court of Arbitration in Paris, lawyers from the London office of Clifford Chance and the Paris office of White and Case, and law professors from around the world.

 Application Information

Information about the application process, fees, and financial aid can be found on the website. 

Queen’s and Dalhousie Law students have admissions priority until October 28, 2011, but there are usually some places available for applicants from other law schools after that date.  Students are encouraged to apply early, as applications from students from other law schools are considered in the order received. 

Further details about the 8-week Global Law Programs can be found on the Queen’s Law website at

Studies in france

Posted by on October 23rd, 2011 · Uncategorized

The French Embassy and the Alliance française of Sydney are organizing an information session about studies in France on the 3rd of November at the Alliance française.

This session is organized for all Sydney university students.

For Further information:

Blue Award 2012 – International Student Award – Topic: Sustainability

Posted by on October 23rd, 2011 · 2012, Built Environment, Competition

Start of Submission: October 1st, 2011
Submission Deadline: February 1st, 2012

The Department for Spatial and Sustainable Design, Vienna University of Technology organizes together with the Society of Architecture and Spatial Design biannually the BLUE AWARD, an international student competition for sustainable architecture.

The competition is open to university students of Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree programs, as well as students working on a diploma thesis or dissertation, in the academic fields of architecture, urbanism or regional planning. The submitted project must be part of a supervised coursework, having taken place during one of the following semesters: Summer Semester 2010, Winter Semester 2010/11, Summer Semester 2011 and Winter Semester 2011/12.

The competition awards projects addressing the topic of sustainability.  The economical, cultural and social dimensions of sustainable development should be equal in significance to the classical problems of technique and function.

The Blue Award 2012 will be handed out in three categories.

Category 1 – Urban Development and Transformation, Landscape Development
Category 2 – Ecological Building
Category 3 – Building in Existing Structures

The British architect Sir Michael Hopkins will be Honorary President of the jury.

Awards Ceremony and Exhibition Opening will take place on April 26, 2012 at the TU Vienna.

Catalog:  the prize winners will be published.


Further information: