The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

European Summer School 2011 – Prague, Czech Republic

Posted by on March 7th, 2011 · Short courses, Uncategorized

Let me inform you that EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy – a think-tank that undertakes program, project, publishing and training activities related to the European integration process organizes another year (9th) of summer school program for university students in July 2011.
In July 9- 19, 2011 the summer school under a title “What Europe in 2020 – Ever Closer, Ever Larger?” will take place in Prague. You can find further details on our homepage or you can see the promotion leaflet at

How to apply:

UNSW students who wish to attend these courses should complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW application form and return to at least two weeks prioir to the deadline.

Summer School 2011 in Mannheim 3 – 26 July 2011

Posted by on March 7th, 2011 · Short courses

 The annual Summer School is an outstanding opportunity for your graduate and advanced undergraduate students to experience the charming atmosphere of the region and of the University of Mannheim, which is located in Mannheim’s beautiful baroque palace. 

The 2011 program comprises three independent 10-day modules each covering one of the following topics in the framework of ‘Doing business in Germany’: Marketing/E-Business, International Management and Entre-/Intrapreneurship. Participating students are free to attend any combination of the three modules according to their individual interests. Along with the lectures by University of Mannheim faculty, site visits of leading German companies give Summer School students an excellent insight into business in Germany and Europe. In addition, exciting cultural activities will provide students with an excellent overview on life and culture in Germany.

Further information:

How to apply:

UNSW students who wish to attend these courses should complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW application form and return to at least two weeks prioir to the deadline.

Leadership Development – Nanyang Technological University

Posted by on March 7th, 2011 · Uncategorized

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) offers you an excellent opportunity to gain insights into Singapore culture, economy, nation building as well as to acquire useful skills to develop your leadership competency.

Come! Be the first to participate in the “Leadership Development Programme for Undergraduates” organised by the Centre for Continuing Education of NTU from
13 – 27 July 2011. This two weeks summer programme is open to all international undergraduates.Leadership Development Programme for Undergraduates.

Early bird registration & Payment Deadline 

20 April 2011 

Standard Registration & Payment Deadline 

10 May 2011 

Confirmation of Application 

20 May 2011 

Further information:


How to apply:

UNSW students who wish to attend these courses should complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW application form and return to at least two weeks prioir to the deadline.

CETT Barcelona International Summer Courses 2011

Posted by on March 7th, 2011 · Business, Short courses, Uncategorized

CETT BARCELONA Tourism & Hospitality Education/Research offers year-round intensive learning experiences for students and professionals. We strive to offer valuable educational opportunities for any person, in any study in the services industry, and at any time.

CETT Barcelona International Summer Courses 2011.

If you’re a professional in the tourism, hotel and catering sector, related service companies, or a University and higher education student of tourism, hospitality, catering and other service oriented professions, from outside the Barcelona area, and you’re interested in on-campus lectures at the University of Barcelona during the summer, consider the 

CETT Barcelona International Summer Courses 2011 

4 July to 21 July 2011 at CETT Barcelona!


For more information:

How to apply:

UNSW students who wish to attend these courses should complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW application form and return to at least two weeks prioir to the deadline.

Innovation, Sustainable development, and Leadership – HEC Montreal

Posted by on March 7th, 2011 · Uncategorized

HEC Montreal is very pleased to announce its first Summer School Program (SSP) – Innovation, Sustainable development, and Leadership – for undergraduate students from Business Schools worldwide.

The two-week program will take place in Montreal, Canada, from 18-29 July 2011.

The program includes 36 teaching hours and is designed to give participants a privileged space for discussions and reflection on fundamental tools and content regarding knowledge creation and knowledge sharing, sustainability development values and drivers, innovation issues, and transformative leadership. Two industrial visits to leading companies in the field of new technology based in Montréal establish the link between theory and practice and allow the participants to meet and interact with high level managers and executives.

Students must have completed one academic year at the undergraduate level and have good English skills to take the program.

For further information, please find attached the SSP brochure and visit our website:

The deadline to submit applications is 27 April 2011.

We look forward to receiving your students next summer at HEC Montreal.

How to apply:

UNSW students who wish to attend these courses should complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW application form and return to at least two weeks prioir to the deadline.

Chinese Government Scholarship

Posted by on March 7th, 2011 · Internships, Uncategorized

Application for the Chinese Government Scholarship has commenced.

In order to strengthen mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and people from all over the world, and to develop cooperation and exchanges in fields of politics, economy, culture, education and trade between China and other countries, Chinese governement has set up a series of scholarship schemes to sponsor international students, teachers and scholars to undertake studies and researchers in China institutions of higher education.

Outstanding Australian students from UNSW have been invited to follow their studies in institutions of higher education in China, supported by this program.

For further details see below:

How to apply:

For further information:

2011 Vienna Spring Program

Posted by on February 21st, 2011 · Business, Short courses, Uncategorized

This is just a reminder that the 2011 Vienna Spring Programwu application deadline has been extended to March 1st!  The program, which runs from May 15 – 27, 2011, is geared towards graduate MBA students who want a well-rounded short-term academic program.  The theme of the program is Doing Business in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and features lectures by WU professors who are experts in the field of CEE Business strategies.  In addition to lectures, students are also taken to some of Austria’s and Hungary´s top international companies to get a practical perspective on how companies market in the CEE region.  The program participants are also taken to two countries in the CEE region, Hungary and the Slovakia, to get a real feel for Eastern Europe and are offered a social program in Vienna and the region that features visits to traditional Viennese restaurants and bars, concerts and city tours. 

We hope you will inform your students about this program, especially those students who want to study abroad but are not able to do an entire semester abroad.  The 2 week time frame of the Vienna Spring ProgramWU is ideal for these students.  Until March 1st, students are able to apply online for the 2011 Vienna Spring Programwu! After completing the online form, students must print it out and sign it, and send it along with the following:

  • Typewritten curriculum vitae
  • Letter of motivation
  • Official university transcripts 
  • 1 passport sized photograph

*If students are being nominated as part of an exchange agreement with WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business), a letter of nomination must accompany the application forms. 

Please refer to our website for more details about the application process:    


How to apply:

UNSW students who wish to attend these courses should complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW application form and return to at least one week prioir to the deadline.

Chinese Government Scholarships -Beihang University

Posted by on February 21st, 2011 · Internships, Scholarship Opportunities, Uncategorized

Chinese Government Scholarships have been provided annually by the Chinese Government to support overseas students who wish to pursue their studies in China since as early as the 1950’s.  These CGSP scholarships at Beihang University have to offer are full scholarships covering tuition fees, accommodation, living allowance and medical insurance in China.
Many considering taking up studies in China worry about the language barrier, however students should not consider this a problem. All courses at Beihang University at post graduate level can be given in English.
This year 2 scholarships will be offered to UNSW students.
Applications are required to be sent required to be sent before March 10, 2011 to the International School, Beihang University by post and at the same time a list of recommended candidates is required to be emailed by home university.
Should you have any questions regarding this scholarship programme, please do not hesitate to contact:
Ms. GAO Xia, Mr. GU Wei:

  • Tel: 86-10-82316488, 82339165 Email:
  • Address: International School, Beihang University,
  • 37 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100191, China

For UNSW students wishing to apply – should submit their applications to by the 4th March 2011.

French Embassy Internship with Pernod Ricard

Posted by on February 20th, 2011 · Engineering, Internships, Science

To increase Australian student mobility to France, the Embassy of France has drawn together a number of leading French companies and Australian universities to develop this exciting internship program for Australian tertiary students. 

 The internship would involve working in a French company established in Australia for:

  • 6 months in Australia followed by
  • 6 months in France at the headquarters or another branch.
  • An intensive French language course to be provided before departing for France


  • Up to $30,000 allowance
  • $2,500 Travel grant for a return airfare to France
  • $2,000 Intensive French language course
  • Medical cover while staying in France


  • Advanced undergraduates (3rd -4th year) and postgraduates.
  • All disciplines
  • From intermediate level French language proficiency – students who have completed French continuous and/or French extension in the HSC examination, or at least one year of French at the University.


  • Pernod Ricard – are looking for a science or agriculture student who would be interested in taking part in an internship as part of the French internships program.  This will be based in Adelaide in the first instance and then in France .  In addition to some interest in science (and preferably wine making) the company would like someone who is motivated and potentially interested in a career with the company .


  • Students will submit a letter expressing their interest and a CV to Michelle Kofod at by Monday 28th February 2011
  • The University will interview candidates and provide the Company with a shortlist of suitable candidates.


See the accompanying documents

European Summer Program for Science and Engineering Students

Posted by on January 27th, 2011 · Engineering, Science

Lille Catholic University (France) will be running a European Summer Program for Science and Engineering Students. 

As a multidisciplinary university (30 different departments amongst which 6 are in Engineering and Science), they have a wide range of specialists in all fields of engineering and science.

The European Summer Program offers a 4-week program in Northern France. Courses are taught in English and provide up to 12 ECTS credits for 2 courses of 39 hours each.

Science and Engineering students can choose 2 courses amongst:

  • Course 1 : Project Management OR Scientists and Engineers Preparing for a Global Career
  • Course 2: Computer Sciences OR Renewable Energy (Mechanical Engineering)

Further details:

How to apply:

UNSW students who wish to attend these courses should complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW application form and return to