The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

University of Hong Kong Summer Programmes

Posted by on January 26th, 2011 · Arts and Social Science, Engineering

Greetings from the University of Hong Kong (HKU)!

As in the previous years, HKU will organize a dynamic series of Summer Programmes to enable students to broaden their knowledge, experience cultural exchange and have a taste of vibrant student life at HKU during summer.

We are delighted to introduce you and your students a list of credit-bearing courses, which are organized by the Summer Institute in the Arts & Humanities and Faculty of Engineering during June 20 to August 12, 2011.   Please refer to the enclosed programme list for details.

Online application, information regarding the programmes, student visa and accommodation are available at 

Further details:

 How to apply:

UNSW students who wish to attend these courses should complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW application form and return to

If you have any questions, about the program email:

International Summer School @ Ningbo, China

Posted by on January 26th, 2011 · Short courses, Uncategorized

The University of Nottingham will hold international summer school both in Ningbo China campus and Malaysia campus. We will be happy to receive your students if there are interests.

These two-week courses, based at our campuses in China and Malaysia, will provide students with the opportunity to study a new subject while meeting people from all over the world and learning about a different culture. Students will study with world-class academics, take part in exciting cultural and social activities and make friends and memories that will stay with them for life.

 For detail please see our website:

 Course available at China campus:

 Course structure:

 Cultural programme:

 How to apply:

In the first instance UNSW students should complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW application form and return to

Further details:

Winter study abroad programs at Dankook University

Posted by on December 7th, 2010 · Uncategorized

Dankook University is a privately-owned Korean university providing quality education for more than 50 years. It was recently ranked 50th among 200 Korean universities.

It is the first university in Korea to implement a dual campus in Jukjeon and Cheonan offering high-tech research facilities, state-of-the-art classrooms, hospital and dental centres, onsite dormitory accommodation, a museum and cafeterias, seminar rooms and fitness centres, all equipped for convenient campus life. It has a student enrolment of 29 787 of which 22 152 are undergraduates and 7635 postgraduates in two campuses.

Dankook University is offering short-term winter teaching and study programs for undergraduate and graduate university students from English-speaking countries, including Australia, who want to explore South Korea.

The International Winter School program, 5 January to 22 February 2011, consists of:

English Village (EV), 5 to 27 January 
A three-week program in which Australian students lead conversation classes with three to four Korean students. Directed by TESOL Graduate Professors, participants are provided with teacher training to assist them in developing their teaching skills. Participants develop relationships with Dankook University students through weekly team-building activities while enjoying a new experience of Korea.

 Intensive Korean Language and Culture Program (IKLCP), 27 January to 22 February
A four-week program following the EV program, the IKLCP provides four hours of Korean language instruction each morning, followed by cultural activities and field trips in the afternoon, exploring both traditional and modern Korean customs. Participants have the opportunity to travel around the Korean peninsula and experience some of Korea’s most famous sights and cultural experiences including traditional folk villages, cooking (and eating!) Korean foods, taekwondo, Korean calligraphy, wearing Hanbok (traditional clothing), kite making, Korean mask making, Korean ceramics and many others.

For more information visit the Dankook University website or contact the program coordinators directly at and

The FUBiS summer program 2011

Posted by on December 7th, 2010 · Short courses

The FUBiS summer program 2011 is now online and registration is open. The summer terms take place during the following dates:

Most subject classes will be taught in English. In addition FUBiS offers German language courses on five different levels of proficiency, Business German as well as subject classes in German.

Courses offered in term II:

Courses offered in term III:

FUBiS offers various excursions to destinations within Germany (Dresden, Hamburg, Weimar, and Lausitz Region) and activities (e.g. a River Boat Tour through downtown Berlin or visit of the Reichstag building and the Federal Parliament), so students have the chance to collect first-hand cultural impressions.

Students who register for term II by March 15, 2011 and/or for term III by April 30, 2011 will not only benefit from the early registration discount of 50 EUR, but will also receive a free T-shirt in the corporate design of Freie Universität Berlin.

Female students can choose between black and light blue; men have the choice between black and white (S – XL). This offer is only valid with the Promotion Code „TSHMA” (please indicate in the Comment Field of the registration including the preferred size and colour).

Students from UNSW interested in this program should complete and UNSW Outbound Application form and send it to :

Global Education Programs – Outbound application form     (227K)

Vienna Spring Program 2011

Posted by on November 30th, 2010 · Short courses

Application period is now open!

We are pleased to announce the opening of the application period for the Vienna Spring Programwu! The program, which runs from May 15 – 27, 2011, is geared towards graduate MBA students who want a well-rounded short-term academic program.  The theme of the program is Doing Business in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and features lectures by WU professors who are experts in the field of CEE Business strategies.  In addition to lectures, students are also taken to some of Austria’s and Hungary´s top international companies to get a practical perspective on how companies market in the CEE region.  The program participants are also taken to two countries in the CEE region, Hungary and the Slovakia, to get a real feel for Eastern Europe and are offered a social program in Vienna and the region that features visits to traditional Viennese restaurants and bars, concerts and city tours. 

 We hope you will inform your students about this program, especially those students who want to study abroad but are not able to do an entire semester abroad.  The 2 week time frame of the Vienna Spring ProgramWU is ideal for these students.  From now until February 15, 2011, students are able to apply online for the 2011 Vienna Spring Programwu! After completing the online form, students must print it out and sign it, and send it along with the following:

  • Typewritten curriculum vitae
  • Letter of motivation
  • Official university transcripts 
  • 1 passport sized photograph

Please refer to our website for more program details:

Students from UNSW interested in this program should complete and UNSW Outbound Application form and send it to :

Global Education Programs – Outbound application form     (227K)

Bucerius Summer Program in International Business Law 2011

Posted by on November 29th, 2010 · Short courses
What we offer

  • a specially designed English-taught summer program in law
  • courses taught by well-known professors and practitioners in an environment that enhances an understanding of the international dimensions of business law
  • a curriculum providing opportunities to interact with international professors and students
  • a month spent in the Hanseatic city of Hamburg, Germany’s trendy city on the waterfront
  • numerous extracurricular activities organized by the International Office

What we require

  • at least one year of previous law studies
  • if the main language of instruction at the home university is not English, applicants must submit proof of English proficiency (TOE FL, IELTS , CAE , CPE or ILEC )

When & where

  • July 17 – August 12, 2011 in Hamburg, Germany

Application deadline

  • January 10, 2011 / April 30, 2011

For further details see:


Students from UNSW interested in this program should complete and UNSW Outbound Application form and send it to :

Global Education Programs – Outbound application form     (227K)

International Summer School @ Ningbo, China 2011

Posted by on November 23rd, 2010 · Short courses

The University of Nottingham will hold international summer school both in Ningbo China campus and Malaysia campus. We will be happy to receive your students if there are interests.

 These two-week courses, based at our campuses in China and Malaysia, will provide students with the opportunity to study a new subject while meeting people from all over the world and learning about a different culture. Students will study with world-class academics, take part in exciting cultural and social activities and make friends and memories that will stay with them for life.

 For detail please see our website:

 Course available at China campus:

 Course structure:

 Cultural programme:

 How to apply:

Students from UNSW interested in this program should complete and UNSW Outbound Application form and send it to :

Global Education Programs – Outbound application form     (227K)

and see

International/Exchange Student Experience Study

Posted by on November 22nd, 2010 · Uncategorized, Volunteer

Dear International/Exchange students,

You are invited to participate in a study on improving the integration between International/Exchange and Local students.

 What you need to do?
Come and share your experience about local students and your brilliant ideas about how to facilitate useful interactions between international and local students.

What you will get?
For approximately 30 minutes of your time, you will be reimbursed with a $25 Myer Gift Card.

Book an interview now!
Anytime between 9:00a.m to 5:00p.m
From November 22th to December 3rd

To express your interest, please email Sophia your preferred date and time to to secure a booking.


Sophia Cheng|Administrative Assistant|Office of the Director, Student Development|The Chancellery, Ground Floor, Room G19|The University of New South Wales|NSW SYDNEY 2052 AUSTRALIA|CRICOS Provider Code: 00098G

Phone: 02 9385 8547


Six month International Business Program

Posted by on November 14th, 2010 · Uncategorized

Manhattan Institute of Management

Students who complete this program will have a better understanding of the successful management practices needed to compete in the global economy.  Through its integration of the study of culture, economics, and world business, this program will provide the student with an active, hands-on approach to understanding the global environment. Course work combines theory and practice with an Internship at a New York City Company.

Why Study at MIM?

  1. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere!
  2. International Exposure: work elbow-to-elbow with students from all over the world.
  3. Internship Location: In the heart of Wall Street in NYC. At companies including:
  • Credit Suisse
  • AXA Financial
  • New York Capital Enterprises
  • MTV
  • Bloc Group

Cost of Program: $5,000 (Internship included)

Duration: 6 months

Application Requirements:

All you need to apply are:

  • Copy of transcripts and degrees
  • Resume
  • Insurance Coverage
  • Driver’s License
  • Vaccinations for measles, mumps, and rubella

Further details:


Application Open for 2011 Global Leadership Program

Posted by on November 9th, 2010 · Short courses, Uncategorized

Global Leadership Program, Prague

Applications are now open for the 2011 Global Leadership Program, held in the magnificent city of Prague in the heart of the European summer.

This dynamic program includes academic classes (Philosophies of Leadership, Global Business, Human Rights or Social Policy), as well as cultural activities, field trips and community work. Workshops give you an opportunity to learn practical skills such public speaking, writing a business plan or how to implement a project in your home community.

There’s only a limited number of places offered to participants from around the world – the last edition saw students from 16 different countries take part!

The GLP is a truly life-changing experience. Check out the Global Leadership Program’s testimonials

Credit and Funding

As you complete academic courses as part of the GLP, you may be able to have the program count for credit towards your degree and be eligible for OS-HELP, a $5600 government loan scheme to help pay for overseas study.

Contact AIM Overseas if you have questions about credit or funding

More information

Dates: July 1st – August 1st, 2011 (Summer in Europe – awesome!)

Cost: US$4500 including tuition, accommodation, field trips, workshops, cultural activities, a few meals, application and pre-departure support…and more!

More info is on the AIM Overseas website

Apply online:
Applications close: December 15th, but be early!

Contact AIM Overseas

Ph: (02) 9029 0429
Text: GLP to 0406 334 360