The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

APL Special Summer Program 2010 – Korea

Posted by on June 14th, 2010 · Short courses, Sponsored (Partial), Uncategorized

Hanyang University will be facilitating a special summer program called Asia Pacific Leaders (APL) Education Program, which is co-hosted by APL, Educational Organization of APAIE.

APL Summer program is a unique program with its focus on Asian history, economy, society and culture, and intense studies on leadership as well as various fun cultural activities. It eventually aims to foster leadership in students from Asia Pacific region.

Therefore, Hanyang University would like to invite UNSW students to come to join this APL Education Program free of cost. The dormitory will be provided by Hanyang University. Thus, the scholarships for APL Education Program are as follows: cost of program, fieldtrips, transportations, dormitory, and credits (up to six) will be given.  Travel expenses incurred will be the responsibility of the student.

One or two outstanding students will be selected to represent the university.  If you are interested in this program please submit a  UNSW Outgoing – Short courses application form to by 18th June 2010.

It will be a great opportunity to bring unique and excellent leadership knowledge and share with your university after APL Education Program.

For further information about APL  refer to:

  1.  About APL at a Glance
  2.  APL Education Program Information

Summer University in Prague 2010

Posted by on June 14th, 2010 · Short courses

Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences is currently accepting applications for the summer university program, taking place in Prague during September 2010 (September 4 – 19).  This year’s topic is “Central Europe between Germany and Russia”. There are only a few places left and the application deadline is June 25. Therefore, please don’t miss this unique opportunity.

 For detailed information please visit our official homepage (incl. on-line application form)


The objective of the 2010 summer university is to provide students a broad understanding on the historical, political, economic, social and cultural development of Central Europe. Moreover, this two week intensive academic program analyses Central Europe’s role as an international political and economic player and the relations to its biggest neighbors – Germany and Russia.

It will bring together young students and researchers (social sciences, humanities) for a 14-day intensive program of lectures, workshops, group discussions and cultural excursions.

The study program is internationally acknowledged and recognized. Successful participants will be given 12 ECTS and an official certificate.

The price is € 850/aprox. 1170 US$. (= 16 days /incl.: tuition, culture and social events, reading materials (on-line version), housing at the Hall of Residence, 2 meals a day (breakfast and lunch)/

SCIENCES PO SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 (5th to 31st July)

Posted by on June 2nd, 2010 · Uncategorized

Supported by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the city of Le Havre – Sciences Po have organized a Summer School in Le Havre Campus from July 5th to July 31st.

The Summer School is designed to provide international students who already have an intermediate level in French (430 TCF level) with solid background training before they start an academic program in Sciences Po or another French university. It will allow them to discover French culture through French language classes and methodology (focusing on politics, culture and communication), workshops (theatre, writing, media), sport and cultural activities (such as sailing, tennis, horse-riding and visits to cultural attractions in Normandy). Please find enclosed more information about our Summer School. We would appreciate if you could publish them on your website and send them to students that might be interested in our program.

 For registration, please visit our website:

Feel free to contact  further information.

Prime Minister’s Asia Awards

Posted by on May 30th, 2010 · Internships, Scholarship Opportunities, Uncategorized

The Prime Minister’s Australia Awards for 2011 have opened.  DEEWR is seeking applications from UNSW of 5 undergraduate and 5 postgraduate students for these prestigious awards. (There are 20 scholarships available for each of the undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships).

 The Australia Awards are designed to encourage high achieving undergraduate and postgraduate students to study and undertake internships/research in Asia with a view to building educational and professional linkages.

Further details can be found at:

The closing date for the applications at UNSW is 30 June 2010.  Once we have received all applications a Selection Committee comprising the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Students) & Registrar, the Director, Student Recruitment & Scholarship and the Manager, UNSW Scholarships will rank the applications and forward these to DEEWR.

DREAM 2010 – UGM International Summer Program

Posted by on May 25th, 2010 · Short courses

University students are invited to attend the summer program of Universitas Gadjah Mada, which will be held in Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia from 12-20 July 2010.

Dream is international student summer program initiated by UGM students first in 2009 to embrace all differences of background, nationality, idealism, religions, and to conduct a research based activities in three realms of interests: small medium enterprises, post-disaster management, and community empowerment.

The theme for this year Dream is ‘Preparing Global Future Leaders for Better Awareness and Mutual Understanding among Nations’ by adopting the interfaith cooperation approach in creating a better tomorrow. Interfaith cooperation approach is important issue because recently conflict has its root based on faith.

Besides lecturing days, the participant also will have challenging experience living with rural people of Yogyakarta in community service activity. In the end of academic activities the participants will gather, discuss, and draft some kind of declaration on World Youth Leaders Assembly. And last but not least, the participants will have memorable experience in visiting cultural and tourism objects in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

For additional information or requests please feel free to visit

Chinese Red Cross – Teaching Internships 2010

Posted by on May 25th, 2010 · Internships

Chinese Red Cross Foundation is looking to recruit 3 students/graduates to take teaching internship positions in a Chinese Red Cross Foundation school in Beijing. The internship position starts from late August this year till early January 2011. 

 The School is an accredited Cambridge International Center (by the Cambridge University International Examinations). Most of the participants’ costs (including all food and accommodations in Beijing)  will be covered by the School. The School will also pay for one unit of Chinese language studies offered by leading universities in Beijing. 

This would be a great opportunity for students who will be on a study aboard program to Beijing.

Attached is a copy of the Program brochure: Beijing_Teaching_Internship_Program

Should you have any question or require any further information, please contact: 

Immersion Global Education
Add: 126 errol Street, North Melbourne, VIC 3051, AUSTRALIA
Tel:(+61)3 9917 2183  Fax:(+61)3 9917 2183  Mobile:(61)415828938


Posted by on May 25th, 2010 · Internships

“Students without Borders –  Studying in Australia, Interning in Malaysia.”

Benefits:   One month Internship in Kuala Lumpur and Free Return Flight from Australia to Malaysia

Goal:   This internship provides an opportunity for an Australian or Malaysian tertiary student to undertake an internship in a Malaysian business context.

The Malaysia-Australia Business Council (MABC) is pleased to offer an internship opportunity in a member company for approximately one (1) month. The offer is the prize for an Australian or Malaysian student from an Australian University or VET institution who submits the most convincing and engaging submission outlining the benefits of such an experience. The prize also includes a return flight from Australia to Malaysia, sponsored by Malaysia Airlines.  

Please refer to attachment for submission guidelines:

The submission must be sent to: 

The Executive Director Malaysia Australia Business Council C-26-3A, 3 Two Square No 2 Jalan 19/1, 46300 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia  

 or email: date for submission is Friday 30th July 2010.

Global Education Opportunities

Posted by on May 18th, 2010 · Uncategorized

Welcome to the Global Education Programs Blog. 

Any international opportunities open for UNSW students will be posted on this blog as they become available.

If you have any information you would like to share with other students contact Michelle Kofod at .

May 2010 – International Short Courses

Posted by on May 17th, 2010 · Short courses, Uncategorized

Below is a link to a list of some of the short courses which are available to UNSW students

Global Education Programs – short courses Flyer