The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

University of Navarra, Spain: International Summer University 2012

Posted by on February 14th, 2012 · 2012, Arts and Social Science, Scholarship Opportunities, Science, Short courses, UNSW Partner Institution

The University of Navarra is hosting it’s inaugural International Summer University from July 16 until the August 10 2012.  It offers Spanish language and culture intensive courses with a selection of courses in a range of disciplines including humanities, biomedicine and communication. Please visit the webpage and click here to view the brochure.

Undergraduate students from any discipline are welcome to the program. There will be 10 scholarships (tuition waivers) for students from partner universities. Each partner university will have the opportunity to nominate 2 students as potential candidates to receive some of these scholarships. The scholarships will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Students applying for program plus accommodation in student residences 31 March
Students from partner universities applying for a scholarship 15 April
General deadline (accommodation in residences not guaranteed) 15 May

UNSW students who wish to attend should also complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to two weeks prior to the application deadline.

UNSW students who wish to apply for the scholarship should submit their application to our office no later than April 1st 2012.

Hanyang University: International Summer School 2012

Posted by on February 14th, 2012 · Uncategorized

Hanyang University is again offering it’s International Summer School in 2012. Over 40 courses are on offer in English and are run at various stages through June and July 2012.

The programs offered in the Hanyang Summer School are designed to help participants gain a broader perspective in areas including history, culture, communication, business, science etc.

For a full list of courses and more information about the program please click here.

UNSW students who wish to attend should also complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to two weeks prior to the application deadline.

U21 Social Entrepreneur Corps in Guatemala: June 24 – July 21, 2012

Posted by on February 14th, 2012 · Uncategorized

*Deadline Extended*

This is an opportunity for U21 students to take part in a month-long programme (June 24 – July 21, 2012) in Guatemala, working with social entrepreneurs to help establish new and growing businesses.

The U21 Social Entrepreneur Corps in Guatemala programme builds on the U21 institutions’ expertise in social entrepreneurship, online and blended learning, international collaboration and service learning, as well as on our common commitment to global citizenship. Social entrepreneurship as a topic and Guatemala as a location are already part of individual U21 members’ study abroad programme offerings. The proposed U21 Social Entrepreneur Corps programme is a tailored approach to study abroad that combines global collaboration, new technologies and impact-oriented learning activities.

For the proposed four-week-long U21 programme, students interested in international development will work directly with Social Entrepreneur Corps field professionals and social entrepreneurs in Guatemala to help establish new and grow existing micro-consignment supported businesses. The benefits include exposure to economic theories of social entrepreneurship and active engagement with case study analyses, Spanish language, and Guatemalan, including Mayan culture. The students will experience living with the local families and working intensively with community service organizations, and local social entrepreneurs.

Our students will make a tangible difference in people’s lives, while also acquiring the knowledge, skills, and habits necessary to become socially aware, active global citizens. The programme is designed as a short-term summer opportunity for U21 students.  This programme aims to complement the already existing U21 Summer School and Global Issues programme.

Participant profile

Eligibility criteria (administrative evaluation):

  • Undergraduate student currently enrolled in a Universitas 21 member institution
  • Class status: 2nd Year, 3rd Year, 4th+ Year
  • Academic area: all
  • Recommended GPA: 3.4 (U.S.) or equivalent
  • Nominated as potential participant by the home university


  • Instruction will be primarily in English
  • Field work will be primarily in Spanish (intensive instruction on site)

Selection criteria (evaluated through essay and interview):

  • Proven interest in international development work;
  • Strong motivation for participation;
  • Proven ability to work independently and as part of a team;
  • Strong interest in helping to empower others;
  • Ability to empathize with individuals of diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds;
  • Open-mindedness;
  • Flexibility;
  • Willingness to work hard under challenging developing country conditions;
  • Sense of humour!

Please note there is a fee of US$2,900 per student, not including airfare, visa costs and health insurance.

*Selected students may receive partial funding from UNSW*

Students wishing to apply for this program must first be nominated by UNSW. Please complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to by February 19th 2012. If nominated, students will then be required to complete a secondary application which will include an alternate application, CV and a two-page essay detailing their motivation, experience and expectations in relation with the programme. This will be due by February 26th 2012.

2012 U21 Summer School: Tecnólogico de Monterrey’s Queretaro campus (July 7- July 18 2012)

Posted by on February 9th, 2012 · Scholarship Opportunities, Sponsored (Partial), Uncategorized

**Deadline Extended**

The world’s economy is changing. We need global thinkers to shape the economy for greater development and fairer distribution of wealth, so shaping the global future entrepreneur, this year’s Summer School theme, is crucial for universities and society.

The 2012 U21 Summer School (July 7- July 18 2012) will be a dynamic encounter of students engaged in entrepreneurial activities to foster economic growth and social development in their communities.

Participants will learn about the importance of small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) that form the base of economic development and the global forces these companies must face today. Universities have a great responsibility in shaping the global future entrepreneurs who will be key actors in the economic development of their countries and which will have global impact.

Students will discuss and analyse case studies which are of particular relevance to the Mexican experience and will have the chance to interact with entrepreneurs that have been key role players in de development of Queretaro State economic growth.

The programme will take place at Tecnólogico de Monterrey’s Queretaro campus.

In addition to the academic activities planned in Queretaro, there will be a weekend trip to Teotihuacan, an amazing pre-colombian archeological site, and other surrounding areas.


Students from all areas interested in developing their global entrepreneurial skills are welcome to join!

Staff members from across the U21 network who are active in teaching or research relating to any facet of Entrepreneurship for SME’s are invited to contribute to the academic programme. Academic staff members who wish to discuss their potential involvement in the Summer School should contact Patricia Montaño ( as soon as possible.


Participation fees will be €650 per student, to include accommodation, breakfast and lunch each day, Welcome and Farewell dinners and all activities on the weekend to Teotihuacan and surrounding areas.

**The registration fee will be covered by UNSW and selected students will be granted a $500AUD travel scholarship**

Students will need their own spending money for dinners on free nights, transfers to and from the airport, and personal costs during short trips and the weekend.

How to Apply

UNSW students who wish to apply for this program must complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to by March 5th 2012. Successful applications will be notified by mid March and will be required to submit a secondary application.

For more information about Universitas 21 please go to:

University of Oxford Summer Schools

Posted by on February 9th, 2012 · Uncategorized

The University of Oxford’s summer schools comprise both accredited and non-accredited courses of between one and three weeks’ duration. Most are designed for the general public; others are designed to allow professionals to update skills. Summer schools are offered in Oxford, both at Rewley House and at many of Oxford’s historic colleges.

Please go to for more information and click here to view the flyer.

UNSW students participating in this program are expected to register with the UNSW Global Education and Student Exchange Office. Please email  

National University of Singapore: Business Management Summer program from 16 – 27 July 2012

Posted by on February 9th, 2012 · Uncategorized, Universitas 21 (U21)

The NUS Summer Institute has launched its inaugural Business Management Summer program from 16 – 27 July 2012.   With a strong focus on doing business in Asia, this program is designed to provide participants with a unique opportunity to gain critical business and people skills for a successful career in Asia.  Participants on the NUS Summer Institute program will learn from and interact with the same outstanding faculty who teach in NUS’s world-renowned MBA, EMBA and Executive Education programs.

This two-week program aims to expose participants to areas such as leadership, management, strategy, marketing, operations, human resources, finance and entrepreneurship.  In addition to the interactive lectures, group discussions, case studies and simulation exercises, there will also be skills-based workshops on career planning as well as guest speakers by invited business and industryleaders, and company visits.  Please note at this time NUS are offering this summer program on fee paying basis only, details on the fees can be found here.

Please visit the website at for more information.  Kindly note that vacancies are limited and participants will be on a first-come-first-served basis.

UNSW students who wish to attend should also complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to two weeks prior to the application deadline.

University of Maryland – ENES 472 in Beijing & Shanghai

Posted by on February 9th, 2012 · Uncategorized

International Business Cultures in Engineering & Technology

Sunday, May 20th – Saturday, June 9th 2012

The University of Maryland are excited to offer a short-term study abroad course to Beijing & Shanghai open to engineering students at Global E3 institutions. 


“As we visit both Beijing and Shanghai, course offers exposure to the influences of engineering industry in China. We will travel to the Great Wall of China to learn about its construction and take field trips to the Shanghai operations of several international companies. Guest lecturers will provide us with important views on Chinese history and culture, and we will enjoy a farewell dinner on our last night in Shanghai. Throughout our time in China we will stay in western style accommodations. Half way through the course we will travel from Beijing to Shanghai and have the opportunity to ride upon the high-speed Maglev Train. Within the cities of Beijing and Shanghai, the group will travel for class activities by a chartered bus or by public transportation with the assistance of an English-speaking guide”


Ramsey Jabaji is the Coordinator for International & Leadership Programs in the A. James Clark School of Engineering at the University of Maryland. Ramsey has been at the University of Maryland for the past 7 years and has extensive experience teaching international and leadership programs particularly for engineering students.


Students will enroll in ENES472: International Business Cultures in Engineering and Technology (3 credits) from the University of Maryland. This class includes required readings, guest lectures, industry visits, group discussions, and cultural activities. The final grade for this course consists of two exams, journal entries, a final group project, and class participation. Exams are based on the course text book, “The Cultural Dimension of International Business” by Ferraro, Gary (6th Ed.); journal entries and classroom discussions will center on daily experiences. For the final project, students will work in small groups to market a fictitious technology-related product or service to a specific country abroad taking cultural considerations into account; this final project will be due a week after the course ends.


The program fee of $3,550 includes tuition for three credits as well as lodging, ground transportation to scheduled program activities, entry fees, some meals, a welcome orientation, an overnight stay next to the Great Wall of China, and the $250 UMD Education Abroad fee. Students will be responsible for entry fees to museums and exhibits not required of the course, most meals, personal expenses, as well as their own airfare. Education Abroad will suggest a group itinerary that each student is responsible for purchasing directly from a travel agent. The airfare from Beijing to Shanghai is estimated at around $190. You should expect to purchase the flights shortly after being accepted to the program.


This program is open to students of any major with a GPA of at least 2.75, and priority will be given to students pursuing a Minor in International Engineering or a Minor in Engineering Leadership from the University of Maryland.


Applications for UMD programs are submitted electronically via MyEA:  There is a $50, non-refundable application fee to apply, payable directly via MyEA.

NOTE: If accepted, you must pay a nonrefundable $250 deposit within 10 business days to confirm your space. The deposit is payable by credit card in MyEA and will be refunded only in the event of program cancelation. Failure to pay the deposit in a timely manner may result in your withdrawal from the program.

Last day to Apply: March 15, 2012

UNSW students who wish to attend should also complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to two weeks prior to the application deadline.

Update: Bucerius Summer Programs 2012 – significant partial tuition waivers

Posted by on February 8th, 2012 · 2012, Law, Short courses, Sponsored (Partial), UNSW Partner Institution

As an inaugural incentive, Bucerius Law School are pleased to offer significant partial tuition waivers for especially qualified students from our partner universities to participate in the brand-new Bucerius Summer Program in Mediation. In addition, they have extended the early bird deadline for this program to February 15, meaning all students who apply by this date and are accepted in the first round will receive an additional 15% discount off the normal tuition rate.

This intensive, 3-week program addresses issues ranging from claim management to the psychology of conflicts to effective client representation, and is taught in English by experienced professors and practitioners from around the world. The small group size and coaching from professional mediators give students the unique experience to put their new knowledge and skills to practice and to receive direct feedback to further hone these skills. Outside of the classroom students are invited to take part in a variety of exciting extracurricular activities. Further information is available at and click here to view the brochure.

UNSW students participating in this program may also be covered by UNSW insurance. UNSW students who wish to attend should also complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to two weeks prior to the application deadline.

The University of Nottingham International Summer School 2012 – China and Malaysia Campuses

Posted by on February 8th, 2012 · 2012, Arts and Social Science, Business, Self funded, Short courses, Sponsored (Partial), UNSW Partner Institution

The University of Nottingham has campuses in both China and Malaysia and in 2012 they are running their International Summer School courses for the second year. These two week programmes, which can be optionally taken as credit bearing, will provide a fantastic opportunity for students to be introduced to either China or Malaysia and will include a full social and cultural programme and accommodation.

The University of Nottingham is delighted to be able to offer all students from U21 Universities a £250 scholarship towards the cost of the fee.

2 week courses are offered in China from Saturday 23 June – Saturday 7 July 2012:

2 week courses offered in Malaysia from Monday 9 July – Monday 23 July 2012:

Further details about the courses and the application procedure can be found at

UNSW students participating in this program may also be covered by UNSW insurance. UNSW students who wish to attend should also complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to two weeks prior to the application deadline.

Vienna University of Technology – International Summer Sessions, 2-20 July 2012

Posted by on February 2nd, 2012 · 2012, Arts and Social Science, Business, Engineering, Scholarship Opportunities, Science, Self funded, Short courses

During July 2012 Vienna UT offers interesting Summer Sessions for students around the world.

Vienna UT offers a high quality academic programme focusing on innovative technologies, sustainable architecture solutions, business and culture.

1. Austrian Architectural Culture- Social, Ecologically Beneficial, Combining Old and New
2. Vienna Green Summer Academy- Planning the Future: Smart and Sustainable Buildings
3. Creativity Engineering- From a Creative Idea to its Successful Marketing
4. Culture and Technology in Vienna- Culture, Technology and German Language Session

Students have the possibility to learn from, communicate and network with internationally renowned academics as well as with participants from diverse international and professional backgrounds.

A limited number of sponsorships are available and are based on academic and social criteria. Registration deadline: May, 30th 2012.

Intensive German language courses on all levels are also offered throughout the year.

Detailed information is available at

Please note this program is offered by a non-partner organisation and is not a UNSW affiliated course. UNSW students participating in this program are expected to register with the UNSW Global Education and Student Exchange Office. Please email