The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

CIS Australia: Volunteer Abroad at a Wildlife Conservation

Posted by on March 12th, 2015 · 2015, Volunteer

This incredibly rewarding ecotourism project involves working at a game reserve in Port Elizabeth, where you’ll have the opportunity to work with South Africa’s Big 5: the rhino, lion, cape buffalo, leopard and African elephant.

The game reserve’s core focus is on wildlife and conservation, and all work done by volunteers helps to improve the quality of the reserve. Don’t expect to be bored on this program – there will be something new, exciting and interesting to do each day.

Activities you will be involved in include caring for animals, conservation education, vegetation rehabilitation, planting, fencing, monitoring animals, game drives and much more. You will find the game rangers and all the staff at the reserve highly informative – come with an open mind and be prepared to learn a lot about animal conservation and wildlife in South Africa.

How to Apply: To apply through CIS Australia please click here. In order to successfully complete the application, students must prepare a copy of their passport photo page, a scanned copy of your most current Australian University transcript, and short passages describing why you wish to teach with CISaustralia.

UNSW students selected for this program must also complete the GEP Registration Form 2015 and email to


CISaustralia is a provider as per the UNSW procurement selection process.

If you choose to source a provider on your own, please remember to do some research on them first and ensure that they are a legitimate organisation and that the product they offer will definitely meet your requirements. Students are therefore advised to undertake their own risk assessment before departure and any participation in these programs is at their own risk.



Business Global Opportunities session

Posted by on March 5th, 2015 · Uncategorized

Are you a student at the Business School? Interested in exploring opportunities to study overseas for credit? Join us for an Information Session about short term opportunities (3 weeks) and Student Exchange on the 25th March. More information is available here –

Peking University Globex Summer Program for Engineering, 2015

Posted by on March 4th, 2015 · 2015, Engineering, Scholarship Opportunities, Short courses, Student Exchange, UNSW Partner Institution, UNSW Winter Break

Once again PKU Engineering will be hosting the Globex Summer Exchange program! With 9 courses available, engineering students can learn from leading professors in their field. The Globex Program courses are taught in English by academic staff from all over the world – the University of Toronto, the University of California, the Institute of Fluid Mechanics Toulouse, Chinese University of Honk Kong and more!

UNSW has a special agreement with PKU for this program, where our students can receive credit towards their engineering degree upon successful completion of the program. Essentially, it’s an intensive exchange just for engineering students!

ADDED BONUS: UNSW has secured Australian Government AsiaBound funding for this program. Up to 10 students will receive a scholarship of $2000 to assist them in their flights and accommodation making this a VERY affordable overseas program. Please note the AsiaBound funding is open to Australian citizens and Australian permanent residents only.

Refer to the 2015 Globex Poster flyer for Courses available this year.

This program is administered as an intensive short term exchange.  UNSW students must be nominated in order to participate in the program. UNSW students who would like to participate must complete the UNSW GEP Application and the Intensive Transfer of Credit Form (in order to receive credit for the course) and return to before Friday April 10th 2015.

University of Nottingham Ningbo China: 2015 International Summer School

Posted by on March 2nd, 2015 · 2015, Arts and Social Science, Engineering, Self funded, UNSW Partner Institution, UNSW Winter Break

Applications are now open for the University of Nottingham Ningbo China 2015 International Summer School


These two-week courses, based at the University of Nottingham campus in China, will provide students with the opportunity to study a new subject while meeting people from all over the world and learning about a different culture.

As part of the Summer Schools, a number of trips are included that will provide students with a fantastic chance to explore this amazing country.

Program dates: 28 June to 10 July 2015

Programs offered:

* Understanding the rise of China
* Advances in Geospatial Engineering

For further details, please visit the UNNC International Summer School website.

Cost: The two-week programme costs 9500 RMB per person. If you pay the full fee by 15 March 2015 you will enjoy a 10% early bird discount.

How to apply: Please complete the application form provided on the program website. The deadline for applications is 31st May 2015.

UNSW students who are accepted into the program should also complete the Global Education Registration Form and return it to

Credit Transfer Process:
As this is a fee-paying program students who wish to receive academic credit must apply for credit through Cross Institutional Studies. If you have any questions about how this works please email


University of Bonn: Summer School on Renewable Energy 2015

Posted by on March 2nd, 2015 · 2015, Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, Business, Engineering, Science, Self funded, Short courses, UNSW Partner Institution, UNSW Winter Break

The University of Bonn will offer its 5-week summer school Renewable Energy: Policy and Development from 1 July – 4 August 2015. This interdisciplinary program introduces students to current discussions, research and policy efforts on renewable energy, with a special focus on conflicts associated with the topic.

Program details

  • Course “Global Decisions, Local Actors”, including a simulation on energy policy
  • Individual group projects, guided by experts from diverse sectors of renewable energy
  • Guest lectures
  • Field trips, incl. a 2-day excursion to Brussels (EU-Commission), visits to international organizations, research institutes and local renewable energy projects in and around Bonn
  • 5-day excursion to Berlin at the end of the program
  • Introductory orientation workshop on German culture
  • “Buddy” program offering intercultural exchange in Bonn

The program is entirely conducted in English.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Undergraduate students from various fields having completed at least one year of study
  • GPA 3.0 or higher (on a 4.0 scale)
  • German language skills are not required (program is conducted entirely in English)

Program fee: 3,920.00 Euro


Interested students apply online through website by March 15, 2015.

UNSW students who are accepted into the program should also complete the UNSW GEP Registration Form and return it to

Credit Transfer Process:
As this is a fee-paying program students who wish to receive academic credit must apply for credit through Cross Institutional Studies. If you have any questions about how this works please email


English Language Internship – China

Posted by on February 4th, 2015 · 2015, Arts and Social Science, Internships, Language, Uncategorized

English Language Teaching Assistant at Xi’an Jiaotong University

Subsidy Travel expenses (up to 5,000 RMB) plus free accommodation, free daily meals and free cultural tours


InstitutionXi’an Jiaotong University

Teaching DatesFour weeks from June 29 to July 26,2015

Certificate will be provided after successful completion of the internship

Job Description

We will application from highly motivated individuals to help with TESOL teaching on four-week English course in the summer of 2015. Successful candidates will report to English language tutors and will also be under the direction of the School of Foreign Studies at XJTU. Candidates are expected to assist English language tutors in teaching the first year undergraduate students at XJTU.

Main Duties

  • Cooperate with the English language tutor
  • Prepare daily instructional activities under supervision of the English language tutor
  • When required, organise discussions and correct students courswork under the supervision of the English language tutor
  • Complete other duties assigned by the English language tutor
  • Attend requied staff training section(s)
  • Adhere to established rules and regulations of XJTU and the summer English course


  • Native English speaker
  • Adequate computer skills
  • Effective interpersonal skills
  • Motivation/ Enthusiasm
  • Commitment


To indicate your interest students should email by 9am on Friday, 6th March with your:

  • name
  • student ID
  • resume
  • email address

Further information:

Ms Xueping Lan, from XJTU International Education College  Tel:029-82668237  Fax:029-82665923, Website:


Wind Power Summer School 2015

Posted by on February 3rd, 2015 · 2015, Built Environment, Engineering, Science, Short courses, Student Exchange, UNSW Winter Break

Study Wind Power in Denmark!

Are you interested in getting an insight into the latest developments in wind power along with other international students and, at the same time, meet some of the leading companies in the industry? If yes, this international summer school in Denmark is your chance to develop your skills, meet peers from around the world and enhance your career possibilities.

From 2-14 August 2015, Aarhus University School of Engineering presents a summer school program in cooperation with Siemens Wind Power and Vestas Wind Systems A/S. By participating in the summer school program, you will get a unique opportunity to use and develop your engineering qualifications in close collaboration with these world leading companies.

The purpose of the summer course is to enable participants to apply their engineering competences to wind turbine technology problems and gain an insight into the functioning of turbines and the interaction between the different subcomponents and their demand profiles. The summer course’s main focus is on mechanics and power engineering problems.

You will gain a course specific theoretical insight, but you will also be challenged to apply the theory when solving complex practical tasks in the industry.

To access the Wind Power Summer School website for information concerning housing, locations and social programs, please click here. Students can also access additional information on the Wind Power Summer School Brochure.

There may be a limited number of exchange places available for this program.

Application: UNSW students who would like to apply to the program should complete the Global Education Outgoing Application and Transfer of Credit form 2015 and email to before Thursday, March 12th at 9am.

Global Collaborative 2015 Summer Program

Posted by on February 3rd, 2015 · 2015, Arts and Social Science, Short courses, Uncategorized, UNSW Partner Institution

Global Collaborative summer program is an international summer program initiated by Kyung Hee University and the University of Pennsylvania. This 4-week July summer program features courses related to Humanity, Civilization and Global Governance. The objective of the program seeks to promote a better understanding of the world, in tandem with the current quests for world peace and global common good. The first three weeks will pertain to academic courses and the last week, Korean Culture week, features various programs including meeting Korean Pop stars. This year’s summer program will include world-renowned scholars like, Slavoj Zizek and John Ikenberry of Princeton University.

The objective of the program seeks to promote a better understanding of the world, in tandem with the current quests for world peace and global common good.

By participating in the summer program, students get the chance to meet world-renowned scholars and experience Korean culture. There are 19 courses offered this year with 1~3 credit hours. Please refer to the Global Collaborative website for the courses, and the program brochure for 2015.

A limited number of exchange places may be available for this program.

How to apply: UNSW students who would like to apply to the program should complete the Global Education Outgoing Application and Transfer of Credit form 2015 and email to before 9am on Tuesday, March 10th 2015.



Summer School at Manchester Business School

Posted by on February 1st, 2015 · 2015, Business, Self funded, Short courses, Uncategorized

An amazing opportunity is available for students interested in studying with the Manchester Business School! The summer school is a 5 week, 4 country program 9  running from 14th June – 18th July 2015

The program is based in Manchester Business School where the school holds the first and last week of lectures. This is followed by study trips to the Czech Republic, Spain and France, enabling participants to gain a real perspective of the diverse and complex make-up of the European Union and of international business at large.

This five week programme is uniquely designed to help any recent non-European graduate or young manager gain an understanding of the European political, economic and social environment. The programme mixes teaching and coursework which is supported by company visits and gives delegates the opportunity to gather first-hand information from managers and experts from large international firms.


The program consists of six company visits that give students the opportunity to gather first-hand information about specific sectors and corporations, plus non-mandatory cultural visits. The weekends are free of lectures and company visits but may include travelling, cultural visits and self-study.

This cross-disciplinary course covers macroeconomics, socio-political industrial structures and cultures, international business frameworks and European company strategies. It integrates teaching and coursework, supported by company visits and input from practitioners.

It is based on two modules:

• The European Business Environment course of lectures

• The European Business Team Project

Application: Apply online via the Manchester Business School website.

UNSW students who apply should also complete the Global Education Registration Form and return it to

Credit Transfer Process: As this is a fee-paying program students must apply for credit through Cross Institutional Studies. If you have any questions about how this works please email

Tohoku Gakuin University Japanese Studies Summer Program (JSSP)

Posted by on February 1st, 2015 · Uncategorized

Applications have opened for Tohoku Gakuin University’s Japanese Studies Summer Program (JSSP). The program dates run from May 15th– June 18th 2015.


Students will have the opportunity to take a range of classes in the faculty of letters, economics, business administration, law, engineering and liberal arts. The summer program has arranged for students to live in a homestay for the duration of the summer program.


To view the summer program schedule, please click here.  A brochure of programs offered is also available for reference.

Application: If you would like to express your interest in this program, please email with your name, student ID and email address by Monday, February 9th at 9am.