The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

Cities + Citizens in the Digital Age- U21 Summer School 2015

Posted by on February 1st, 2015 · 2015, Built Environment, Competition, Conference, Engineering, Self funded, Uncategorized, Universitas 21 (U21)

Cities are complex, dynamic structures: difficult to predict and manage, with everyday issues arising in economic stability, energy security, environmental integrity, independent living, communications, built environment and civic participation.

Understanding how these services combine to produce a city level effect is a challenge. Their sheer complexity and unpredictability makes the policy setting and management of effective, high-functioning, successful cities an increasingly important social and economic priority. Successful cities are those which position themselves to understand systemic behaviors and develop policy and service responses which address the issues these create – an ability to respond and adapt to the changing environment around them.

The 12th U21 Summer School 2015 will take place from 1 – 15 July 2015 at the University of Glasgow, UK. This years theme is Cities and Citizens in the Digital Age and will offer a programme of seminars and practical experiences demonstrating how new technologies can be used to support and improve the vital components of a fully functional city. This will cover citizen engagement, transportation, energy, big data, protecting vulnerable groups and physical regeneration, with a focus on how key services are increasingly informed and influenced by emerging technologies.

Fees: Fees are £600 per student/staff member, to include 15 nights’ accommodation, breakfast and lunch, Welcome and Farewell events, a weekend trip and most evening meals. Students need their own spending money for occasional dinners on free nights, transfers to and from the airport, and personal costs while visiting Scotland.

Nomination: UNSW will nominate students with an interest in the Cities and Citizens theme. Applications close on February 20th at 9am. To apply, please complete the UNSW GEP Outgoing Application and return to

Contact: For further information, please contact International Networks Coordinator at For more information please read the U21 Summer School 2015 Final Brief.


CISaustralia: Summer at Boston University

Posted by on January 26th, 2015 · 2015, Art and Design, Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, Business, Engineering, Language, Law, Medicine, Science, Self funded, Short courses, Uncategorized, UNSW Winter Break

Students can apply to spend July studying at Boston University from Jun 29-August 7th 2015. The new six week program offers students the opportunity to study at one of the oldest universities in the United States, in one of the country’s cultural and historical meccas.

  • Boston University is ranked among the top 15 percent in the world.
  • The university boasts notable alumni including Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
  • More than 7,000 ‘summer’ session students
  • Students have access to over 700 academic courses in the ‘summer’ session.

The program allows students to spend six weeks living and experiencing all Boston has to offer while taking two full time academic courses. Choose to study from a multitude of disciplines, including; business, management, finance, accounting, humanities, arts, social science, sociology, anthropology, history, communications, journalism, health, IT, engineering and much more.

To find more information about the program dates, fees and accommodation, please click here.

Application: Students must apply for this program via the CISaustralia application.

UNSW students must also complete the GEP Registration Form 2015 and email to by 9am on Friday, March 20th.


CISaustralia is a provider as per the UNSW procurement selection process.

If you choose to source a provider on your own, please remember to do some research on them first and ensure that they are a legitimate organisation and that the product they offer will definitely meet your requirements. Students are therefore advised to undertake their own risk assessment before departure and any participation in these programs is at their own risk.



Summer School “European Perspectives in Engineering and Innovation”

Posted by on January 26th, 2015 · 2015, Engineering, Short courses, UNSW Winter Break

UNSW students can participate in the Summer School “European Perspectives in Engineering and Innovation” to be held July 2nd to July 22nd in Lyon, France.

This three week program contains lectures and workshops on innovation and entrepreneurship along with laboratories and company visits in the region. The engineering students also take French classes and participate in cultural and social activities with INSA Lyon students’ associations.

The objective of the program is to allow students to learn about European Perspectives of Engineering and Innovation through a training program integrating innovative pedagogy and entrepreneurship. Students will acquire valuable international experience, experience French culture, learn French and discover what INSA Lyon has to offer.

This program is mainly dedicated to students in Engineering or Science  (in their 3rd and 4th year of undergraduate degree, or 1st year masters) and with a strong motivation to succeed in international capacities.

Please read the Summer School “European Perspectives in Engineering and Innovation” brochure to find more information about lectures, cultural visits, company visits and social activities.

How to apply: UNSW students who would like to apply to the program should complete the GEP Registration Form 2015 and email to before 9am on Friday, March 20th 2015.

Credit Transfer Process: As this is a fee-paying program students must apply for credit through Cross Institutional Studies. If you have any questions about how this works please email


NTU’s GEM Trailblazer Summer Programmes 2015

Posted by on January 20th, 2015 · 2015, Arts and Social Science, Short courses, Student Exchange, Uncategorized, UNSW Winter Break

Singapore is one of the most dynamic hubs in Asia for international business, networking and thought leadership. NTU’s unique summer programmes shall open up fascinating Asian cultural experiences and opportunities for students to use Singapore as a springboard to Asia, where 4.3 billion population lives, accounting for close to 60% of the global population.

Students can look forward to a rigorous programme of academic study combined with an enriching social programme to help them explore the great diversity of Singapore’s culture and heritage. There shall be opportunities to meet both NTU students and industries for the entrepreneurship track too.

GEM Trailblazer Summer Programmes are open to all students currently studying in NTU’s partner institutions. Courses take place from 18 May to 31 July 2015 during the NTU summer period.

Four tracks consisting of accredited courses for credit transfer are opened for student applications:


  • Chinese Language & Cultural Studies as offered by NTU Confucius Institute

– This course aims to equip students with basic Chinese language skills and introduce you to China’s 5,000-year-old history and culture through lectures, hands-on experiences and cultural visits. Besides learning 260 Chinese characters and 300 common-used sentences, experiential cultural visits through to have a hand in Chinese Calligraphy and Chinese pun rebuses are some of the activities not to be missed.


  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation Asia by Nanyang Technopreneurship Centre

– This track focuses on building entrepreneurship competencies and the challenges of setting up new ventures. Through the comprehensive series of four courses, students will learn about entrepreneurship, creativity, writing business plans, business accounting, intellectual property, marketing strategy, risk evaluation, financial projection, securing finances and managing team members. The final business simulation course is most crucial to a budding entrepreneur’s success. It allows students to apply all that they learn to launch a business of their choice within a safe e-business simulation environment – A great test-pad to potential creative ideas and businesses.


  • Creative Design and Media by the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

– Students can select any two courses in these series of four creative writing courses. These courses taught in a small class format shall cover the various genres of poetry, prose and film. Want to be the next William Wordsworth; Paul Yates; Shakespeare or Quentin Tarantino? Please encourage your students to join us. They shall learn how to recreate and tell their own journeys through writing, editing and new media production tasks.


  • Success in the Globalised Marketplace jointly offered by the College of Business (Nanyang Business School) and the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (3AUs each)

– In the context of a knowledge economy and the dynamism of the global business environment, it is important for students to develop a critical understanding of the skillsets required for the corporate world. The comprehensive offering of 9 interesting courses includes animation, design, leadership, cultural intelligence, marketing, business finance, accounting; negotiation to working in the 21st century. The uniqueness of these courses lies in their Asian relevance and practicality in application. Students may choose to take 2-3 courses depending on their preferred time schedule.


Please view the Summer Syllabus 2015 and NTU GEM Trailblazer Summer Info Sheet here.

Please visit the website for more details on the GEM Trailblazer summer programmes.

How to apply: UNSW students who would like to apply to the program should complete the Global Education Outgoing Application and Transfer of Credit form 2015 and email to before 9am on Monday, 30th March 2015.


CISaustralia: Archaeology in Los Angeles, CA

Posted by on January 20th, 2015 · 2015, Science, Self funded, Short courses, UNSW Winter Break

This 6-week program allows you to take an archaeology short course at UCLA. Click here for courses and further information on the program.

Dates: 23 June – 1 August 2015

During your program, you’ll be able to choose from two accommodation options; Residence Halls and Off Campus Apartments.

Applications are open until 18 April 2015.

For more information about CISAustralia study, intern and volunteer opportunities, please click here.

For more information about CISAustralia study, intern and volunteer opportunities, please read the CISaustralia Archaeology Brochure for more information and click here for the CISAustralia website.

UNSW students must also complete the GEP Registration Form 2015 and email to by 9am on Monday, March 20th.


CISaustralia is a provider as per the UNSW procurement selection process.

If you choose to source a provider on your own, please remember to do some research on them first and ensure that they are a legitimate organisation and that the product they offer will definitely meet your requirements. Students are therefore advised to undertake their own risk assessment before departure and any participation in these programs is at their own risk.



CISaustralia: Archaeology in Aix en Province, France

Posted by on January 20th, 2015 · 2015, Science, Self funded, Short courses, UNSW Winter Break

Students can choose from a 3 week or 6 week archaeology short course in the South of France. Limited places are available for this program. Click here for more information and details on how to apply.

Dates: 21 June – 12 July 2015

Students will live with a French family during your July program in Aix en Provence.

Applications are open until 1 April 2015.

For more information about CISAustralia study, intern and volunteer opportunities, please click here.

For more information about CISAustralia archaeology program, please read the CISaustralia Archaeology Brochure for more information and click here for the CISAustralia website.

UNSW students must also complete the GEP Registration Form 2015 and email to by 9am on Monday, March 20th.


CISaustralia is a provider as per the UNSW procurement selection process.

If you choose to source a provider on your own, please remember to do some research on them first and ensure that they are a legitimate organisation and that the product they offer will definitely meet your requirements. Students are therefore advised to undertake their own risk assessment before departure and any participation in these programs is at their own risk.



The Université Catholique de Lille’s European Summer Program

Posted by on January 20th, 2015 · 2015, Arts and Social Science, Language, Science

The Université Catholique de Lille, France will be running the 15th European Summer Program in  from the 30th June – 23 July, 2015.

The Université Catholique de Lille is the largest private, not-for-profit university in France, with an urban campus located in the heart of this vibrant city, within easy walking distance of the cultural and commercial centre, ample green space, and more.

The details of the program are as follows:

        General Program

Electives taught in English + French Intensive Language Course

        French Only Program

Electives taught in French + French Intensive Language Course

        Science & Engineering Program

Taught in English

Students also have the opportunity to take an elective on the Great War titled, “In Flanders Fields:  The Great War on the Eastern Front—History and Film”.

Students can also join optional visits to some of the physical traces of WWI in the region, such as the Canadian Memorial at Vimy Ride, the Australian War Memorial and Military Cemetery at Fromelles and the Flanders Field Museum in Ypres, Belgium.

Full details of courses, including syllabi, are available here.

Application: UNSW Students must complete the GEP Registration Form and email to by Friday, March 20th at 9am.

Credit Transfer Process: As this is a fee-paying program students must apply for credit through Cross Institutional Studies. If you have any questions about how this works please email


CIS Australia: Volunteer in Teaching in South Africa in 2015

Posted by on January 20th, 2015 · 2015, Self funded, Uncategorized, UNSW Winter Break, Volunteer

Teaching in the Cape Town Community

Located in various townships of Cape Town, the education programs aim to provide vulnerable children with better opportunities and brighter futures. As a volunteer you’ll get to know the children and be a positive role model, while providing essential teaching support in various educational settings, including a preschool, mainstream primary, a non-governmental school and after school care.

  • Project Activities: Assisting the teacher, reading support, making crafts with the kids and helping to uplift and empower a community through the provision of education and training.
  • Working Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm.
  • Project Duration: 2-12 weeks. Please note: Between May – July each year, only 4 and 8 week placements are accepted.

How to Apply: To apply through CIS Australia please click here. In order to successfully complete the application, students must prepare a copy of their passport photo page, a scanned copy of your most current Australian University transcript, and short passages describing why you wish to teach with CISaustralia.

UNSW students selected for either of these programs must also complete the GEP Registration Form 2015 and email to


CISaustralia is a provider as per the UNSW procurement selection process.

If you choose to source a provider on your own, please remember to do some research on them first and ensure that they are a legitimate organisation and that the product they offer will definitely meet your requirements. Students are therefore advised to undertake their own risk assessment before departure and any participation in these programs is at their own risk.



CIS Australia: Sports Coaching in South Africa in 2015

Posted by on January 20th, 2015 · 2015, Self funded, UNSW Winter Break, Volunteer

Sports Coaching in the Cape Town Community

Volunteers are needed to fill the role of community sports coaches in Cape Town, where sports coaches and PE teachers are in short supply. As a volunteer you will share your knowledge and skills with students and coaches, and be involved in a variety of experiences, including PE lessons and after-school care.

  • Project Activities: Taking PE lessons with disadvantaged kids, participating in extra-curricular programs for troubled youth, playing popular sports such as soccer and netball, bringing fresh ideas and stimulation to activities, and creating innovative games and new lesson plans.
  • Working Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm.
  • Project Duration: 2-24 weeks. Please note: between May – July each year, only 4 and 8 weeks placements are accepted.

How to Apply: To apply through CIS Australia please click here. In order to successfully complete the application, students must prepare a copy of their passport photo page, a scanned copy of your most current Australian University transcript, and short passages describing why you wish to volunteer with CISaustralia.

UNSW students selected for either of these programs must also complete the  GEP Registration Form 2015 and email to


CISaustralia is a provider as per the UNSW procurement selection process.

If you choose to source a provider on your own, please remember to do some research on them first and ensure that they are a legitimate organisation and that the product they offer will definitely meet your requirements. Students are therefore advised to undertake their own risk assessment before departure and any participation in these programs is at their own risk.



Summer in Mexico at Tecnologico de Monterrey in Chiapas

Posted by on January 20th, 2015 · 2015, Language, Student Exchange, UNSW Winter Break

For students interested in studying in Mexico for the summer and learning more about ancient cultures, a great program with Tecnologico de Monterrey in Chiapas. Mexico, will be offered from July 5th –August 1st. 2015.

Taught entirely by Tecnológico de Monterrey faculty, this program will offer students the possibility to study Spanish in combination with a course on Mexican and Spanish Culture.

Courses offered are: Spanish as a Foreign Language, Spanish as a Foreign Language 2A, and Mexican Culture.

As part of the program, students will have the opportunity to visit touristic, cultural and archaeological places and participate in workshops in order to enrich their experience in Mexico. Some of these optional trips may include: Zoomat, San Juan Chamula and Zinancantan, San Cirstobal de las Casas and Sumidero Canyon.

A limited number of Exchange places may be available for this summer school.

To find more information about this summer school, please click here. Students will need to create an account before accessing any information.

Application: : If you would like to express your interest in this program, please email with your name, student ID and email address by 27th February 2015.