The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

Entries Tagged as 'Science'

Technion Summer School of Engineering and Science

May 8th, 2013 · No Comments · 2013, Engineering, Science, Self funded, Short courses, UNSW Partner Institution

Technion Summer School will take place at Technion campus in Haifa between July 31 – August 30 2013. Courses will be offered in fields of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering and Mathematics and are for Senior Undergraduate and Graduate students. Courses include: Image Processing and Analysis (Electrical Engineering) Introduction to Machine Learning […]



University of Technology of Troyes (UTT), France: Research Projects in Semester 2

April 29th, 2013 · No Comments · 2013, Engineering, Practicum, Science, UNSW Partner Institution

UNSW students are welcome to apply for research projects (conducted in English) at the University of Technology of Troyes (UTT), France.  Projects are mostly at the postgraduate level and related to the research done at UTT. Please click here to view the projects. Projects will take place during UNSW Semester 2, 2013. Interested students should email as soon as […]



University of Navarra, Spain: International Summer University!

April 15th, 2013 · No Comments · 2013, Art and Design, Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, Business, Engineering, Language, Law, Medicine, Science, Self funded, UNSW Partner Institution

This is your opportunity to live and learn about Spanish culture and language, while expanding your knowledge in the academic discipline of your choice. The program is tailor-made for undergraduate international students who would like to immerse themselves in Spanish language and culture and sample different academic courses given by various Schools at the University of Navarra. […]



Sung Kyun Kwan University, Korea

April 8th, 2013 · No Comments · 2013, Arts and Social Science, Business, Language, Science, Self funded, UNSW Partner Institution



2013 POSTECH Winter Program, Korea

April 8th, 2013 · No Comments · 2013, Engineering, Practicum, Science, Sponsored (Partial), UNSW Partner Institution

2013 POSTECH Winter Program UNSW students will be invited to participate in the first POSTECH Winter Program, which will be held from early January to mid February, 2014. The program will include research, cultural activities, and Korean language course, etc. Students will be provided monthly stipend, and they are allowed to extend the period of research participation. […]



Elliott School of International Affairs – U.S. Foreign Policy in a Global Era 2013

March 21st, 2013 · No Comments · 2013, Art and Design, Arts and Social Science, Business, Engineering, Language, Science, Self funded, Short courses, UNSW Partner Institution

The George Washington University Summer Sessions offer over 650 courses and a variety of special programs including: Arts Sciences Humanities and Social Science Business Engineering English for Academic Purposes (EAP) (*Topics are subject to change.) For more information on fees and how to apply: Click here! OR visit: The Elliott School’s U.S. Foreign Policy Summer […]



SJTU Business and Mandarin Study Tour

March 21st, 2013 · No Comments · 2013, Art and Design, Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, Business, Engineering, Language, Law, Medicine, Science, Self funded, Sponsored (Partial), UNSW organised

When? 1 July – 14 July, 2013 Aim of the Study Tour The Confucius Institute study tour is aimed to provide 19 UNSW students an opportunity to study Mandarin and live in China for a short period. Through intensive classroom language study and cultural immersion in the language and cultural setting, the attendants are expected […]



Cultural and Mandarin Study Tour to the Silk Road

March 21st, 2013 · No Comments · 2013, Art and Design, Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, Business, Engineering, Language, Law, Medicine, Science, Self funded, Short courses, Sponsored (Partial), UNSW organised

When: 1 July – 16 July, 2013 Aim of the Study Tour The Confucius Institute study tour is aimed to provide 19 UNSW students an opportunity to study Mandarin and live in China for a short period. Through intensive classroom language study and cultural immersion in the language and cultural setting, the attendants are expected […]



Tohoku University Science Summer Program 2013!

March 12th, 2013 · No Comments · 2013, Engineering, Science, UNSW Partner Institution, UNSW Winter Break

The “Tohoku University Science Summer Program 2013 (TSSP2013)” is designed for undergraduates majoring in science and engineering. This is a short program that combines in-class lectures with academic activities such as group work sessions, presentation, field trips and Laboratory/ facility tours. The program is taught in English. The theme of TSSP in 2013 will be […]



University of Auckland Winter Programs

March 12th, 2013 · No Comments · 2013, Arts and Social Science, Science, Self funded, Universitas 21 (U21), UNSW Partner Institution

These three, six-week credit bearing programmes, running 10 June – 19 July 2013, are designed for those of you wanting to immerse yourselves in a uniquely New Zealand learning adventure. Running immediately prior to the University’s second semester, these programmes are ideally timed should you wish to continue with your studies in New Zealand. There […]

