The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

International Summer Semester at Sungkyunkwan University, Korea!

Posted by on February 10th, 2014 · 2014, Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, Business, Engineering, Language, Law, Short courses, Student Exchange, UNSW Partner Institution, UNSW Winter Break

Sungkyunkwan University runs a summer program called the International Summer Semester (ISS) from June 26 to July 23 this year. The ISS is a 4 week short term program and providing more than 40 academic courses and various opportunities to experience and learn about different cultures.

Last year SKKU hosted 1,698 students from 34 countries and 84 different universities.  It’s the largest summer program in Korea. For more information, please visit the website


Students are invited to partake in up to two courses – ranging from Corporate Leadership in East Asia, Climate Change: Science, Technology and Policy and Architectural Design, Human Rights Across Borders and the Natural Environment there are courses for everyone! A full list of courses and their descriptions are available on their website. Courses are taught in English by professors from all over the world.

To celebrate the initiation of student exchange between SKKU and UNSW, SKKU would like to invite 2-3 exchange students to their 2014 ISS.


UNSW students will not have to pay the Course Tuition fees as they will be enrolled at UNSW. All other costs and fees (accommodation, cultural activities etc.) will be the responsibility of the student.

Application and Deadline

Applications closed.

Nanyang Technological GEM Trailblazer Summer Programmes 2014!

Posted by on February 10th, 2014 · 2014, Arts and Social Science, Business, Language, Self funded, Short courses, UNSW Partner Institution, UNSW Winter Break

Singapore is one of the most dynamic hubs in Asia for international business, networking and thought leadership. NTU’s unique summer programmes shall open up fascinating Asian cultural experiences and opportunities for students to use Singapore as a springboard to Asia, where 4.3 billion population lives, accounting for close to 60% of the global population.


Students can look forward to a rigorous programme of academic study combined with an enriching social programme to help them explore the great diversity of Singapore’s culture and heritage. There shall be opportunities to meet both NTU students and industries for the entrepreneurship track too.


GEM Trailblazer Summer Programmes are open to all students currently studying in NTU’s partner institutions. Courses take place from 12 May to 1 August 2014 during the NTU summer period.


Four tracks consisting of accredited courses for credit transfer are opened for student applications:


  • Chinese Language & Cultural Studies as offered by NTU Confucius Institute

– This course aims to equip students with basic Chinese language skills and introduce you to China’s 5,000-year-old history and culture through lectures, hands-on experiences and cultural visits. Besides learning 260 Chinese characters and 300 common-used sentences, experiential cultural visits through to have a hand in Chinese Calligraphy and Chinese pun rebuses are some of the activities not to be missed.


  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation Asia by Nanyang Technopreneurship Centre

– This track focuses on building entrepreneurship competencies and the challenges of setting up new ventures. Through the comprehensive series of four courses, students will learn about entrepreneurship, creativity, writing business plans, business accounting, intellectual property, marketing strategy, risk evaluation, financial projection, securing finances and managing team members. The final business simulation course is most crucial to a budding entrepreneur’s success. It allows students to apply all that they learn to launch a business of their choice within a safe e-business simulation environment – A great test-pad to potential creative ideas and businesses.


  • Writing the New Silk Road by the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

– Students can select any two courses in these series of four creative writing courses. These courses taught in a small class format shall cover the various genres of poetry, prose and film. Want to be the next William Wordsworth; Paul Yates; Shakespeare or Quentin Tarantino? Please encourage your students to join us. They shall learn how to recreate and tell their own journeys through writing, editing and new media production tasks.


  • Success in the Globalised Marketplace jointly offered by the College of Business (Nanyang Business School) and the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (3AUs each)

– In the context of a knowledge economy and the dynamism of the global business environment, it is important for students to develop a critical understanding of the skillsets required for the corporate world. The comprehensive offering of 9 interesting courses includes animation, design, leadership, cultural intelligence, marketing, business finance, accounting; negotiation to working in the 21st century. The uniqueness of these courses lies in their Asian relevance and practicality in application. Students may choose to take 2-3 courses depending on their preferred time schedule.


To view the Summer Syllabus please click here.


Please visit the website for more details on the GEM Trailblazer summer programmes.


Students can also download the brochure here.


UNSW students who would like to express their interest in the program should email before Monday February 23rd 2014.

Peking University Globex Summer Program for Engineering, 2014

Posted by on February 4th, 2014 · 2014, Engineering, Scholarship Opportunities, Short courses, Student Exchange, UNSW organised, UNSW Partner Institution, UNSW Winter Break

Once again PKU Engineering will be hosting the Globex Summer Exchange program from July 7 – July 26 2014! With 9 courses available, engineering students can learn from leading professors in their field. The Globex Program courses are taught in English by academic staff from all over the world – the University of Toronto, the University of California, the Institute of Fluid Mechanics Toulouse, Chinese University of Honk Kong and more!

UNSW has a special agreement with PKU for this program, where our students can receive credit towards their engineering degree upon successful completion of the program. Essentially, it’s an intensive exchange just for engineering students!

ADDED BONUS: UNSW has secured Australian Government AsiaBound funding for this program. Up to 10 students will receive a scholarship of $2000 to assist them in their flights and accommodation making this a VERY affordable overseas program. Please note the AsiaBound funding is open to Australian citizens and Australian permanent residents only who are receiving credit for the program.

Courses available this year are:

  • Interfaces and Plastic Deformations in Materials: From Theory to Engineering
  • Smart Materials and Adaptive Systems
  • Computational Fluids Dynamics and its Application to Multiphase Flows
  • Biomaterials and Biocompatibility
  • Applied Finite Element Technology
  • Machine Learning in Biomedicine
  • Basic Concepts and Applications in Nanomedicine
  • China Today: Tradition and Modernization (potential general education subject)
  • China’s Economy: Engineering, Growth and Global Connections (potential general education subject)

To view full details of the program and course outlines (including suitable year level) please click here.

Application and Deadline

This program is administered as an intensive short term exchange.  UNSW students must be nominated in order to participate in the program. UNSW students who would like to apply must complete the UNSW GEP Application and the Intensive Transfer of Credit Form (in order to receive credit for the course) and return to before Friday April 4th 2014. Please note there is no separate scholarship application. Nominated students will be required to complete a secondary application specifically for PKU administration purposes.

2014 U21 Undergraduate Research Conference “Food Safety: from farm to table”

Posted by on February 3rd, 2014 · 2014, Art and Design, Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, Business, Conference, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Scholarship Opportunities, Science, Universitas 21 (U21), UNSW organised, UNSW Partner Institution, UNSW Winter Break

The 2014 Universitas 21 Undergraduate Research Conference will be hosted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University from 7-11 July 2014. Click here for the U21 URC Event Overview.


The theme of the conference will be: Food Safety: from farm to table. The conference will involve lectures from eminent academics in the field of food safety/food security, student presentations, poster session, plus a sightseeing tour in and around Shanghai.


A preliminary programme is now available. Please click here to view it. The programme includes a number of social activities for the students and staff members from Monday to Friday, including an official Welcome dinner, icebreaking session, dumpling making, Chinese Acrobatics Show and a day tour to Hangzhou city. Oral and poster presentations are scheduled to take place from the 8-10 July 2014. Please note that this may be subject to alterations.

Food & Accommodation

Food and hotel accommodation will be organised by colleagues at SJTU for the duration of the conference. Delegates will be staying at the Jian Gong Jin Jiang Hotel, located in the city area of Shanghai.


  • Currently enrolled undergraduate UNSW student
  • 2nd year+
  • WAM of 65+ (no fails)
  • Honours students can apply
  • All disciplines welcome


UNSW will be nominating three of our best undergraduate students to attend the conference. Nominations will be allocated as such:

  • One student for an oral presentation
  • One student to design and submit a poster
  • One student to give either an oral presentation or design and submit a poster


The selected UNSW students will receive scholarships to assist in covering some of the costs of this program. Details to be announced shortly.

Application Process

Students must complete the 2014 U21 URC Application Form and return to Please ensure that all supplementary documents are included.

Deadline to apply

Monday April 7th 2014.

Hanyang International Summer School (HISS)

Posted by on January 23rd, 2014 · 2014, Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, Business, Engineering, Science, Short courses, Student Exchange, UNSW Partner Institution, UNSW Winter Break

Looking for an exciting new experience abroad? Want to study abroad but a year or semester is too long? Want to study and have fun at the same time? Then maybe Hanyang International Summer School (HISS) 2014 has something for you!

HISS 2014 General information

When: July 1 – July 25 2014

Where: Seoul, South Korea

Size: The total number of participants in 2013 was 815 (approx. 300 from the U.S., 90 of whom were students from our partner universities) and we are expecting around 1000 participants in 2014.

Description: Hanyang International Summer School (HISS)is a 4 week program where students get the opportunity to study abroad and experience Korean culture in a unique way. Students can take up to 3 classes (9 credits/18 ECTS), and participate in various field trips and extra-curricular activities. A wide-range of courses are offered including communication, Design, Science, Sports, and Korean language. The various field trips each have their own theme. This can be touristic, cultural and historical, industry related, leisure and entertainment, outdoor, etc. Through these field trips and activities students can immerse themselves in Korean culture and get the most out of their time in Korea.

For more information

Brochure: Please click here!


How to Apply and Deadlines

Applications are closed for exchange places. Please contact Hanyang University directly if you wish to apply as a fee paying student.



Fudan Summer Session Launching in 2014!

Posted by on January 23rd, 2014 · 2014, Arts and Social Science, Business, Language, Law, Short courses, Student Exchange, UNSW Partner Institution, UNSW Winter Break

Fudan University offers a 2014 Summer Session that fits perfectly with the UNSW Winter break! The Fudan Summer Session provides intensive courses in compressed 4 weeks for a number of courses taught in English from June 28 to July 26, 2014. Fudan offers official transcripts for summer session students and UNSW can be nominated on an exchange basis. Detailed information can be found here.

Session Duration:

June 28 – July 26, 2014


Current UNSW students who are non-Chinese citizens above 18 years of age. Students must be of good academic standing.

Application Deadline

April 1st 2014

How to apply

This program is administered as an intensive short term exchange.  UNSW students must be nominated in order to participate in the program. UNSW student who would like to participate must complete the UNSW GEP Application and the Intensive Transfer of Credit Form (in order to receive credit for the course) and return to before April 1st 2014. If selected, you will be required to complete a secondary application to Fudan University.


New Colombo Plan – Scholarship Program (worth up to AU$67,000)

Posted by on January 16th, 2014 · 2014, Art and Design, Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, Business, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Scholarship Opportunities, Science, Student Exchange, UNSW organised, UNSW Partner Institution

New Colombo Plan: Scholarship Program

The New Colombo Plan is a signature initiative of the Australian Government that aims to lift knowledge of the Indo-Pacific in Australia and strengthen our people-to-people and institutional relationships, through study and work placement undertaken by Australian undergraduate students in the region.

UNSW is calling for expressions of interest from students wishing to go on Student Exchange to one of the destination countries between 1 July 2014 and 30 June 2015.

Valued at up to AU$67,000 the New Colombo Plan – Scholarship Program provides the opportunity for Australian undergraduates to undertake study in one of four eligible pilot destinations: Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan and Singapore. The program also includes provision for relevant language studies and internship / mentorship components.


To be eligible for nomination you must be:

  • An Australian citizen. Applicants with dual citizenship are eligible, however you must undertake the scholarship in a third country, of which you are not a citizen;
  • Between 18 and 28 years of age at the commencement of your scholarship program;
  • Enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree level program (Pass or Honours) at UNSW at the commencement of the scholarship and be in at least the second year of your program.
  • Applying to go on exchange during Semester 2 -2014 to one of four eligible pilot destinations for either 1 or 2 semesters
  • Receive credit from your exchange towards your UNSW degree


Selection Criteria:

Applicants will be assessed against the following criteria. Applicants should address each criterion and limit their responses to 300 words per criterion.

  1. Demonstrated academic excellence (70 per cent weighting)
  2. Demonstrated leadership in the local community (15 per cent weighting)
  3. Describe how this experience enhances your cultural awareness, employment potential and ability to operate in new and changing environments (15 per cent weighting)


Further Application Information and Deadline

For further information please click on NCP_Scholarship Student Information 2014. The deadline to apply is February 17th 2014.

Internship at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Posted by on January 12th, 2014 · 2014, Engineering, Internships, Self funded, UNSW Partner Institution

2014 International Summer School at the University of Nottingham – China & Malaysia campus

Posted by on December 16th, 2013 · 2014, Arts and Social Science, Business, Self funded, Short courses, Sponsored (Partial), Universitas 21 (U21), UNSW Partner Institution, UNSW Winter Break

Applications for the University of Nottingham 2014 International Summer School (China & Malaysia) are now open!

These two-week courses, based at Nottingham’s campuses in China and Malaysia, will provide students with the opportunity to study a new subject while meeting people from all over the world and learning about a different culture. Students will study with world-class academics, take part in exciting cultural and social activities and make friends and memories that will stay with them for life.


Summer School in China: 21st June to 5th July 2014

  • Understanding the Rise of China
  • English in China Today


Summer School in Malaysia: 16th to 30th August 2014

  • Beginning Creative Writing
  • Doing Business in Asia
  • Politics, Culture and the Media in Southeast Asia


For information on each of the program costs* and details on how to apply, please visit

*UNSW students are eligble for the U21 discount


How to Apply

UNSW students should apply online at the website above. Please note you should also submit the UNSW GEP Registration Form and return to if you are accepted into the program.

7th APRU Undergraduate Summer Program – Nanjing University 2014

Posted by on December 16th, 2013 · 2014, Art and Design, Arts and Social Science, Built Environment, Business, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Science, Self funded, Short courses, UNSW Partner Institution, UNSW Winter Break

The 7th APRU Undergraduate Summer Program (USP) will be hosted by Nanjing University in China from 6 to 13 July 2014. The USP 2014 is a 1- week enriching program for outstanding APRU students from multidisciplinary fields.

Program Overview

With the theme, “Developing Asia-Pacific Global Leaders: China’s Perspectives”, the USP 2014 aims to:

  • enhance the international experience of students from APRU member universities;
  • enrich key competencies and leadership potential of APRU students;
  • promote knowledge transfer and cultural exchange among APRU students; and
  • explore various aspects of Chinese studies, culture and history.


Program activities include theme-related lectures, seminars and workshops with cultural and social activities focusing on:

  • leadership
  • intercultural dynamics and communication
  • student life and common challenges of undergraduate students; and
  • Chinese studies, among others.


These activities are designed to help students further develop their leadership skills and competencies. Distinguished faculty, facilitators and outstanding students from the host university and its partner institutions will be invited as speakers and resource persons. The proceedings of the program will be conducted in English. The latest preliminary program can be viewed here.

Nomination and Application
Students must be nominated in order to apply. Please complete the UNSW GEP Application and return to The deadline to apply is March 15th 2014. Please note applications may be processed on a rolling basis.


Fees and Other Information

Information on registration, fees, key dates, visas and contact information are available on the APRU website at Please note students will be responsible for paying their fees for the program.