The University of New South Wales

Global Education Opportunities

International Educational Experiences of UNSW students

Chambéry Graduate School of Business: Summer Program 2012

Posted by on March 19th, 2012 · Uncategorized

Chambéry Graduate School of Business will be offering a four-week program that provides students with the opportunity to learn about European business both in and outside the classroom through coursework and visits to companies and international organizations.  They are located in the foothills of the French Alps which provides an ideal location for a month of cultural, academic, and professional discovery. 

As a business school in the heart of Europe, Chambéry Graduate School of Business offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate degree programs in Management, Marketing and International Business, tailored to French and international students. 

Among other activities, they organize day-trips to Chamonix, Geneva and Turin that students will never forget.

The program, taught in English, allows students to gain 12ECTS credit and is open to Undergraduate and graduate business students.


Program cost (early bird price until March 31st): 2.000 €

Program cost (as of April 1st): 2.300 €

This includes: Accommodation in Chambéry city center (single rooms), classes including French language

instruction, round-trip transport to programmed visits.

This excludes: Meals, except those included in the program, insurance, round trip from your home to Chambéry.

 Please click here for teh brochure.

Please note this program is offered by a non-partner organisation and is not a UNSW affiliated course. UNSW students participating in this program are expected to register with the UNSW Global Education and Student Exchange Office. Please email

UK university in China offers scholarships to U21 alumni

Posted by on March 19th, 2012 · Uncategorized, Universitas 21 (U21)

The University of Nottingham announces new scholarship programme for U21 graduates who enrol for masters degree programmes at its branch campus in China. Full story below…

The University of Nottingham Ningbo China will award scholarships worth about ¥9,000 (about U$1,500 or £900) to graduates from all universities in the Universitas 21 network who enrol for its masters degree programmes.

The scholarship, equivalent to 10% of the maximum annual tuition fee of ¥90,000 (£9,000), will be awarded on a non-competitive basis to all U21 alumni who register for full-time degree programmes from September.

The U21 is a group of research-focused universities that create opportunities for students to enhance their university education by studying abroad for a period.

There are 23 universities in the U21 group from around the world, including The University of Nottingham. They are:

  • The universities of Queensland, New South Wales and Melbourne in Australia;
  • McGill University and University of British Columbia in Canada;
  • The University of Delhi, India;
  • University College Dublin, Ireland;
  • The universities of Glasgow, Edinburgh and Birmingham in the UK;
  • Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico;
  • Waseda University, Japan;
  • University of Auckland, New Zealand;
  • Lund University, Sweden;
  • The universities of Connecticut and Virginia in the US;
  • University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands;
  • Korea University, South Korea;
  • National University of Singapore; and
  • China’s Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and University of Hong Kong

Also eligible for postgraduate scholarships of 10% of the first year’s tuition fee are:

  • The University of Nottingham’s alumni;
  • Any student who has spent time at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China on a Study Abroad programme or as an international exchange student during their undergraduate years; and
  • Immediate relatives of The University of Nottingham’s alumni and current students.

These scholarships are only available for students who register for full-time degree programmes and are for the first year of study.

Students can also apply, with the help of the University, for generous scholarships for international students from the city of Ningbo.

In this academic year, Ningbo granted more than ¥750,000 (£75,000) in funding to international students who enrolled for degree programmes at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China.

University entrants are eligible for more than one scholarship.

The University offers taught masters programmes across its three faculties: Social Sciences, which includes a branch of one of Europe’s top business schools; Arts and Humanities; and Science and Engineering. For more about our comprehensive range of degree programmes, please download our international student prospectus.

Ms Marina Chen, head of student recruitment and admissions at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China said: “We are keen to keep growing our international student community here at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China.

“Most of our students are from China, but we also have several hundred students from dozens of countries. We have students from Brazil, Panama, the US, Tanzania, Russia and South Korea, among the many nations represented here at our international campus,” she said.

Studying for a UK degree at a university in China where all programmes are delivered in English is a highly attractive proposition for individuals looking to add an international dimension to their overall university experience, noted Ms Chen.

“There are tremendous career opportunities for our alumni because they have unrivalled insights into the culture and workings of China, an important trading partner for most countries,” she said.

“Aside from the scholarship programmes, we support our international students through special social programmes and organised events. We are also developing our career support for international students and have plans to facilitate internships,” she said.

Ms Chen said international students have the opportunity to live in comfortable accommodation on the park-like campus, which blends British-style architecture with Chinese landscaping.

“The University of Nottingham Ningbo China’s fees are in line with UK levels, however living costs are generally lower in China, which means students who want to carefully manage their finances can still enjoy a comfortable lifestyle,” she said.

The University helps students with the paperwork associated with living and studying in another country.

To hear more about the international student experience at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China, watch our latest international student videos.

If you would like to apply to study at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China, or would like to visit the campus or require more information, please contact Lauren Quinn Taylor, Viola Ye or Jacqueline Lin of our international student recruitment team.

Koç University: Summer Course 2012

Posted by on March 11th, 2012 · Uncategorized

Koç University offers comprehensive summer programs addressing international students from various subject areas and interest. Each summer course embodies a distinctive content and opportunities within its unique context.

Please find the basic information about their summer programs below:

“Doing Business in the Middle East & Turkey” 

3-week (17 June – 06 July) intensive summer program focusing on a blend of law-based and business-based discussions on entrepreneurial activity in this region. The program takes place in Istanbul through the collaboration of Koc University and Santa Clara University. It is open to both undergraduate and grad students.


–      5 scholarships are available, equaling a 50% reduction in program fee (details in the application form on the website of the program).

 More information at

 “Cappadocia in Context”

A 3-week program (17 June – 05 July, 2012) designed specifically for graduate students in Cappadocia, led by esteemed Byzantine expert University of Pennsylvania Professor Robert Ousterhout and Dr.Tolga Uyar (University of Paris I) with the contribution of the esteemed faculty members from Koc University. The program comprises a combination of lectures, seminar discussions, site visits and field trip.


–      We will offer up to five $500 grants to help cover travel costs and some portion of the program fee.  The $500 grants will be assessed based on merit and need.

–      Based on a combination of merit and financial need, Koç University will be offering 2 full scholarships for the program, covering the entire program cost.

More info at

“Istanbul through the Ages”  

A 4-week program (02 – 26 July, 2012) taught in modules by leading Koc professors world renowned as Ottoman and Byzantine academicians at our facility in downtown Istanbul. The program is designed for graduate students who are interested in deepening their understanding of Istanbul and adding this value to their academic focus while having a taste of the city with over 12 million inhabitants representing a true melting pot of cultures and faiths.


–      We will offer up to three $500 grants to help cover travel costs and some portion of the program fee.  The $500 grants will be assessed based on merit and need.

–      Based on a combination of merit and financial need, Koç University will be offering 2 full scholarships for the program, covering the entire program cost.

More info at

“Introduction to Ottoman Epigraphy”  

A 2-week program (09 – 20 July, 2012) on Ottoman Epigraphy led by University of Chicago Professors. The program focuses on surveying the development of the Ottoman inscriptions from a chronological standpoint starting with the earliest examples in Anatolia. There will be field trip to Bursa to study inscriptions of critical historical importance in situ. The program is designed for grad students.


–      We will offer up to two $500 grants to help cover travel costs and some portion of the program fee.  The $500 grants will be assessed based on merit and need.

–      Based on a combination of merit and financial need, Koç University will be offering 1 full scholarship for the program, covering the entire program cost.

More info at

The Application Deadline for all programs is 30 April 2012.

Students will receive credits in the program they will attend.

Please note this program is offered by a non-partner organisation and is not a UNSW affiliated course. UNSW students participating in this program are expected to register with the UNSW Global Education and Student Exchange Office. Please email

Shanghai Jiao Tong University offers U21 scholarships

Posted by on March 11th, 2012 · Scholarship Opportunities, UNSW Partner Institution

 Shanghai Jiao Tong University are pleased to announce the Chinese Government Special Scholarship Programme which will fund five U21 students, as well as twenty students from non-U21 universities, to complete a full-time Master’s or Doctoral Degree at the university.  The programme is open to any non-Chinese graduate students from a U21 university and will fully fund a 2-3 year Master’s degree or 3-4 year Doctoral degree, starting in the 2012/13 academic year.  Study can be undertaken in English or Chinese.

The scholarship includes tuition waiver, basic teaching materials fee waiver, on-campus dormitory fee waiver and a monthly stipend.   All Chinese-taught and English-taught programmes are open to international students, with the exception of the MBA, IMBA and all SJTU co-operative programmes with foreign institutions.

For more information, log on to  

For more information on the U21 Network please go to:

2012 International Summer Programme at Lancaster University

Posted by on March 11th, 2012 · Uncategorized

The International Summer Programme at Lancaster University will run from 16 August to 14 September 2012. It is a great opportunity for students to learn about British culture and history.

Information about course costs and how to apply can be found here.

UNSW students who wish to apply for this program must also complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to two weeks before the deadline.

Summer 2012 University of Amsterdam

Posted by on March 11th, 2012 · 2012, Scholarship Opportunities, Short courses, UNSW Partner Institution


The Summer Programmes Office offers intensive summer programs for students (undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate) and professionals in a variety of fields.

We are pleased to announce the summer 2012 offerings:

Global Poverty & Inclusive Development (June 18 – 22, 2012)
 There is an increasing urgency to understand the conditions of poverty, the dynamics of poverty, and the complexities involved in embarking upon more inclusive development trajectories. With this program, students will become familiar with the Moving out of Poverty Framework developed by Deepa Narayan – an internationally known expert on poverty and author of Voices of the Poor and Moving out of Poverty.

Sexuality, Culture, and Society (July 1 – 28, 2012)
 The 16th Summer Institute is open to students with a focused interest in sexuality research or advocacy, including MA and PhD students and professionals from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) engaged in sexuality, HIV, or sexual health programmes and interventions. The open atmosphere and small scale of Amsterdam is experienced by both western and non-western students as a refreshing stimulant for active discussion of sexuality and culture.

Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction (July 8 – 22, 2012)
Seeks to provide a multidisciplinary approach to the study of addiction. The focus will be on research and the bridge between research and treatment practice. welcomes individuals with a focused interest in addiction research and treatment, Master and PhD students, NGO staff working on addiction-related issues, professionals in human services, practitioners and advocates.

Social Policies & Pragmatic Tolerance (July 16 – August 4, 2012)
Gives undergraduate students an in-depth look at some of the social policies of the Netherlands and their implications on Amsterdam. Subjects such as immigration, drugs and sex work will be addressed by various prominent guest lecturers and educational site visits. Studying in Amsterdam gives you one of the world’s most beautiful and stimulating cities as your campus.

Scholarships are available for UNSW under the U21 Partnership. Details are available on the website.

UNSW students who wish to attend should also complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to two weeks prior to the application deadline.

2012 Huayu Enrichment Scholarship

Posted by on March 11th, 2012 · 2012, Scholarship Opportunities

Application for 2012 Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES) is now OPEN.


The HES is funded by the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Taiwan. It is for encouraging and providing Australians with opportunities to increase the understanding of local culture and society as well as to promote mutual understanding and interaction between Australia and Taiwan.

For details of the Scholarship Guidelines and Recipients’ rights and obligations, please visit the 2012 Huayu Enrichment Scholarship website.

Award Value:

A monthly stipend of NTD25, 000.

Eligible Program(s) Duration:

Mandarin learning courses will include 2 months of summer classes (from June to August in 2012 only), 3 months, 6 months, 9 months or a year respectively.

With the exception of summer classes in 2012, in principle, the duration of the HES is from 1st September, 2012 to 31st August, 2013.


To be eligible to apply for the 2012 HES, applicants must:

* Be an Australian citizen above the age of 18

*  Posse a high school diploma (year 12) or above with excellent academic performance.

*  Be of good moral character.

* Apply directly for admission to “a registered Mandarin Language Centre approved by the MOE” listed on our website.

Applicants for ineligibility to apply include the following:

*  Are R.O.C nationals or overseas Chinese students.

* Currently are registered students at a Mandarin Language Centre or have been degree seeking students at any universities or colleges in Taiwan.

*  Were previously recipients of HES or Taiwan Scholarship.

* Are currently recipients of HES or Taiwan Scholarship

*  Are exchange students to Taiwan during the scholarship period.

*  Are currently receiving any financial benefits from Taiwan or other educational institutions in Taiwan.

Closing Date:

Friday, 13 April 2012

Date for release of Selection Result:

Monday, 23 April 2012

Date for Submission of Approved Admission Letter to our Office:

Saturday, 30 June 2012

*Note: Apply for admission according to the regulations of the centre. Once admitted, the recipients should send a copy of Admission Letter to our Office for confirmation. Recipients who do not send their Letters before 30 June, 2012 will be disqualified from the scholarship selection process.

Application Form:

Application Forms can be collected from the UNSW Global Education Office.

Applications should include:

*   An original Application Form.

*   A copy of the Australian Passport.

*   A copy of the highest degree and academic transcripts (all certificates must be in English).

*   Evidence of lodged admission to Mandarin Language Centre(s) in Taiwan.

*   Two referral letters signed and sealed in envelopes such as from principals, professors or supervisors.

*   The Terms of Agreement Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Program (HES) Form

UNSW students who are eligible for the schoalrship should contact the GEO by email: before March 26th 2012.

The University of Lausanne, Switzerland: French as a Foreign Language in 2012

Posted by on March 8th, 2012 · 2012, Sponsored (Partial), Student Exchange, UNSW Partner Institution

The University of Lausanne is offering, tuition free, the Cours de vacances (courses in French as a foreign language) to UNSW students for the 2012-2013 academic year. THey are offerd in both Summer and Winter semesters.

Three different types of courses exist:

Intensive 4-week course (new!)

This course takes place just before the start of the autumn semester (August 13 to Sept. 7, 2012). 4 ECTS credits can be earned. For students with level A1 to C2.

3-week courses

Several courses take place between July 2 and August 31, 2012, as well as in February 2013 (exact dates not yet defined). No ECTS credits can be granted. For students with levels A1 to C2.

6-week courses

Several courses take place between July 2 and August 31, 2012. 5 ECTS credits can be earned. For complete beginners to level A2.

UNSW students who wish to apply for this program must complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to by Friday April 6th 2012.

2012 U21 Summer School (July 7- July 18 2012) – Tecnólogico de Monterrey: Queretaro

Posted by on March 6th, 2012 · Uncategorized

**Deadline Extended**

The world’s economy is changing. We need global thinkers to shape the economy for greater development and fairer distribution of wealth, so shaping the global future entrepreneur, this year’s Summer School theme, is crucial for universities and society.

The 2012 U21 Summer School (July 7- July 18 2012) will be a dynamic encounter of students engaged in entrepreneurial activities to foster economic growth and social development in their communities.

Participants will learn about the importance of small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) that form the base of economic development and the global forces these companies must face today. Universities have a great responsibility in shaping the global future entrepreneurs who will be key actors in the economic development of their countries and which will have global impact.

Students will discuss and analyse case studies which are of particular relevance to the Mexican experience and will have the chance to interact with entrepreneurs that have been key role players in de development of Queretaro State economic growth.

The programme will take place at Tecnólogico de Monterrey’s Queretaro campus.

In addition to the academic activities planned in Queretaro, there will be a weekend trip to Teotihuacan, an amazing pre-colombian archeological site, and other surrounding areas.


Students from all areas interested in developing their global entrepreneurial skills are welcome to join!

Staff members from across the U21 network who are active in teaching or research relating to any facet of Entrepreneurship for SME’s are invited to contribute to the academic programme. Academic staff members who wish to discuss their potential involvement in the Summer School should contact Patricia Montaño ( as soon as possible.


Participation fees will be €650 per student, to include accommodation, breakfast and lunch each day, Welcome and Farewell dinners and all activities on the weekend to Teotihuacan and surrounding areas.

**The registration fee will be covered by UNSW and selected students will be granted a $500AUD travel scholarship**

Students will need their own spending money for dinners on free nights, transfers to and from the airport, and personal costs during short trips and the weekend.

How to Apply

UNSW students who wish to apply for this program must complete the GEP_Outgoing_UNSW applicationv2 and return to by March 14th 2012. Successful applications will be notified within a week and will be required to register with U21 by the end of March. For more information about Universitas 21 please go to:

Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship

Posted by on March 1st, 2012 · Scholarship Opportunities

The Japanese government offers a number of scholarships to Australian students wishing to undertake research or studies in Japan. For more information please go to

Students who are awarded a schoalrship should notify the Global Education and Student Exchange Office at